Disclaimer: I own nothing

Rated: T

"Gilbert, Matthias – what could I possibly do for you?"

England was not amused by the appreciative looks thrown at Kagome by Prussia and Denmark because he knew exactly what they were thinking. Though nations tended to avoid befriending humans, it didn't mean they didn't avoid sleeping with them (especially France).

Prussia was another prime example (he wasn't so sure about Denmark, though).

Prussia's red eyes flicked back to him and England frowned as that arrogant grin stretched across his face, "Kesesese ~ and here I thought that you, of all people, would never forget our fun times. But," Gilbert glanced at Kagome from the corner of his eyes and then back to Arthur, smirking wider, "I can see why you would this time."

"Sod off!" England growled, seeing that Kagome was looking at the two with apparent interest, and that, for some strange reason, really irritated him, "I don't have time to deal with you right now!"

As Arthur and Gilbert continued on with their mostly one-sided argument, Denmark made the move to talk to the attractive human girl that England had with him, "Hej," He greeted enthusiastically in Danish, giving a charming smile, "I'm Matthias!" And then he just had to ask the question he was dying to ask, "Why are you with Arthur? He's really uptight, you know."

Kagome blinked, unable to place his accent and she vaguely wondered what country this blond male was from, but found that she already really liked his outgoing attitude, "My name's Kagome," She smiled cheerfully, straining her neck because Matthias was really tall compared to her, "I like Arthur, he's actually very polite." The miko observed the Dane curiously, a bit stumped as to what he could be.

"Kagome? What kind of name is that?" Denmark asked, thinking she was either China's or Japan's. He also had to wonder what exactly this girl possessed that England was interested in her (and for England to be interested, it had to be something special).

"Japanese," Kagome answered, "If you don't mind me asking, what country are you from?" The miko hoped she was too forward, but she really wanted to know.

"Denmark," Matthias said proudly, glancing back at England and Prussia and smirking, "Were you and Arthur going to do something?" He asked and he didn't even bother to wait for an answer, "Would you like to come along with us? We go drinking every month."

Kagome hesitated because she wasn't of legal drinking in the United Kingdom yet (hell, she wasn't even in Japan) and going to a bar would be illegal.

"Kagome!" An irritated British accent interrupted her thoughts, and she watched as Arthur stomped over to where she was, and grabbed her arm impatiently, "We are going," His tone wouldn't take no for an answer, "The faeries are becoming annoyed."

Prussia ignored the faery comment, but it quickly caught Denmark's attention, "Really, Artie? You're going on a date with this hot chick and you're wearing a sweater vest?" The Prussian burst into snickers, laughing even harder as England's face turned a steady red.

"Don't you call me that insufferable name!" Arthur raged, "And the hell is wrong with a sweater vest? They are perfectly comfortable!"

Kagome tilted her head, now observing Gilbert and catching a German accent, 'Now we have a German and a Dane, along with an Englishman, a Frenchman, an American, and a Canadian. I'm beginning to think every country will have this same species.'

"You believe in Arthur's faeries?" Matthias asked lowly, watching as Arthur and Gilbert got into another one-sided argument. Kagome nodded, not ashamed to admit it. She blinked her blue eyes as Matthias simply grinned again, looking a bit excited, "I have a best bro in Norway who also believes in that stuff! He'd probably like to meet you if you believe in it too."

'And let me guess,' Kagome thought with bemusement, 'He would be the Norwegian equivalent of this species.' The miko smiled, agreeing cheerfully.

"We are going now!" England practically snarled, grabbing her arm again and practically dragging her away from the two.

"Bye, Matthias!" Kagome called out, seeing the tall blond male giving a cheerful wave back.

"I do hope that he treated you with respect," England said quietly, slowing down once he realised that he was out of sight of Prussia and Denmark. He had forgotten their drinking night, "And I apologise for their behaviour."

"Don't worry about it," Kagome quickly waved off, "Matthias was really nice. He even said he would introduce me to his friend in Norway."

England stiffened, recalling that Norway also believed in magic and if he found out that Kagome could see the faeries, then he would more than interested and England did not want that at all, 'No, no – I would be fine with it!' Arthur quickly thought, remembering when France had called him a 'Possessive-bastard' (mostly because of his behaviour with his former colonies).

'Yes,' England glanced at Kagome and faltered once again, 'I... would be completely fine with it.'

Denial is such a fun thing.


"England kinda sucks with girls, doesn't he?" America observed, watching the whole fiasco with Prussia and Denmark.

France quickly agreed, "Of course L'Angleterre is horrible with girls! Look what he did with mon petite Seychelles! And with Matthieu even!" Francis dramatically cried out, causing Alfred and Matthew to look at each other and roll their eyes.

"What are you implying?" Canada asked passive-aggressively, giving France a look that could unnerve anyone, "And don't call me a girl!"

"I really should teach Iggy how to seduce a girl!" America suddenly declared, causing France and Canada to look at him weirdly.

"L'Amerique ~ it should be moi who teaches that savage L'Angleterre how to seduce a girl!"

"Alfred, have you ever even seduced a girl before...?"

"Well, Vietnam?"

"And you think invading her is seduction?"