
Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I own nothing except Rory so far in Breathe. Though I may make up more characters as I go.

Author's Note: Sorry to those who have been waiting for this update. I know I suck with updating on this fic. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of muse for it right now so it's really hard and I swore to myself I wouldn't post any other fics until I finish this one. Also school and work have been a pain. However here's a new update. Please keep the reviews coming as they are the only reason I am working on updating at all.

Last Chapter:

I laughed and hoisted Rory onto my shoulders and walked out of the office. My first thought when I walked out was that it had gotten dark. I noticed Buffy's antsy look and knew that she had noticed as well.

"I'll drop you two off at home and then I'll go grab some dinner and ice-cream."

Buffy nodded, but unfortunately it was too late.



Buffy P.O.V.

My eyes widened when I heard the low voice of a slayer hiss my 'name' or I guess more accurately it would be my profession but that was neither here nor there. I didn't need any vampires knowing about my daughter. I immediately looked over to Angel and saw he had the same look on his face as I'm sure was on mine. Any other time I would be 'awwing' at the site of Rory curled into Angel's arms but right now was not the time. We immediately clumped together, trying to shield her.

"Take Rory and run." Angel started to whisper in my hear. "I'll stake this one and follow." I wanted to say yes but I knew I couldn't. I could feel more than one vampire around us and I couldn't let them see us. I shook my head.

"He wants me. Not you. You take Rory and run. However don't take her to my place. Take her to Giles'. I can't let them know who she is." Before Angel could say anything I kissed Rory on the forehead and whispered to her softly.

"Sweetheart, you need to go with Angel. Don't call out to me, don't say a word, just go with him." I didn't give her a second to respond before breaking free and jumping at the vampire. I watched as Angel ran towards Giles' apartment and sighed in relief. Unfortunately it was a stupid mistake as my attention was taken off of my opponent allowing him to backhand me. I fell into the ground and groaned. Obviously he wasn't a newbie as he knew how to use his strength.

"I see that Angelus had a little snack. He always did like little ones." I ignored the jab about Angel as I kicked my legs up allowing me to regain my footing before throwing a side kick at the unknown vampire's leg, effectively knocking him down.

"I've heard all about you and Angelus. You're his pet. I'm not surprised he hasn't drained you yet. He used to kill whole families. Leaving the youngest for last. They were like a desert to him. You know he killed his little sister? He wanted to hear her scream the loudest." The images he was bringing into the forefront of my mind were making me sick but I rebelled against them. I took the stake out of my back pocket and threw it at the vampire, luckily hitting him in the chest, dusting him immediately. Normally I would have a come back, but my mind was racing. Not about the things he said about Angel for two reasons. A.) I already knew that he had killed his family and B.) It wouldn't matter. It wasn't really Angel, it was Angelus, completely different story. I would know that more than anyone. No my mind was racing because this was too close for comfort. This was the main reason I had kept Rory away from Sunnydale…the reason I always went to Los Angeles when I went to see her. I didn't want her anywhere near this place, and this was a prime example of why.

I had been planning on after we got the DNA results back and going to trial, keeping her here. However, that plan wasn't going to happen now. She had to go back with my grandparents. I knew that it would break mine and Angel's heart to let her go, but we had too. I definitely didn't want the Watcher's Council to know about my baby, they would want to train her as the slayer and that would only happen over my dead body and I'm sure Angel's pile of ashes. I checked the area to make sure there were no more vampires before I set off towards Giles' place. I made sure to keep my eyes open for any fights but luckily I didn't see any. I was worried that Angel had encountered another vampire but there was no evidence of it so I calmed down and went to Giles' front door.

The door was heavy but the noise behind it was even heavier. I heard my baby screaming for me so I hurried in and when I saw her my heart broke. My sweet, innocent little girl was crying in Angel's arms screaming for me.

"Rory." I started and she immediately looked over, throwing herself out of Angel's arms and then again into mine. I swooped her up into my arms and cuddled her to my chest.

"Momma" She cried into me and I wanted to cry with her. I hated the thought of someday not being there for her, and it killed me to know that in my life it was an all to possible possibility.

"Shhh sweetheart. Everything's okay. Momma's here." I cooed to her. I felt rather than saw Angel come up behind us and wrap his arms around us. I needed his strength right now to keep my composure when all I wanted to do was cry along with my daughter. I had spoken with Angel about keeping her here and he thought it was a great idea. One look in his eyes and I knew he was thinking the same that I was.

I had to send Rory away to keep her safe…

TBC! Sorry that the action scene wasn't very good. I'm not great at writing fights. Hope you liked it though. Please Please PLEASE review!