Author's Note: I don't own Mortal Instruments but if I did:

1) Sebastian (or what-ever-the-heck-his-name-is) wouldn't have killed Max

2) There would be WAY more Alec/Magnus, Malec fi you will

3) Simon would be with Izzy

4) There would be way more Luke/Jocelyn, or some combination of Jocelyn and Luke if you will :p

Yeah, I could go on forever, but I'll stop there. Anyway, last I check I am not the awesomefull Cassandra Clare and therefore, do no have gazillions of dollars. I also do not have the awesome privilege of getting to say I own Jace, Magnus, and Alec and have it be true. I also-wait where was I going with this? Oh yeah, so by now you should know that I am not Cassandra Clare and if you haven't well, go eat some pie. (Yeah, I told you to go eat some pie! What are you gonna do about it? Oh…y-you're going to bring Valentine back from the d-dead and tell him I have the Mortal Instruments. I see. AHHHHH! *Runs screaming off into the distance*)

Alec's POV

I was having a bad day. Correction: I was having the worst day of my life. Clary felt the need to drag me off shopping with her and Isabelle. Yes, shopping. And you'll never guess who came with us. Jace. Yeah, Izzy got Jace to go shopping. Don't ask me how, 'cause I really don't know.

Walking down the aisle of Victoria's Secret, otherwise known as the pinkest store in the universe, I shot a mournful look at Jace who looked just as horrified as I felt. "You think we can out run them?" Jace asked.

"I can hear you!" Isabelle yelled looking at a vile of sparkles. Ew.

I nodded to Jace. We high-tailed it for the doors, he in front of he and I right behind. Unfortunately, Izzy had brought her whip along and Jace's leg shot out from under him. Before I could react I tripped over him and went sprawling across the floor on my stomach cursing all the while.

"HOW THE FUCK HAVE THEY NOT CONFISCATED THAT YET?" Jace yelled. He groaned as he got up. He looked at me and grinned. "Alec, I didn't know-" and he couldn't even finish before he burst out laughing. As Jace fell to the floor I looked down at myself. I covered in sparkles and lying over my shoulder was a pink shirt that read, 'Playboy Model.' Seriously, would I ever catch a break?

"I think it's cute," a voice came from behind me. By the Angel, please don't be… But it had to be didn't it? Magnus walked over and held out a hand to help me up. I blushed, embarrassed he saw me so…sparkly. Of course it was Magnus; he probably liked it.

"Oh…uh…Magnus. What are you doing here?" I sputtered. Will the torment ever end? I always get so tongue-tied around him and we've been together for almost a year.

My sparkly warlock grinned. "Oh, I was just picking up these." He pointed to a pair of sparkly rainbow converse. "I was going to just zap them to my place, but then Isabelle mentioned something about dragging you here, so of course I had to come."

Blushing, I looked at the ground and muttered, "I uh, haven't seen you in a while. I missed you a lot." Magnus smiled and put a long arm around my shoulder, which only made me blush more.

Magnus led me over to a table with tons of glitter and make-up. He raised an eyebrow at me mischievously. "What do you think Izzy? Pink glitter or purple glitter?" he asked my sister, his eyes not leaving my face.

I grimaced. "Can't I have a say? It is my face we're talking about here!"

Isabelle walked over and looked at me. "I don't know; Clary? What do you think?"

"Can I say neither?"

The redhead circled me for a moment before stopping behind me. "Both."

I swallowed. "A-are you sure? Can't we just say neither? Jace, help me out here."

Jace, who was backing toward the doors, froze. "Not on your life, pal."

I looked at my boyfriend and the girls. "It might be."

Author's Note: So I hoped you liked reading it as much as I liked writing it. I might ones with other stores later. Let me know if you have any ideas.

Peace, Love, Iggy.
