Kat rolled over in bed and groaned. She glanced up at the clock. It was six am, and she didn't have to be up for another hour. Rolling over, she tried to go back to sleep, but unfortunately she needed to pee. Badly.

Not bothering to turn on the lights, she got out of bed slowly. Despite tripping over a shoe, she made her way to the bathroom door. She opened it, and once again without turning on the lights, lipped off her pants and went to take a seat.

"Fuck," she yelled landing on her but. She felt something hit against her upper thigh. She reached a hand down to swat it away.

"Fuck," she yelled again. That heart, badly, and her voice sounded weird. Kat quickly reached around for a light switch. She rubbed her eyes as the small room became illuminated. This was not her bathroom.

She looked around. This was definitely a closet, but not hers. She recognized a shirt hanging up. It belonged to Patrick.

"Fuck," she said a third time. She sounded like Patrick. Quickly she bolted out of the closet and through the next door. This was a bathroom and there was a mirror and there was Patrick Verona's face staring back at her.

She felt a warmth run down her leg as she screamed.

"Do you have any tampons?"

Patrick groaned and rolled back over.

"Wake up, bonehead."

Patrick opened his eyes groggily. Was that Bianca Stratford staring at him?

"How did you get in here?" He grumbled wondering if he was dreaming.

"The door," she shrugged. Patrick put his head in his pillow. His parents were out of town, and he may have forgotten to lock the door, but he never actually thought people would come wandering in.

"Well, do you have any?" Bianca asked.

"Any what?" Patrick grumbled again picking up his face. Yep, Bianca was definitely in his room.

"Tampons?" she asked angrily.

"Why would I have tampons, go away." He grumbled.

"Then I need you to take me to the store before school. Get up!" Bianca said slapping him in the face.

"Why would I take you?" He mumbled.

"I can't drive." She muttered.

"How'd you get here?" Patrick asked.

"From my room to your room? I walked, believe it or not." Bianca said, looking seriously annoyed.

"Why should I take you?" He grumbled, "Get out of my house."

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Kat?" Bianca said, giving Patrick an odd look.

"What did you call me?" Patrick asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Katerina." Bianca rolled her eyes, and went across the room. Patrick sat up. This wasn't his room.

He jumped out of bed and looked in the mirror in the corner of his room. He screamed.

"What the hell, Kat?" Bianca asked.

"Sorry, it's the morning. I'm out of it." Patrick said, trying to get her to leave.

"Well, get dressed and let's go." Bianca said throwing a pair of jeans at Patrick.

"I, uh, have an errand to make first." Patrick said, groaning of the thought of Kat in his body. She had to be, right?

"I'm bleeding here!" Bianca yelled.

"Ew," Patrick mumbled, "Get out, and I'll get changed."

"Fine, but hurry up!" Bianca yelled as she stormed out.

Patrick searched through Kat's desk before he found her cell phone. He dialed his number in a frenzy.

Kat heard something, a ringing. Quickly she exited the bathroom and found a phone lying on the bedside table. She recognized the number flashing on the screen as her own.

"What did you do?"

It was her voice talking to her. Too weird!

"What did you do?" Kat yelled back.

"You're the dark one." Patrick yelled.

"I didn't do anything. Give me my body back!" Kat whined.

"You can't whine in my voice! I'm a man." Patrick responded.

"What are we going to do?" Kat asked.

"I don't know? Just, we'll meet up at school and figure this out." Patrick replied.

"Don't shower." Kat mumbled.

"Excuse me?" Patrick replied.

"I don't want you looking at my body." Kat whined again. Patrick shuddered at hearing his voice whine.

"So, you just want me to wear your pajamas to school?" Patrick asked.

"Just don't look." Kat responded.

"Hurry up!" Kat heard Bianca yell.

"Don't tell Bianca," Kat warned, "she'll think I'm doing drugs."

"Can you just come here and take her shopping for her girl stuff?" Patrick asked.

"Suck it up," Kat groaned and hung up. This was going to be a weird day, but hopefully only a day…at most…she needed to get out of this body.