A/N: I'm so sorry! I have really no excuse, why it is so late. I've written almost all of this after finishing the last chapter, but couldn't finish it.

Only one more chapter left! Yaaay!

Wasn't life just wonderful? Without being stuck in a body that was 10 years younger than the mind and soul and being with the girl, now woman, of your dreams, comfortably cuddled to you. Oh yes, Shinichi was quite content with his life and didn't mind the fact that he had to suffer a little bit in the past, to gain this happiness in the end. No matter how he looked at it, being Conan couldn't be entirely that bad if Ran said it was good for him.

And he wouldn't disagree with her, not when he was back in his original body.

The fact that she forgave him after she learnt the truth and listened to what he had to say before judging him made him the happiest man in the world. Without thinking he finally confessed his feelings, knowing how unfair it is to her, because he was already aware of her feelings – she voiced them many times to Conan…

But she was able to forgive him so easily, exactly because he was Conan.

Their weeding seemed a bit rushed, but both Ran and Shinichi lived together for quite a long time and knew they will be okay. It would come even sooner if it wasn't for Eri that wasn't to keen about returning to Kogorou. Out of mercy, the mystery of the Sleeping Kogorou remained a secret between few people and Kogorou has gotten a better detective thanks to Conan's nagging and hints. Eri, seeing that he was once again serious about his work and after he tried several times to make up to her, finally forgave him and they reunited as well.

Just in time for Ran to move into the Kudo household and begin her new life as 'Kudo Ran'.

Currently she was happily enjoying her honeymoon in Hokkaido. Both Shinichi and his parents insisted that they would choose another destination for this special time, but it was Ran's dream to have a honeymoon here and a lovestruck Shinichi lost all his will to argue back about that.

And they only had two murders, three thefts and one kidnapping in the last two weeks, so it wasn't that bad.

Blissfully snuggled against her husband, who was sharing his warmth with her made her fall asleep with a genuine smile on her lips. Shinichi followed soon after, a bit tired after their sweet love-making, still intoxicated by watching Ran fall asleep in his arms. It was a sight that made him acknowledge just how lucky he was. Oh yes, Shinichi was extremely happy with his life now.

Well, minus the phone call, that just made him wake up.

He cursed mentally, quickly getting out of bed, even though he knew that Ran would be woken up by both his movement and the cell phone vibrating on the night table. He heard her mumble but didn't look back at her, snatching the phone and quickly exiting the room. Ran's half-lidded eyes followed him. She sighed and after a second of hesitation, closed her eyes and snuggled against the cushions, hoping Shinichi will be back soon.

And that it wasn't a case-related phone-call, or he'll be sleeping on the couch for the rest of their honeymoon.

Shinichi really wasn't in the mood for any sort of conversations, but he had to think twice upon checking who was calling him. Still, he was angry enough to voice out his irritation.

"I really hope you have a really good reason for calling, Hattori…" He said in a low voice, his eyebrow twitching, skipping the usual pleasantries.

"Oi, I have a really fucking awesome reason. Trust me Kudo." Heiji replied, excitement and happiness evident in his voice and Shinichi wondered if he should call an ambulance to the Osaka guy, just in case, as soon as the call will be over. Still he couldn't help the roll of his eyes when Heiji asked for his trust.

"So? Enlighten me." He said with a sigh and sat down the nearby chair.

"How long…" Heiji hesitated. "No, scratch that." He mumbled, more to himself than Shinichi. "Would it be okay to propose just after a confession?"

Shinichi knew it will be something unique but this just left him speechless.

"Sorry, sorry… I don't think I got that right…" He said slowly after few seconds of silence. Heiji sighed loudly on the other side.

"Look, I was on a stakeout with Kazuha…"

"Ah, Kazuha!" Shinichi snickered. "Yes, that explains a bit."

"Shut up, will ya?" Heiji mumbled, between a state of irritation and embarrassment. He took a deep breath and decided to skip to the most important part of his story. "I think we love each other."

"You think?" Shinichi facepalmed. "Wait. Slow down a bit, Hattori."


"You were on a stakeout?"


"Something happened that finally made you two realize your feelings toward each other?"


"And you haven't confessed… Did I get it right?"


"Gah, change that manner of speaking, will you?" Shinichi said a bit louder than he intended to. He waited few seconds in silence, checking if that disturbed Ran before continuing. "Why didn't you confess?"

"Well, the circumstances…" Heiji trailed off before sighing. "Just don't tell Ran-neechan or Kazuha or anyone, okay?"

Shinichi blinked, several times, making the sleep go away upon hearing the news.

"Wait. Maybe I don't want to know? If Kazuha will go aikido on me, I will be dead in no time…"

"You're going to be okay, it would be me getting killed." He drew a quick breath. "Shegavemeablowjobbutjustateasingoneandreallyitwastocoverherfacesoitwouldnotshowtothoseguys…"

"Hattori." Shinichi interrupted. "I can't understand you at all. Repeat that once again, just slowly…"

"She gave me a blowjob, okay? And almost made me come." He mumbled finally after few seconds of silence. "Don't you think that wouldn't be a good time for confessions?"

Shinichi didn't answer him, temporarily turned into stone with his mouth hanging open..

"Oi, Kudo? Kudo!" Heiji said in a loud whisper. "Oh come on, get over it, it's not that, what is important…"

"Oh, believe me it is." Shinichi snorted. "Well, this is a bit surprising. But no, don't give me the details. I still want to go back to sleep after this. Then when do you want to finally tell her?"


"That's a question?"

"I mean in the morning, so I don't know if it's today or tomorrow." Heiji explained. "I want to propose."

Shinichi had a hard time not laughing out loud.

"She'll refuse." He stated in an amused voice. "Maybe confess first? Date her… And then propose?"

Heiji was too impatient for that.

"I was afraid you'd say that…"

"It's the truth, so don't blame me." Shinichi waited for a response but when silence answered him he sighed. "Look. You'll make her happier if you'll take it slow."

"Look who's talking…" He heard Shinichi suppressing a yawn. "Okay, go back to neechan. You lucky guy…"

"Hattori, just don't do anything I would do."

"Isn't that 'don't do anything I wouldn't do'?" Heiji asked confused.

"No, not in our case. You're hot-blooded, I'm emotionally unstable" Shinichi answered in a serious tone, though he was smiling. "And I have the girl already. Anyways, I'm going back to bed. Don't call me anymore today."

"…during the day?" Heiji asked quite of desperately.

"Okay, during the day…"

An finally they hanged up, both quickly slumping to sleep.

Not proposing to Kazuha on the morning after was much more harder than Heiji would like to imagine. The confession went smoothly though, much to his surprise. But on the other hand, he wasn't expecting Kazuha to speak up first. When he was freaking out how to tell her, she just tiptoed and planted a chaste kiss on his cheek, saying those three wonderful words…

"I like you."

Yeah, 'I like you.'

So that might have pissed Heiji for a moment. He was clearly disappointed and when he answered back, she was quite shocked.

"And I love you Kazuha… I mean, it's not that I don't like you, I do, but I think there is something more to us or that's why I would like to believe, so…" he was interrupted when Kazuha planted a kiss on his lips.

"I love you too, idiot." She offered him a warm smile and his heart skipped a beat.

Now, all Heiji had to do was to call Otaki to ask about the investigation and if he would gave him a hand when choosing the right ring.