Leonard woke up in bed, sweating. That was horrible.
Scary. Horrible. Whatever word that could be used to describe a situation that struck fear in one's heart.
No, it was not the nightmare that ended up with Sheldon dividing into 2 (mitosis).
Or the one where his roommate sprout wings and flew away, only to be trapped in a spider's web, getting ready to be fed to Howard (Howard?!)
Instead, this was a new one, brought upon by his mother and the increasing amount of time Penny and Sheldon had been spending together.
"Leonard, I do hope you and Penny are getting along well?"
"Yes we are, ma."
"I do hope so. Your father just dumped the waitress for her roommate. Apparently, she was there for him when the waitress wasn't."
"Why are you telling me all this?"
"Because, Leonard, this situation may somehow, under the right circumstances, be applied to Penny and Sheldon. He has been spending far more time with her in a strictly conversational setting than you have been, and when she has any personal problems whatsoever, she is more likely to 'flee' into his arms than yours because he, having listened to her far more than you have, will better 'understand' her than you do. Thus, craving an mental relationship, which she has been denied of, she might just give up the carnal one she has with you now to pursue one with Sheldon."
He paused for a moment, and then spoke.
"Come again?"
"I presume this conversation is being recorded by Sheldon. You may ask him for a transcript from his log later if you have not caught what I have just said."
He did catch her words.
He just couldn't believe he hadn't thought of it before.
Present day
The image of Sheldon and Penny together in his nightmare still burned into his mind, putting a damper on his plans to get some rest.
Leonard decided on a glass of (soy) milk to help him sleep.
The light in their living room was turned off, so he had to grope his way to the kitchen. Flicking on the light there, he went to the fridge and poured himself a glass.
Light from their tiny kitchen still illuminated the living room. He wrinkled his nose from the lingering stench of alcohol. (His mind wasn't functioning properly at 4 in the morning to wonder what alcohol had to do with their Tuesday-night activities, mind you).
Leonard took a gulp from the glass, turned around, and promptly spat everything out onto the island and down his front.
There lying on the sofa was Penny and Sheldon. Legs tangled, clothes rumpled, half-off, hair ruffled.
A nightmare come true.
Leonard's eyes rolled back into his head and he slumped to the ground.
This is my first-ever fanfic for The Big Bang Theory, so I apologise if it's a bit OOC.
Reviews are love :)