This is considered an extra chapter. Not reading this will have no impact over the rest of the cycle. This will be more like a one-shot then anything else. There will be some foreshadowing.

Epilogue:The start of something

see anything Spyro

no,but I have a bad feeling about this

me too

I watched as Spyro and Cynder stared into the night sky searching for something that eludes me. I am standing near the door to the dojo,just making sure they were okay.

I turned around as I made my way back to my room. I could hear the deep bass sounds of the guardians sleeping and the light humming sound of Sparx. They were both lost in their own dream world.

"Something that I should be doing" I thought as I open the door to my room. I got on the bed but before I got to sleep, A question came into my head.

"I know I can listen into what Spyro is saying but how could I do that to Cynder?"

I was too tired to think about it so I assume it was just Spyro hearing what Cynder say.

As I went too sleep, I started to have a dream that was more vivid then the others.

I found myself standing on a platform surrounded by nothingness. I look down to see that half of the platform was purple and the other half was black. A voice telling me that I have more power then I realize. Before I left, I saw a silhouette of two people. One of them was holding two Keyblades,one purple the other black. The second one carried no weapon but as I look closer, I saw that this one had wings,talons,horns,and a tail. The last thing I heard was "Accept the bonds to strengthen both factions"

I woke up with my heart betting and a confused mind. After I calmed down, I went back to bed where I got my normal dream of being on Destiny Island, playing with Riku and Kari.

Oh cliffhanger galore. Does Sora have a bond with Cynder? What could be the results of that? Who are those two people. The reason I said you may not want to read this is because the questions won't be answer in my next fan-fiction.

R & R (if you want to)
