Crush (A channy story)

Sonny's P.O.V

*Omigosh! I cannot wait to see who's guest starring for the week!* (bumps into someone)

Sonny: "Omigosh, I am so sorry!"

???: " Watch where you're going Munroe!"

Sonny: "I take my sorry back, Chad!"

Chad:" so I heard you guys have someone guest starring"

Sonny: "Why do you care?"

Chad: "just curious"

Sonny:"well I really don't have time to talk, so would you move?"

Chad:" fine!"


Chad: good!

Sonny: good and goodbye!!! (Leaves)

Chad: *She is so cute when shes angry, wait! WHAT AM I THINKING?!? i can't like sonny, she's a random!*

Sonny: (Walking and feels a tap on her shoulder)

???: are you sonny?

Sonny: Yes, and you are?

???: I'm joe jonas, the person who's guest starring for the week!

Sonny: It's really nice to meet you (stares in his eyes)

Joe: (also stares)

Chad's P.O.V

So i was walking down to my studio, but i decided to secretly follow sonny and find out who's guest starring.

Chad: (walking back and see's sonny starring into someones eye's) * WHAT IS SHE DOING!!!! SHE ONLY LOOKS AT ME THAT WAY!!!*

Chad: ( Walks up to them) Uhh... Sonny i need to talk to you

Sonny:(Dosen't notice him)

Chad:( drags her to a corner)

Sonny: HEY! What is soo importanat for you to take me away from that perfect moment!!!!

Chad: Uhh...*Think chad! think!!!* I was wondering if you saw my phone.

Sonny: THATS IT?!? NO, AND goodbye!!!

Chad: (mumbles) diva

Sonny: WHAT?!? i am soo not a diva!!!

Chad: Really sonny, Really?

Sonny: Yes Really!Jerk! (leaves)

Chad: Thank you...