Kat sat in Patrick's car nervously. Patrick, sadly in her body, was supposed to meet her outside her house right about now. She hoped her dad hadn't stopped him. It was a school night, after all.
Finally, Kat thought, as she saw her door open and her own body step out. Holy shit, was her next thought. She leaned forward in the drivers seat, and stared at herself. Patrick hd dressed her in a skintight black dress, and full make up. She wondered how the hell he knew how to put on make up, and if that was Bianca's dress or if he'd actually gone shopping for this.
As Patrick got closer to the car, Kat felt an odd sensation below her waist. She, or well his body, was aroused. Was it weird that her own body aroused her or was this purely a Patrick's body thing?
"Hello, honey." Patrick greeted her. It was way too weird. The feeling was lost.
"What are you wearing?" Kat had to ask.
"Bianca did everything. Looks like I found a way to calm her down. Who knew dressing you was so fun?" Patrick smirked
"Don't let her get used to it," Kat rolled her eyes. She rubbed at her chin, the scruffiness of it was growing aggravating. She prayed she'd be out of this body by tonight or else she'd have to foray into the world of face shaving tomorrow.
"So, where we going?" Patrick asked.
"I found the most ethnic Chinese place possible. I can't pronounce the name or read the menu, so I'm hoping that'll work. But, if not, I have a blanket and my yard is perfect for stargazing.
"I don't see your dad going for that. Bianca had to distract him so I could get out the door in this outfit." Patrick commented.
"Aw, you two are working together." Kat chuckled, as she pulled onto the freeway.
"How far is this place?" Patrick asked, picking up a sheet of paper printed from the Internet.
"Twenty minutes, and had better be totally worth it. Don't worry though, I'll have you back before curfew." Kat said, grabbing back the directions.
"You have a curfew?" Patrick laughed.
"Yea, douche bag. My dad worried. He means well, even though it just kind of looks like he's crazy." Kat explained.
"Well, you wont have to worry about my family. They're never around. I watch my cousin sometimes, but my dad and step mom like to travel. So, why let their son stop them?" Patrick rubbed his temples. Kat wondered if her girl hormones had anything to do with his admission. She'd never expect him to be so honest with her.
"What about your mom?" Kat asked, hoping she wasn't treading on anything too serious.
"Albuquerque." Patrick shrugged, "I visit her for Christmas and a week or two every summer."
"Wait, so did you bake that cake?" Kat couldn't help but ask. If his step mom was never around…
"What? I'm an excellent chef." Patrick said puffing out his chest. The movement would have made him look manly if he didn't currently have a pair of boobs.
"I make a mean vegan burger." Kat smiled.
"You haven't had a veggie burger till you've had my black bean burger. I'll cook for you sometime." Patrick said. Kat had a minor heart attack. He'd cook for her? Did he realize what he was saying? That was pretty much a future date.
"We're never going to get there if you keep going thirty on the freeway," Patrick said, tapping her knee.
"Sorry," Kat said, hoping she wasn't blushing.
"What about your situation? Were is the woman that spawned you?" Patrick asked.
"She walked out on us a long time ago," Kat answered, "then died."
"Shit, sorry," Patrick said. Kat could tell that he felt like an ass for his previous comment.
"It's okay. It was a long time ago. But, my dad's great. Hopefully, you wont get to see, though." Kat laughed.
"Well, if you're still in my body, Saturday night you'll get to baby sit my cousin Jane." Patrick said, glancing over at the directions again and noticing their exit coming up. "She'll be the only family member of mine you can meet. She's six. Her nanny gets Saturday nights off." Patrick gave a soft smile.
"Your family sounds…" Kat paused for a moment not sure how to phrase what she wanted to say. Emotionally distant, stuck up, dysfunctional, "…rich." She decided.
"We're well off," Patrick shrugged.
"Good, then I'll pay for dinner." Kat smiled, patting the wallet in her pocket.
"Of course," Patrick shook his head. Kat pulled into a parking spot in front of the restaurant, and he laughed. The sign was in Chinese. Kat had gone all out.
"Well, if you're in my body Monday morning, you'll get to meet my Aunt flow." Kat smirked at him.
"What?" Patrick asked before realizing what she meant, "Fuck no."
"I felt I should warn you. Now lets try to make this work." Kat said, unbuckling her seatbelt and getting out of Patrick's truck.
She tossed him the keys and entered the restaurant. He followed closely behind.
They were quickly seated, and with some random pointing they were brought something that looked like some form of tofu. Kat smiled at her luck. She had no idea what she had pointed to on the menu; it could have been duck for all she knew. She hoped this meant they might get lucky with their fortune cookies too.
When they had finished their meal, Kat quickly grabbed at the fortune cookies they were brought.
"On the count of three," Patrick said, taking the other one. They nodded at each other and quickly counted before ripping open the cookies.
"My fortune's blank." Kat breathed out slowly. She quickly chewed the cookie and wadded up the fortune.
"Is that good luck or bad luck?" Patrick raised an eyebrow.
"I'm guessing bad," Kat said, looking down to see that she was still in Patrick's body.
"Come on, the night isn't over yet." Patrick said, standing up and grabbing his car keys from Kat.
Kat pulled out a few bills and dropped them on the table before rushing after Patrick. She wondered how he was running in heals so well, and chuckled at all the possible explanations.
"Hurry up, we have stars to gaze at." Patrick yelled at her.
"I'm coming," she glared back at him, and climbed into the passenger seat this time. She watched him glance at her directions before pulling onto the freeway. They sat in awkward silence for a few moments before she decided to say something, "Well, at least this was a nice dinner. I mean you were not terrible."
"Gee, thanks." Patrick replied.
"I mean, I feel like I know you better, and you're a good guy." She tried to explain.
"I think you know me way better after today," he joked.
"Sadly, yea." Kat groaned. She leaned back in her seat and wondered if tomorrow morning she'd wake up in the body again. She briefly considered what would happen if this was permanent. Would it be so bad?
"I miss my body," Patrick whined.
"Me too," Kat nodded.
"And I miss my bed, and my house, and my stuff." Patrick kept going. Kat turned to look at her body. Patrick had tears in her eye.
"Aw, you're pmsing." She commented, giving Patrick a pat on the back.
"No, I'm not. This just sucks." Patrick sniffled.
"Sure, big guy." Kat giggled.
"Stop it," Patrick said, pulling off the freeway and heading towards her house.
"Or what?" Kat asked, actually kind of curious.
"I'll come inside and tell your dad I'm pregnant." He threatened.
"You wouldn't," Kat said, wide eyed.
"Let's just go look at some stars," Patrick said, parking in front of her house.
"Go through the side gate. Let's avoid my dad if possible." Kat said, before grabbing a blanket from her trunk and leading the way.
Patrick nodded and followed her to the backyard. He sat down next to her and lay back.
"It needs to be a shooting star?" Patrick asked.
"Probably, I don't really know." Kat shrugged. She turned to look at Patrick in her body. She looked great tonight. She'd have to remember that Bianca actually had some skills. Maybe she'd let her sister help her out in the future.
"Stop watching me and look at the sky." Patrick gently slapped her shoulder.
"You look really nice," Kat said, before realizing that she was basically just complementing herself.
"Are you tuned on by the image of you?" Patrick asked suddenly sitting up. Kat just sort of stayed silent, feeling guilty. Patrick let out a loud laugh.
"Shut up, it's your body's fault." Kat tried to defend herself. Patrick continued to laugh.
"We could have sex," Patrick mentioned. Kat dropped her guilty smile.
"Don't be an asshole." She said, "I want my body kept STD free."
"Hey, I'm clean." Patrick raised his hands in surrender.
"This isn't your body to mess with, okay? Just remember that and don't be a jerk." Kat said, wondering if she was over reacting.
"Is that…" Patrick pointed up, knocking her out of her rant.
A shooting star passed above them and they both squeezed their eyes shut to make a wish.