I do not own General Hospital.

As Jason got back from a "job" Sonny sent him on he went straight upstairs to get undressed and start a hot shower. The house was quiet since Spinelli started spending more of his nights at Maxie's and he enjoyed the quiet after one of his "jobs". He slipped out of his black t-shirt and jeans, stepping into the shower turning it on and relaxing.

Half way through the shower he thought he heard someone in the house. He stepped out the shower, quickly dried himself off and walked back into his bedroom. He threw on a pair of boxers and jeans and grabbed his gun, walking slowly and quietly down the stairs to see who came into his house uninvited. When he got to the bottom of the stairs he looked around listening for the sound he heard earlier. He checked the whole house but found nothing. 'Maybe I'm just too stressed out, I need a vacation' he thought putting his gun away.

He got half way up the stairs intending on going to bed when he heard the noise again. He quickly turned around and whipped out his gun from his waistband pointing it towards the living room. He tensed and surveyed the room swearing up and down that he heard something; he knew he was not going crazy. After a few more minutes he relaxed and went upstairs to bed never noticing the ghostly eyes watching him with an evil glint in them.

The next morning he woke up to yelling coming from the living room. He sighed when he recognized the voices belonging to Spinelli and Maxie. He grabbed his pants and t-shirt walking to the bathroom to get ready for the day. As he walked down the stairs he noticed that the yelling had stopped and he froze when he realized they obviously made up, in fact they were making up on his couch. He cleared his throat and they jumped away from each other. "Good morning StoneCold," Spinelli greeted smiling as Maxie just said hello.

"Why were you two arguing this early in the morning?" Jason asked looking at them both waiting for an answer.

"Well, Maxie won't listen to me and stay away from Franco and insists that he is harmless." Spinelli answered as Maxie interrupted once again, "Just because he's obsessed with you doesn't mean he's dangerous. He thinks you another artist and admires you. You should take it as a compliment" she huffed out.

"Maxie I told you to stay away from him. When are you going to learn that when I tell you to stay away from someone because they are dangerous that I'm doing it for your own good," he stated irritated while looking at Maxie.

Maxie was speechless, she couldn't believe that Jason came right out and said he was protecting her. She knew he went out of his way to help her with her mistakes but she thought it was just because he didn't want to hear Spinelli whine, she had no idea that he cared for her at some degree.

Spinelli however has known along that Jason was protecting Maxie because he cared for her, he just didn't like to show emotions to others, which is why he nicknamed him StoneCold.

"Fine I will stay away from him so I don't have to hear you bitching" she stated as she grabbed her coat and purse walking to the door and opening it so she could go to work. That was Maxie's way of saying thank you for caring. She looked at Spinelli and said, "See you later Spinelli" and closed the door behind her, leaving Spinelli and Jason alone to discuss business.

Later that evening after talking to Sonny about Franco and discussing what should be done he asked Spinelli if he could spend the night at Maxie's since he wanted to be alone with Sam tonight. When he got home he was happy to see that she was waiting for him. They spent the evening exploring every inch of each other's bodies until long into the morning.

As he was lying in bed running his fingers through Sam's hair he thought about if he was ready or not to begain a relationship with her again. He cared for her but they didn't work out last time so he didn't know if it would work this time. All of sudden he heard a noise down stairs just like last night and slipped out of bed getting dressed as he grabbed his gun and walked down stair. As he got to the bottoms of the stairs and turned the corners his eyes widened and his breath left him as he whispered a name he never thought he would say again, "Courtney."

A translucent version of his dead ex wife grinned at him and waved saying, "Hey there sexy."

A/N: Reviews would be appreciated

Plus sorry it's short, i'll work on making the following chapters longer.