Okay, so I've come up with a little fun thing for me to do. I'm going to come up with stories using exactly one-hundred words. No more, no less. I don't know where this came from, really. Perhaps my mind is too vast for me.
Ligature:1.) a tying or binding together; 2.) a thing used in tying or binding together; tie, bond, etc.; 3.) a tie or bond
I can still hear him calling to me. He's beckoning with that alluring voice of his, hypnotizing to bend to every command. I used to hate it. Now, I've simply grown used to his demands. It's become a natural thing to me. Obedience, submission, acceptance. It isn't hard.
His voice calls to me again. I can almost imagine a finger bending, asking me to move closer. I want to answer his call.
"Come, now. Surely there is something that you can come up with. I know you better than that."
Sometimes, I think he can understand me better than myself.
100 Words - Ligature - Sasori/OC
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