Star in the Night

Well this is my first wade wilson/deadpool story so be a little nice and enjoy oh and this takes place alot closer to present day but hey use your imagination ;)!

P.S. i obviously don't own anything except my character.....

Chapter 1:How it got started


"Star go down in the basement and grab the last boxes of the Christmas decorations please." Her mother said while putting iceicles on the tree.

"Yeah yeah sure thing." Her daughter said only half hearing her mother because she had her MP3 blasting in her ears.

"Take your time cakes." her father said looking out the window at the car pulling in the drive.

"Um o...kay." She knew something was wrong, her father had that look. She kept going anyway.

She hopped down the basement stairs into the back room with the heating tank.

She moved random objects out of her way until she found the boxes. She could hear footsteps upstairs.

"Oh joy five boxes fill to the top with crap that i have to hulk up the steps! Yay me my lfe is just awesome!" She half yelled.

When she was about to pick up the boxes she heard:

BANG! her mother scream then again BANG! her dogs growling and barking then two more Bangs.

"No" She whispered horror filling her body.

She ran to the basement door that lead outside. She grabbed her fathers winter coat which had been hanging there for almost two years. She pulled the door open footsteps on the stairs. She ran into the winter night crunching of footsteps behind her...

End of flashback.....

"Miss?" A voice called snapping me back into reality.

I looked up at him with my icy blue eyes staring into him.

"This is your stop, $50.00 please." He asked in a shaky voice, he being the cab driver.

"$50.00." He repeated.

Like i'm paying that.

I starred into his eyes deeper and sunk into his mind and said "Dumbass i'm paying for nothing remember our deal."

I slipped back out and like a ton of bricks it hit him.

"I'm sorry miss i forgot, here you take $50.00 please, have a goodnight."

I smiled and took the money from the man. WHAT!? i gotta eat too ya know! yes i'm talking to you the reader don't judge me! i'm just a little hungry ok!?

(Smooth devil isn't she?")

(She sure is Wade now shutup or i'm gonna blow a buttlet into your brain!")

(ZERO! how could you!? i thought we were friends!")


(Do you think she has a mirror in her pocket?)


(Because i could see myself in her pants!)

(Listen we are here on a mission not for you to try and fail to seduce her!)

(Men this is Stryker do you have the girl yet?)

(Sir may i say your voice sounds lovely today did you get laid last night?)

(Wade! if it wasn't for that mouth of yours..)

(I'd be the perfect little angel of a killing machine)

(Sorry sir but we didn't get the girl yet but we are in prosuit)

(Thank you Zero, were is she going)

(Shes headed into an alleyway sir.)

(Alright both you and Wade go get her i will meet you once you have captured her)

(Aye Aye captain!)

(Wade you have serious issues)

Their following me again! Thats the third time this week. Theres one coming up behind me. He has army green pants, red shirt covered by a vest holding two katanas. Hes built pretty good and is what i think you would call a pretty boy. I sense one on the roof to my left but the only thing i can make out is his pistols gleaming in the night moon. Ugh great getting shot and/or stabbed are not on my to do list and this is my favorite shirt so nobody better mess it up or there will be hell to pay!

"Can i help you two with something because following a girl is no way to get her number!"

"Oh me i'm a mercinary, and my next mission is to explore Uranus."

Did he really just say that?

"Really too bad i've never heard of you and you wanna know something else?"

"Sure why not? my doctor said its good to learn something new everyday." He said winking at me.

"I'm a mercinary too and you look like a rookie who just shit himself! oh by the way your swords look a little dull there honey!" I said pointing toward them

His mouth drooped then his face turned to anger.

"Nobody touches or makes fun of MY KATANAS!"

He unsheathed both and began charging toward me and i stood there waiting for just the right moment.

When he was literally about a foot away from me i put a force around him with my mind in his mid slice. He was frozen in place but struggling.

"Okay you win now put me down." He pleaded and even used puppy eyes. I just rolled my eyes.

I felt claws like a mountain lion ripping into my back. I winced at the pain whoever this son of a bitch is he just ripped right to the bone. I'm not that worried though healing factor helps alot unless you want to die then you got a problem.

Anywho i wipped around and caught the guy by the throat still holding the force on the loud mouth.

"Nobody and i mean NOBODY! rips my favorite fucking shirt!" I screamed as my nails began growing longer cause of this guys powers and my oh so lovely ability to take them. Isn't my life just awesome!?

Thats when the pistol guy jumped down off the building and was pionting a gun toward my head. He looked of Asian decent but hey ya never know. He wore a army suit pretty much and had like six pistols.

"You want to let them go or do i have to shoot?" He asked coldly but had a sick smirk on his face.


"Look like i'm scared? go ahead shoot see how much i care." i said with a sly little smile

So he did...or so he thought

I stopped the bullet with my mind and shot in back towards the shooter and stopped it about and inch or two from entering his brain.

"Men." i said outloud

Clapping of hands great didn't know i had an audience.

"Very good, Ms. Star i am William Stryker.."

"If your looking for a date get in line bub because so is everyone else." I said rudely but do you think i cared?

"NO! not you too why does everyone find so entriging about that word!"


"Bub, ol Slim Jim always says that damn word if it even is a word!"

i just shook my head and turned my atention back to the Stryker character

" I am assembling a team, a team with special powers and i would like you to join." he said completly ignoring the loud guy. He looks so that the word i'm looking for?

"Why would i join you i have a pretty good gig going here?"

"Well free room and board, money, free to kill without running from cops, and learn more control over your powers."

"Don't froget you get to see my lovely face everyday too!" the anoying loud guy said sweet jesus what the hell is his name!?

"WADE! SHUT UP ALREADY!" Stryker yelled. But hey at least i know his name now.

"Yes sir!" He yelled soluting him like a child.

"Ms. Star please will you join the team?"

"Sure why not oh and why didn' one of you ask me to begin with? would have saved you all a major asskicking."

"Quite your talking kid and let us go!" The cat like man said and i'll have to admit he sent a shiver down my spine.

I dropped the bullet from the guys head, literally dropped the Wade character and shoved the cat-dude away which prob. wasn't the best idea since he decided to growl at me.

"Why the hell did you drop me princess?'

I just gave him a annoyed look and started walking away.

"Bradly bring the chopper around." Styker said into his headset.

"Star this is the begging of a new life for you." he said to me smileling a fake smile.

"Um... yippy ki yi ya?" i have a really bad feeling about this.....

Well there you have it please review and tell me if i should keep going or if you just wanna say hi.