Hey everyone! This is my second Inuyasha story, my first being a snippet story. Thank you so much to my beta: Dreamer of All, this story couldn't have been possible without you :)

Kagome is a lawyer and let's just say her new case brings in more surprises than she ever wanted.

Chapter 1: Rin

When Kagome applied at the law firm, she never expected it'd come with the added perk of being a babysitter. Granted, it was only temporary - but nonetheless a part of her job. She was a recent law school graduate, only having been in the job field for a year now. In her mind, twenty-two years of schooling deserved some recognition, and this wasn't exactly what she was looking for when she worked to get all those papers done in her college years.

She worked with her cousin and good friend Miroku in the partnership that they had painstakingly established nearly five years ago. While still not as popular as the older firms, together they had been making tremendous headway in the legal market.

As Miroku had explained this morning, they had a new case to defend a family's right to take a young girl away from her abusive parents. After getting the specifics, Kagome had been introduced to the client - or one of the clients to put things more accurately. An hour later, while Miroku babysat Rin, Kagome had called the family to see who was going to take the girl in while her parents were fighting for custody.

Rin had two aunts and a godfather, her parents Kagura and Naraku Onigumo had ensured them to be the child's protectors.

Deciding to look in to family first, Kagome had checked out the girl's aunts. Kanna, the younger aunt, was eighteen and staying in Toudai dorms so she was eliminated as an option. The next aunt, Kikyo - the one who had originally signed the petition - informed Kagome that she was due to give birth in the upcoming week and feared that she may not be able to adequately take care of Rin, but would be an option if the godfather refused.

So Kagome had called Sesshomaru Taisho - a name she and everyone else in the country knew quite well since the man owned a huge corporation that manufactured all kinds of electronics. When she had called, his secretary had put up some fight until Rin's name was mentioned. And now, nearly an hour after said conversation with the secretary, she was waiting for Sesshomaru Taisho to arrive.

"Kagome!" Rin's voice startled Kagome from her paperwork. Tuning to her new office mate, she looked at Rin expectantly.

"Why is Papa Sess coming to see me? He usually tells me if he's going to visit and he never told me you were his friend."

"I'm not his friend." Kagome answered, "He's coming to pick you up so that you can stay with him while your mom and dad are away." The sugar coated response was not exactly the truth but it wasn't a lie either, Kagome assured herself. The doe eyes of Rin widened at her explanation and since it was one of happiness, she further assured herself that it was the right explanation to give to the little girl.

"Papa Sess is so much fun!" Rin yelled as she hopped down from her chair. "He takes me out to the park and buys me pretty dolls and lets me play with his hair!" The older of the two brunettes smiled and then grimaced wondering how exactly a stoic businessman could have such gorgeous hair after a little girl's none too gentle hair treatments.

"You have a lot of fun with him don't you?"

"Yeah and I play with Jaken too. It's a lot of fun." Kagome nodded listening to the girl rattle on while she turned her eyes to the voices in the hallway. Moments later a flash of silver caught her eye. As she looked, the silver began to become more evident and then a head of silver hair appeared. The silver haired man was stunning in her opinion with his stature and looks, and she knew who he was immediately- Sesshomaru Taisho.

Rin bolted out of her seat and ran to him squealing out "Papa Sess!" along the way. To her credit, Taisho gently put an arm around her and nodded to some things before glancing up at Kagome. She hastily stood up and bowed in greeting.

"Hello Taisho-san." Sesshomaru bowed his head and walked into Kagome's room. Rin let him go and sat down next to him as he took a seat in front of Kagome's desk.

"How are you?" Kagome asked wondering if small talk was okay. She didn't know how to approach the subject of Rin without causing problems or sounding mean.

"I'm fine." Sesshomaru looked at her pointedly and Kagome gulped realizing that it was better to begin with the introductions and paperwork.

"I'm Kagome Higurashi, representing your side in the case and I, um, need you to fill out some paperwork. Is that ok?"

"What is it I am required to sign?" Sesshomaru asked curtly as he pulled out a pen from his suit pocket. Sometimes he wondered if it was a good thing that business habits were engraved into his daily routines.

"These are some custody papers that you need to fill so that Rin can stay with you for now. These here are some client papers we need you to sign. And this," she stopped at the last stack and Sesshomaru watched as she tried to form her words. "This is to ensure the judge that you are capable of taking care of Rin after the case."

Sesshomaru eagerly grabbed the sheets wondering why the petite woman in front of him was so apprehensive. Really, he wondered how good this law firm was. He hadn't heard much of it and wondered what drove his sister-in-law to them.

After a few tense minutes of looking over paper after paper, Sesshomaru quietly said, "If that is all, I will take my leave."

The business tycoon stood up and Kagome did as well. He had pressing matters to attend to and this was an unexpected bump in his already busy schedule. As he stood towering over Kagome, he couldn't help but notice how weak she looked. Kagome meanwhile was busy taking in the air that surrounded Sesshomaru. She supposed if he weren't a prick, she would consider him as a potential person to date. Rin's sad voice shook her out of her sudden train of thoughts.

"Does this mean I have to say bye to Kagome?" the girl asked from her position on the chair next to Sesshomaru's.

"Yes." Sesshomaru answered surprised by his goddaughter's change in emotions. "What is wrong Rin?"

"Will I see Kagome again?" Rin asked looking up at said female with wide eyes.

"We'll meet again Rin." Kagome answered instantly reminded of her nephew. Kagome watched the girl's wary face and then smiled to break the sadness. "I pinkie promise."

Sesshomaru grimaced as the grown woman in front of him held out her pinkie in what was a child's way of promise. Really, was this the same person who was to be his lawyer? Rin interlocked her pinkie with Kagome and smiling got off her seat and stood next to her new guardian.

"Well, I need those papers as soon as possible." Kagome announced as Sesshomaru walked to the door.

"I'll have someone drop them by your office tomorrow." Kagome nodded watching as the pair walked down the hall, Rin turning back on her way to give Kagome one last wave and a smile.

The next day was normal, with Kagome filling out paperwork for the upcoming case. She was about to take her lunch break when a knock on her door interrupted her preparations.

"Hello?" she asked looking at the stranger. He was dressed in business attire and appeared quite handsome. However, the way he held himself as he walked into her office reminded her of a certain businessman.

"Hello. Koga Wolfe." He extended his hand and Kagome shook it waiting for him to state his business. "I'm here on behalf of Sesshomaru. I'm his regular legal consultant and he wanted me here to drop off the papers you requested." Kagome instantly understood that this was Sesshomaru's way of challenging her and smiled back at his lawyer.

"Tell him thank you for me." She answered looking at him pointedly as she held up a hand for the papers. Koga handed them to her.

"So what are you doing right now?"

"Lunch break." Kagome announced as she scanned the papers making sure Sesshomaru signed in all the right places.

"He refused to sign one set till I talked with you," Koga replied as he watched her. "Perhaps we could discuss it over lunch? My treat?" Kagome looked at him wearily wondering if she should trust him.

"No thank you. I actually have somewhere to be." Truthfully Kagome was only trying to find an excuse to stay away from this man. She had only met him and didn't trust people who asked her out the minute they saw her. She could see it in his eyes when he'd looked at her and decided to put him on her 'never date' list as soon as possible.

"Are you sure? Maybe some other time?" Kagome politely declined and then walked out with Koga. Once she was sure she saw him get into his rather expensive car and drive away, she got into her own car and made her way to where she knew the Taisho office buildings were.

The Taisho group of companies owned several large office buildings downtown and the one in which her target was just so happened to be the biggest one. She pulled up fifteen minutes later in front of the building and walked out making sure that the papers from Koga were in her hands. She made her way to the elevator and ignored the curious looks she was getting as she pressed the button for the floor of the CEO once inside.

"Miss?" A worker asked looking at her.

"Yes?" Kagome turned to the man and wondered what he needed from her.

"You do realize that you just pressed the button for Taisho-sama's floor?" Kagome nodded her head and the man just shook his head getting off when his respected floor came. Kagome patiently waited her elevator ride out and when she reached the floor with Sesshomaru she walked to a desk in front of a door where Sesshomaru's secretary was seated.

"Good afternoon." Kagome answered approaching her.

"Hello." The secretary looked up at Kagome. "What can I do for you today?"

"I'm here to see Taisho-sama." The secretary looked up.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"No." Kagome watched as the secretary's gaze shifted to her computer.


"Kagome Higurashi - I am here to ask why Taisho-sama refused to sign certain papers regarding the custody of Rin." The secretary looked up and immediately changed her expression from one of feigned boredom to one of friendliness.

"I'm Ayame Takahashi, his secretary. Let me tell him you're here and I'm sure he'll let you in." She answered as she paged him on the phone.

Kagome patiently waited as Ayame asked her boss whether he would like to receive her. When Ayame hung up, she had a sheepish expression on her face.

"Miss?" she began looking at Kagome.


"He'll see you but he doesn't seem that happy about it." Kagome sighed muttering under her breath about how arrogant pricks needed a life and followed Ayame as she led her to the door. Not sure if she imagined it or not, Kagome thought she heard the other woman chuckle a little under her breath at her comments. After the secretary was told to let Kagome in, she left to go back to her desk, leaving Kagome to enter on her own.

When Kagome entered the office she was surprised to say the least. The room was smaller than she expected and was lit almost entirely by the huge windows behind the desk. She immediately noticed Sesshomaru bent over papers and Rin coloring next to him. Upon her entrance, Rin looked up and squealed, forgoing her crayons and rushing towards Kagome to greet her new friend.

"Kagome! You came to visit!"

"Yes I did." The woman in question answered before looking up at Sesshomaru who inclined his head at her upon Rin's squeal. "Why don't you go to play with Ayame, Rin? I need to talk to your uncle for a few moments."

"Are you gonna have a grown-up talk?" Rin asked carefully. Kagome sensed the girl's distraught reaction.

"Yes, he needs to sign some papers so you can live with him and he forgot to do those yesterday. So he's signing them now." Kagome leveled the stoic CEO with another pinning look as Rin hugged her briefly and followed her instructions.

"So, Kagome Higurashi, what is it that requires you to interrupt me in the midst of my busy work schedule?" Sesshomaru began as Rin left.

"This." The lawyer replied throwing a pile of papers on his desk. Sesshomaru immediately recognized them; they were the very same papers he refused to sign.

"I refuse to sign these. What makes you think I am not capable of caring for Rin?"

"Nothing makes me think you aren't capable," she answered walking the short distance to his desk. At this, the Taisho himself stood up. "It's just that without this, Rin cannot live with you. According to the law, you have to do this. It's not my rule, it's the courts. If you have a problem, go take it out on the damned court, not on me!" Kagome enunciated the last part by poking her finger in his chest.

Growling Sesshomaru leveled her down with a stare. He supposed what she said was right, however it still didn't make it any less significant that the courts thought he was unfit to care for Rin - the girl he saw as his own daughter. But surely, the courts just made the law so some stupid idiot wouldn't take kids and treat them worse right? Sighing, Sesshomaru acquiesced to the lawyer's request.

"I won't return them until I'm done with all this." He gestured to the paperwork in front of him.

"Well then, I guess I'll make myself comfortable," Kagome sighed, feigning cheerfulness. "You are after all depriving me from my work." She turned to leave before the CEO could comprehend what she had said and just before opening the door, turned back again.

"You don't mind having a Subway sandwich for lunch do you?" At his confused expression, Kagome smiled. "I guess you don't. See you in a few."

The silver haired Taisho continued to stare at the door for another minute before looking at the papers she'd thrown on his desk. He really wanted to be rid of her annoying company as soon as possible. So, doing what she wanted for once, he began working on the stack.

Thanks for reading! So what do ya'll think? (I know I'm southern :P) I don't know until you review. Kagome does change a bit in character but you'll see later exactly how I plant to portray her.

In the meantime, thank you for reading :)
