Hello everyone! I know I have other stories to do, but I've been in love with One Piece so much I couldn't help but write this story! The overall pairing for the story is ZoLu but there will be other pairings. Rest assure my pretties :)

I'm not too sure about this story, so I'll be thinking about continuing this or not. If there are any errors or suggestions, please give. And no, I do not own One Piece or any character

N a M e L e S s . B e A s T s


A Story

C h A p T e R . O n E

N a M e D

M a Y . 5 , 1 8 3 7

M a R k S . t h e . S t A r T . o F . a . NeW . n A t I o N

M a Y . 5 , 1 9 2 2

M a R k S . t H e . E n D . o F . t H i S . n A t I o N

M a Y . 5 , 2 0 2 6

M a R k S . t H e . R e B i R t H . o F . t H i S . n A t I o N

M a Y . 5 , 2 0 4 3


"Congratulations 5005, I grant you this name in honor of your 17th birthday."

A slightly tan hand pat his shoulders as another handed him an envelope. The owner of those hands was a young woman with bright orange hair which reached above her shoulders. A single strand of hair, longer than the rest, rest on her left eye which she swiped back. Her eyes a perfect brown and her skin tone fairly tan. She had a sexy black shirt which held on the right places. She had on a long black dress which opened up from her right thigh.

She smiled, "Open it..."

The young man stared at the package and slowly but carelessly opened the envelope. Inside was a golden paper which was nicely decorated. Printed in large letters was the name "Monkey D. Luffy."

He stared, lightly touching the name as if it would break if he pressed harder, "Lu..ffy..."

The woman smiled and leaned back on the dark table, staring out into the winter sky, "To be honest, nobody thought you'd get your name. I mean, most of the students would receive their names from the elders at the age of 12. But you were the only one who didn't. No one knew why..."

"But I did now right?" The boy exclaimed, a cheery smile gracing his lips.

The woman smiled, "Yes you did." The woman drew from the table and moved forward, only 6 inches away from him. She raised her hands in greeting, "Welcome to South Division , Monkey D. Luffy. My name is Nami."

The man stared at the hand and took it, shaking it proudly, "Nami..."

She smiled, staring at the envelope on the young mans hand, "There is something left inside the envelope."

"There is?" Luffy asked as he looked inside the envelope. And true enough, a small slip of paper sat inside the envelope. He looked up at her curiously. She sighed, "Yes, yes. I understand. After one is assigned a name, he is also assigned a partner."

"A partner...?"

"Yes, one from a different division from ours."

"You mean like from West Division, East Division, or North Division!?"

"Yes, those."

"Sweet! What do I do after that?" Luffy asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Nami couldn't help but grumble, "You are to stick with that person for the rest of your life. Be it friends, family, or lovers. You also get assigned missions, sometimes even outside of your division."

Luffy felt the excitement jump inside his body as he thought of all the things he could do with his partner. He smiled, "I can't wait!"

"Wait just a second!"

He stopped to see the woman give a serious frown, "There is one division I advise you to avoid..."

He frowned listening to what she had to say. The silence was darkening, with the dark winter sky not helping one bit. Nami sighed and sat down on one of the evergreen sofas, pointing to the sofa opposite of her and staring up at the young man. He nodded and helped himself as he rested both his palms on his silk black pant, gripping nervously at his knees. The woman folded her hands together, her gaze staring strangely far away from the world she stood on. She finally sighed, her gaze now resting upon Luffy,

"Stay away from Division X. No matter what happens. If your assigned to one from Division X, quickly decline and get reassigned, even if this takes several years to do..."

"Know anything about this new partner of yours 5005?" A young man with tan skin and long nose asked Luffy. He was clad in a green turtle neck with a black vest. He had on clean black dress pants and a white wrist band. Luffy sighed, he was also clad neatly with a silk red dress shirt and black vest. He wore dark black dress pants and flapping behind him was his signature straw hat from his previous professor, Shanks.

"It's not 5005 anymore, Usopp, it's Luffy, Monkey D. Luffy."

"Ah sorry, sorry. Nearly forgot. I mean, I've always known you as 5005 so you can't blame me." Usopp chuckled apologetically at his friend.

Luffy sighed and shook his head, "I have no idea who this guy is yet. After hearing what Nami-san said, I can't help but feel slightly scared, but at the same time really excited..."

Usopp snorted, his arms resting behind his head, "Typical of you. Gotta admit though, I got freakishly scared until I met my partner, Kaya." He breath heavily as he thought the beautiful girl as his partner.

Luffy chuckled and stared out the frigid looking window, "I wish my partner was special like Kaya is to you..." Luffy whispered, his gaze distant with longing.

Usopp frowned and patted his friends back, "Come on Luffy! Your partners gonna be great! I'm telling you! It's probably gonna be this hot babe from West Division. I heard their girls are great this year!"

Luffy gave a goofy smile, "Yeah! Your right! I feel I can open it and see now! Wanna see with me?"


The two smiled and stared down at the envelope in Luffy's hands. Luffy gulp and slowly open the envelope, pulling out the slip of paper which was folded up neatly to hide what contained inside it. He stared back at Usopp and smiled, turning back at the slip of paper and slowly opening it, one by one. Anticipation rose inside both men as they stared at the slip of paper grow from each fold revealed. Finally the last fold was open as they slowly read the contents.

Name: 1111 - None

Height: 5'11

Age: 19

Previous partner (s): 1219 - Kuina.

Type: Quiet, dangerous, short-tempered

Specialty in handling three swords skill. Above average speed, above average strength, average intellect, below average navigation

Known for having a dark black bandanna around his head, giving him a scary look. Violent and reckless, was put into juvenile arrest many times. Known to be a "Demon" with no heart.

Location: Division X

Well what does everyone think? Reviews are appreciated! They'll determine if I should continue or not!