
The little disc flipped into the air and bounced into the circle, landing near the edge. Vetinari frowned slightly. He needed to get better at aiming.


Drumknott came in with a cup of coffee and the newspaper, and watched the Patrician flipping discs for a moment, puzzled.

"What are you doing, sir?"


Another disc jumped into the circle.

"It's a game, Drumknott. Leonard invented it." Drumknott almost, almost, took a step back. "It's quite harmless. He called it the Flipping-discs-into-a-circle-using-other-discs-game."


Vetinari was getting quite frustrated now. Normally things came easily to him, but these little discs were so hard to control.

"May I try it?" Drumknott asked. It looked like his kind of game.

Vetinari passed a little pile of discs to him and he picked two of them up. He put one down and used the other to bounce it into the circle. It landed right in the centre. Vetinari raised an eyebrow. Then he flicked a disc into the circle, this time getting it closer to the centre than before. Drumknott counter-flicked, right on top of Vetinari's disc.

Five minutes of clicking later and the two of them were leaning over the desk, flicking discs as soon as the other had finished, with an air of intense competition.

The game ended when they ran out of discs. Vetinari won. But only just.


I just read Aramis-chan's story about Vetinari and Moist playing poker and thought 'What's the least intimidating game that you could play with the Patrician?' Tiddley-winks. Yup, that's right. I wanna play tiddely-winks now. (Also, it's 3am right now so you can't really blame me if this is total crap, but it seems awesome to me... then again, most things do at 3am. And if they're a bit OOC, again, 3am)