Yeah, no updates because 10th grade is just that stressful. It makes me want to cry...

I'm just kidding about the crying part but seriously xD

Anwho, this is basically the whole pen thing going on except its in Klaus's point of view.

Chapter 4

Klaus's POV

Taking place right around pen incident

Okay, so for my next class, I'm going to need my Geography textbook and my folder... but should I bring my notebook? I have Mr. Remora after Geography and I need my notebook for his class. I don't nessacerily need it now for Geography...

But, if I bring my notebook with me, then I won't have to come back to my locker, and go striaght to Mr. Remora's class that way I would have an entire five minutes to maybe seeing Isadora before class starts.



The one girl that puts butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I've read books on sailing, cooking, laws, the universe... but the one book I have yet to read is a book tells you how is the perfect way to act around the girl you like. I am literally no good with girls. That has to be the only subject I am completely and utterly clueless on.

A faint scent reaches my nostrils. What is it? I can't even make it out...

I take my Geography textbook out of my locker and put my notebook in its place. You know, sometimes I wonder if she would ever even bother to come over and see me at my locker...

A guy could only dream...

My goodness, that scent... dear, God, could that be peppermint? I really need to get going now. I know that I get an allergic reaction when I eat peppermint, but I'm not certain about the smell and I really do not want to find out now.

I shut my locker only to then see...

Are you ready for this?

Isadora standing at my locker.

Can you believe this? I can't! I mean, it's Isadora. Isadora is standing by my locker! Could she have possibly come to see me?

I notice the peppermint scent had grown stronger... oh, God, could it be? I groan in my mind.

Isadora is probably wearing that peppermint, I think.

That's when I notice that my eyes might as well be bugging out of my head, so I quickly snap back to normal and hope she did not just notice my reaction. And if she has, I hope she doesn't take it the wrong way.

"Hi, Isadora." Good nutcrackers, that scent is overpowering!

I take a slow, silent breath, one that Isadora wouldn't notice, and look back at her and speak, choosing my words carefully and speaking slowly to savor all my breath. "what are you doing here?"

She smiled brightly-I love her smile-and said, "I'm bringing your pen back."

What? My pen? I'm so confused, my head tilts. "Huh?"

She rummages through her pouch and pulls out a blue fountain ink pen.

"You left your pen in Miss Bass's class, so I'm returning it to you." She holds the pen out for me to take.

I honestly don't remember choosing this pen to use for the day. I could've sworn that I had chosen Violet's black fountain pen because hers writes better. She probably noticed it was missing and replaced it with my blue one and I was too busy on Cloud Nine to notice.

Curse you, Violet.

I honestly had no idea that Isadora ever smirked. Sorry to just switch topics like that without warning, but...she's smirking. I know it seems sort of dumb to ponder something like that, but gosh, cut me some slack, her and I don't even speak much.

I'm losing air!

Slow exhale, slow inhale...

Gaaaaa! It's sooo strong, and pepperminty, I'm already getting a headache!

I look at the pen in her hand then back at her.


The pen.



I can't continue inhaling this stuff. Plus my tongue is tingling a bit, so at any given moment now, it's going to swell. I need to end

I cup my nose in my hands and breathe in deeply, loving the scentless, air. Finally, I look back at Isadora and say, slowly, "Isadora, what are you wearing?"


She checks herself up and down. "...My uniform?...''

My nose sniffles, forgetting about those stupid breathing excerises and take another small step back. "No, I mean your perfume. Is that-" dare I say it.. "-peppermint?"

"It is! You noticed!" she cries excitedly.

Of course I noticed, who wouldn't?

"Yes, well uh..." I sniffle again. I can't stay here much longer. My tongue is slowly beginng to swell. Luckily, it hasn't affected my speech yet. "...It's hard not to..." I choke into my arm.

"I probably sprayed too much, sorry if it's strong," she says apologetically.

"No, it's fine." I cough once more into my arm. I recover then try to keep my face looking like I was okay, like I wasn't freaking out at all. But really, when I'm silently freaking out, my face goes blank. I don't know why, it just does.

We both stand there awkwardly for a few seconds. She's still smirking at me. She soon nods. "Are you going to take it?"

"Take what?"

I then remember. "Oh! The pen... Yeah sorry. Thanks for finding it, I guess..."

Gosh, all this freaking out has left me clueless as ever.

"Well," I say, "I better get to class... I'll see you at lunch, then?" I can't take it anymore. As soon as I let the question out, I take a few steps backwards before turning and leaving.

I really couldn't stay much longer, anyway. I mean, the hallway is like, empty, and my class was right by my locker and I had to go ahead and be in there.

I get through the doorway of my Geography class and take my seat at the back of the room just as the tardy bell rings. Soon the teacher calls attendence and I'm still okay enough to say "Here" and by the end of the roll call, my tongue is completely swollen. Like, so swollen, its sticking out.

It was to my greatest luck that today we we're going to be watching a movie for the rest of the period. Hopefully by the end of the movie my tongue will be back to normal.

Only God knows how ridiculous I look right now. Probably just about as ridiculous as I had looked back at the Anxious Clown when my sisters and I were living with our Aunt Josephine.

Violet has a picture of me from then.


Hee Hee. I love doing things from Klaus's POV but not as much I love doing Isadora's POV because she's a girl and I'm a girl and I can just totally relate. Mainly because it's coming from my own mind. xD Review please :) I'm already working my butt off on the next chapter :)