Angie: I dedicate this chapter to Yumi x Viral. The Idea they gave me was perfect, but I'm making it my own. So, I don't own anything!
Matt flopped on the bed, exhausted. They had done so much walking earlier that Matt's feet had gone numb. It seemed like Mello insisted that they would go to every place that held a memory of his and it seemed it was all within walking distance. The restaurant they had went to for dinner, however, had not been within walking distance, but they had walked anyway.
Matt sighed as he pulled his goggles down so they were around his neck. He could hear Mello in the shower and wondered absently how the blonde still had the energy to shower when they had trudged through two feet of snow to get everything. The red head sighed again and closed his eyes.
He awoke to the sun shining in his eyes. Groaning, Matt sat up and stretched, listening for the strained pops of his back and shoulders. He looked around as he relaxed. Nervously, he scratched the back of his neck, wondering where Mello was. He got up, tripping over the bed sheets as he went, and wobbled down the stairs.
He checked the kitchen first to find a lone jar on the table. He blinked and squinted to see what was in the jar. A dark gray spider sat unmoving in the corner. Matt frowned at it, wondering what it was doing in the jar. Under the jar was a note, reading:
Check out this GIGANTIC evil spider that ran across my foot. In the house! Grossest. Thing. Ever.
Please kill it and then kill it again. I had to pick up a few things at the store and head down to the airport. Pick a car. They'll store it in the safety garage I have here.
Love Mello
Matt stared at the spider in the jar and started to poke the glass where it was sitting.
"Mello's afraid of spiders then…" He muttered absently. It was then that Lupin jumped up, holding himself to the counter with his front paws. Matt looked at him and smiled, patting the dog's head.
He stood up straight and headed back upstairs to pack, only to find that Mello had packed it already and probably had it with him. The gamer sighed, heading back downstairs with his shoes and jacket on. Grabbing the jar, he took it outside and opened the lid, before dumping the huge spider near a tree then he went back inside. He snatched a pair of keys from the rack without thinking and headed towards the garage.
By the time he got down to the airport after dropping Lupin off at the sled dog house, it was about noon and Matt was ready to go back to the warm weather of Los Angles. He kept the keys to the car in his pocket, unsure what to do with them as he walked inside. Bernard wasn't hard to find because he was a large man, but Mello was average size and the gamer couldn't put a pin on him. He walked up to Bernard, waving casually as he approached. Bernard scooped the red head up and bear hugged him, spewing things in Russian that Matt couldn't understand at all.
"We're going to miss you so much! You were so sweet! You and Mihael belong together!" Leo translated, smiling at Matt. As soon as Matt was released, Leo pulled him into a hug. The gamer awkwardly returned it, looking around still for Mello. Leo handed him a cup of hot chocolate and Matt sipped it.
"Where's Mello?" he asked as soon as he was let go of again.
"Dmitri wanted to talk to him, so they went to the vending machines." Bernard pointed the way for Matt, who nodded his thanks. The striped clad boy made his way towards the vending machines and what he saw made his heart shatter.
In those few seconds, Matt forgot how to breathe.
Forgot how to blink.
Forgot how to speak.
His mouth just hung open at the scene before him. The cup of hot chocolate in his hand slipped from his grasp, shattering as soon as it hit the ground. The gamer was suddenly glad that his goggles were on. Behind the orange lenses were tearful green eyes, wide with shock. He closed his mouth tightly, clenching his teeth.
Dmitri and Mello were kissing…
By now, Mello had seen Matt and had roughly pushed Dmitri away in order to get to the red head. The blonde couldn't tell what expression Matt had because his eyes were covered. Matt turned away and headed back towards Bernard. The big man looked up to see Matt walking back towards him like he'd see the dead.
"Matt? Did you find him?" The gamer just nodded, stopping in front of them.
"Well, where is he?" The gamer raised a shaking hand and pointed behind him. Bernard followed the slender digit until he saw Mello, looking distressed and angry and many other emotions as he tried to get to the shaking red head. Bernard looked back down at the red head and hesitantly removed the goggles from the boy's eyes. Water immediately fell down those pale slightly freckled cheeks, those big green eyes filled with hurt and confusion. Leo also saw this and gasped as he covered his mouth before pulling the boy into a tight hug. Bernard stepped around them to push Mello back into the crowd.
"What the fuck, B? Get out of the way!" Mello shouted, causing Matt to flinch into Leo's embrace. Bernard shook his head and gave Mello the most anguished look he could. Then he grabbed Mello by the hood of his leather jacket and forced him outside. After throwing the blonde against the hood of his car, he crossed his arms.
Mello growled.
"Let me go talk to Matt."
"Matt doesn't want to see you right now!" Mello flinched back, looking down at the snow.
"I went to go talk to Dmitri. He started going on and on about how he didn't want to break up with me, but he had to because his parents wouldn't allow him to be gay and I wasn't really listening to him and I stood back up after getting myself some chocolate and he kissed me. I tried to get him off of me, but Matt walked up as soon as he kissed me. And now… ahh… it's all so fucked up," Mello explained, pulling at his hair. Bernard patted him on the shoulder and right then Bernard's phone went off. He pulled it out and answered.
"B! Matt got on the plane to L.A! I tried to stop him, but I couldn't catch him!" Bernard sighed.
"Just let him go. I'll have Mello catch another plane to meet him there." At this, Mello looked up.
"You better be ready to sit through a private jet."