Chapter 1: Oompa Loompa's, Notes, and Spit

Sakura's POV

My name was feared, my image was deadly, and supposedly my anger was a ticking time bomb. So for some little kid, no older than 10, to bump into my leg was probably the most frightening thing you could do to him. Especially if I looked down to see why a pillow was thrown at me.

Here's how it went down, it was the day when the little kids from elementary school would come visit the middle school to see what it would be like being a big kid. It was just another way for teachers to "inspire" kids to be more mature. All it is, is one big sham. Teachers are sneaky, un-trustable creatures that will do anything to get you to obey them.

I was in the 7th Grade Class B (a.k.a. idiots). Good old Leaf Public Middle School (LPMS) was for 5-8 Grades. You know how it goes 5th grade is the underdogs and 8th grade rules the school, with one exception, me. I was not ruled over nor did I rule. I was a loner you didn't wanna mess with.

I was walking down the hall actually going to attend class (for once) on time. I had heard some munchkins were walking around school and wanted to see how bad I would scare them.

I was becoming more disappointed by the second I was looking forward to scaring little kids and seeing them run down the hall with little effort at all. It was becoming harder lately because the older kids were becoming difficult and started standing up for themselves causing me to actually put effort into making them step aside to let me pass through. I had to actually glare at them! Before they pressed their backs against the lockers desperate to get away from me. It made me pissed off.

I'm not seeing any kids.

Patience first period doesn't start until 8:10.

What if we're assigned a kid.

He/she shall pass out.


You're insane.

Ya noticed?

I was still talking to my inner (it's like your conscience...only she isn't helpful and leads me by my hand into sticky situations) while walking through a busy hall when I felt someone throw a pillow at me. The hall got silent, and some where I heard a pin drop.

I began to get ticked off not enjoying all of the attention. I reached out and quick as lightening grabbed the pillow by one hand and held it so it was even with my head. I sucked in a breath and was about to shout 'who threw the pillow' when I heard a meek "Don't hurt me."

I nearly dropped the talking pillow when I heard it. I jerked the thing so it was in front of my face and stared at a pair of wide eyes. It was a little boy no older than 10 that had happened to bump into me. I felt a twinge of happiness realizing that school hadn't even started and I already scared a child which equaled 10 or 20 if he told what happened to him when if bump into a scary vampire who picked him up one handed!

I was about to set the kid down when I heard it...the nails on the chalkboard of my brain. Ino Yamanaka, pretty, smart, class A material (smart class), and slightly athletic, even she can't dominate in everything. She has short blond hair that reaches her shoulders, light blue eyes that screamed 'Attitude', and was a walking boy magnet.

And she was standing right in front of me with her current boyfriend Sasuke Uchiha. The ultimate boy. That there would be enough to some him up, but I'll give ya some details, he has onyx eyes a perfect face, well defined and chiseled body, and he had hair that looked like a ducks' butt. Oh and he was cocky and had a terrible attitude. He also seemed to think that he owned the girls he went out with. The duck butt thing alone was enough to drive me away and just ignore him, but the attitude attracted me back and made me want to make him suffer.

His arm was around her and I took note of their outfits. She was wearing a blue dress that had a white sash under the breasts that came down to her knees, sliver shoes (flats) and a simple silver necklace. He wore jeans, a simple dark blue shirt, and sneakers. I on the other hand wore beat up jeans with holes in the knees (accident), a loose black shirt that said 'Spear Brittany', black and red skater shoes a choker, and had my waist length hair falling down freely.

I held the kid with a tighter grip looking at them hard. "Put Sasuke's little brother down. We know you don't like Sasuke but leave the kid alone." Ino said slow and calmly. I could tell she was pissed though. I looked at the kid and noticed he had messy black hair that didn't look like a ducks' butt (surprised?) and onyx eyes. Enough proof for me. "And if I don't?" I mocked.

"I'll hurt you." a deep velvety voice said. I looked towards Sasuke who gave me a warning glare. Not today. You can't afford detention tonight. I let out a sigh and slowly put the kid down, I rested my hand on his shoulder and leaned towards his ear. I could just feel the heat of Sasuke's anger which urged me to go on. "Be a little more careful next name's careful around me I might just eat you." I whispered it into his ear trying to give an eerie sound to it.

I stood tall and looked down at the kid and he looked at me. He didn't scream. That's what I wanted most right then. To hear that glorious sound of fear. No scream, no fear. I started to turn when I heard him say, "You're voice," I looked at him hoping he'd say it was scary, "is really pretty sounding...Sakura."

I stared dumbstruck when he spoke again. "My name's Akito Uchiha." he stepped around me and towards his brother. I felt all eyes bore into me waiting for a reaction. I felt Sasuke's intense gaze bore into the back of my head. "What are you idiots waiting for? Me to flip out? Burst out crying, touched that some kid treated me normally for the first time in my life?" I filled my voice so it was teeming with drama and sarcasm.

"Get a life." I turned and brushed pass Sasuke who's eyes were fixed ahead of him. "Thought I'd eat him Duck Butt?" I whispered towards him.

"Yeah Five-head." he sneered back.


Our conversation went unnoticed. Duck Butt and Five-head were our...nick names for each other. His hair looks like a ducks butt my forehead was a little big. We never got too serious with our fights. We just made it clear to each other that we wanted the other dead. All that really happens is a trip here, a snide comment there, a dash off heated glaring contests, and a pinch of great pranks preformed on each other.

I think some of it was for our own enjoyment and relief of the boredom of school and the rest of it was because we both know and realize that we couldn't, no, weren't allowed to get along with each other. I was a punk that had trouble trailing after me. He was a rich kid who was smart and got along with others. So since we weren't going to get along why not be enemies?

This was for both of our relief of stress. He always had his emotions hidden, and I had violent emotions that needed to be released here and there other wise I'd blow up. It was healthy for us. I'll sum this up in three words, enemies with benefits. We hated each other and used that as a relief end of story.

I turned the corner and entered my History class. The class became a little quieter as I took a seat in the far back corner away from the window, where it was a tad darker than the rest of the class. I set my bag down I'd take it upstairs to my locker after class.

I slid into my desk (the chairs and desks are connected if you care) and made a nest out of my arms and set my head down. I was dimly aware of the shuffling and talking around me. Since we have a minute let me explain the classes. There was the A Class and the B Class. The A Class was smarter more advanced, B not so much.

I was in Grade 7 Class B. I wasn't dumb but I couldn't keep up with the advanced class with my multiple jobs. I would die. I was sliding and barely getting by in the B Class. I had to work hard to keep C's off of my report card. So far I've only had one C in my life. I had straight A's last quarter and it was November now, I'd get mostly A's again.

The A's and B's had first and fourth period together then it's lunch and after that it's more of the classes like P.E., art, and Home Ec. I pulled my head off my desk when I noticed everyone stopped talking. I looked around, everyone was gone. "Huh?" I stated my confusion. "Sakura." I jumped hearing my name.

I stood so I was between two rows of desks. "Sakura." I spun around. Sasuke was standing there looking strange. "What." I asked annoyed. His clothes started to melt off of him like they were made of ice. "WHA-!" I was cut off by his lips. He pulled away from me holding a key in front of my face.

"Follow me, my pet." he walked away. "No." I said bluntly. I was going nowhere with this freak! "Disobedient little pet." he turned and stepped towards me. I attempted to move but found myself frozen in place. He was in front of me he raised his hand and poked my fore-head. "Punishment."

I fell into a deep, dark, bottomless, hole. "No!" I cried out. "Then..." he said. "THEN!?" I shouted. "Wake up..."-huh?-"come on five-head...Hey!"

My body jerked up and I looked around, everything was fine except there was a line of Oompa Loompa's in the front of the room...wait...nope...those are just kids. I looked at each one and noticed that Akito kid up there too. I glanced to my left and saw Sasuke looking irritated.

"What, Duck Butt."

"You fell asleep."

"Way to go, oh genius of sleep."

"You said something weird."


"You had this weird look on your face, like you were disgusted, and mumbled naked duck."

"Heh...ha haha!" I started laughing (incase you didn't know). He looked at me, then rolled his eyes and turned to the front of the room.

"Class you will be assigned the 1st graders. Take care of them and set a good example, because they'll going to be following you all day, like ducks." the teacher explained.

I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at his last sentence. "O.K each kid will go down one at a time to a 7th grader." the kids did as the were told and eventually each kid and 7th grader were paired...except me and that one kid. Akito, Sasuke's brother.

Crap. If I do set a good example I'll feel and look dumb, but if I don't set a good example Sasuke is gonna kill me...I'll take the chance and do what I normally do. Everyones eye was one Akito who walked towards my desk in the back. His and my eyes were locked together. I smirked and he did as well. That confused me but I didn't let it show.

He stopped in front of me and I stuck my tongue out at him. "That's mature." he sneered. I grinned and poked him on the forehead.

"I know." I said.

"Hey Five-head,"

"What Duck."

"Don't do anything stupid."

"ME?! Never."

"Seriously, if you influence him negatively you'll regret it." he looked at me hard. I stared blankly, "Sure."

"Turn to page 207 in your books." the teacher said. Iruka was a good teacher and was able to handle big groups easily. Which is the exact reason he was assigned the troublesome class of the 7th grade both A and B.

I felt a pair of eyes bore into my head and turned to yell at the one responsible when I came nose to nose with Akito. "What?" I asked peeved at him.

"I don't have a spot to sit all the seats are taken." he said. I glanced around and sure enough each kid had a chair. I sighed and picked him up and plopped him down on my lap. I smirked feeling him stiffen happy to make him feel discomfort. I leaned back in my chair and tuned the teachers droning.

I felt the kid lean back, only to jolt forward again. I cracked an eye open to look at him. He looked...surprised....shock...disbelieving and disgruntled all wrapped up in one blushing bundle. "Have a fever? Your face looks likes its on fire." I stated. He turned around and I leaned back again.


I attempted to calm myself down after that shocking touch. Who would've known? Not me that's for sure. I glanced at Sasuke who was staring at me I mouthed 'Tell you later' to him. This girl kept surprising me! She was only 3 years older than me and I could feel this secretive sense that clung to her.

I knew when I told Sasuke he would become interested and never drop it until he was satisfied. That's just the way he was. He wouldn't stop until he was content. I have no idea why, though.


I sighed and glanced at Sasuke. I looked at the kid who he was assigned. It was a girl who had brown hair and brown eyes. She stared up at him with eyes sparkling and cheeks tinted red. I couldn't help but feel a swell of laughter bubble up to my throat. I suppressed the urge , or trying to at least, to imagine that little girl trailing him like that all day.

I smirked. Life was good. I watched as he glanced down at her and her facing lighting up and turning red. She looks like Rudolph the Reindeers nose. She turned away with the palms of her hands pressed to her cheeks. He looked back to the teacher and scribbled something down in his notebook.

I reached into my pocket and brought out a pink detention slip from two weeks ago and a blue pen that was going to need ink soon. I scribbled down on it and tossed it at the Uchiha. It bounced of his head and landed on his desk. He looked dumb-struck (SC?) and opened it. His face contorted to a frown and he scribbled down something and flung it back at me.

I read and resisted the urge to vomit and wrote on it and sent it flying towards his face. He caught it and sent me a smug look. He opened it and frowned and wrote on it once more. He flung it this time at my legs. I caught it easily and looked up at him with a bored expression. I resisted the urge to smirk and kept bored expression on which, is really hard looking at his shocked face.

I opened it and shook my head as I reread the whole note.

'Yo, Duck. What'd ya do seduce her?'

'It's not my fault. I'm just sexy.'

'Man slut.'

'Ugly prostitute.'

The kid slid off me when the bell rang and I grabbed my bag. I mumbled a 'come on' and headed to my locker. I opened it and set my bag on one of the hooks and grabbed a Greenday bag and slung it over my should and quickly shot the locker again. I headed to my next class...and the next and the next.

Then I announced we were going to have lunch to the kid. He looked up at me gratefully. I rolled my eyes and headed to the lunch line. When we got to the back the line the group of nerds that were standing in front of us froze and took a slow glance at They then stepped out of line and went to the back.

It happened again and again until we were at the front of the line. "Does that happen all the time?" Akito piped. I glanced down at him and nodded. I grabbed both of us a tray and headed down the line. I grabbed a plate of spaghetti, garlic bread, and a bowl of strawberry's. I skipped the drinks and when the kid reached for one I promptly smacked the back of his hand.

He looked up at me surprised. "Don't drink that crap." I stated.

"It's milk, juice, and water."

"It's spoiled, warm, and has sweat in it."

"Well then what am I gonna drink?!"

"Can you handle my tray?"


"Take it to a place you wanna sit."

I walked away and headed to the pop machine. It was cold and fresh. Not many people come to this one except a select few due to the kids which always come here. Such as me. I sighed as I wondered why I was paired up with Duck Butts' kid brother. Plus the kid wasn't afraid of me! I sighed and stopped in front of the machine.

I dug around in my pockets only to find lint. I smacked my forehead. "You're dumb enough don't go around making yourself and stupider." a female voice mocked. "Got any money on ya?" I asked.

A dollar fluttered down in front of me. "Thanks." I said slipping it in the machine. I pressed the Dr. Pepper button and a can came clattering down along with 50 cents. I slipped the two coins and pressed the same button again and a can came clattering down. "See ya." the voice disappeared.

I walked back to the lunch room and glanced around when my eyes landed on the kid, and Duck Butt and his group of..groupies! I frowned and stalked to the kid. I stopped behind him and the table grew silent. I glanced at my tray and glared at the kid when he turned. "Hey take a seat." he said.

"Uh, let me!" I glared at him. "They won't bite and you said somewhere that I want to sit." he stated. I let out a breath in defeat and sit down. I grabbed a spoon and fork and scooped some spaghetti and twirled it on the spoon. I lifted it to my lips and sighed in satisfaction when it tasted good.

I swallowed the food and was about to redo the actions when I realized the eerie silence and looked up. All of the groupies were staring at me. I took a look to see if I knew anyone here. There was Naruto; idiot, blond hair, blue eyes, and is Duck Butts closest friend. Shikamaru; genius, black hair, brown eyes, and is a close friend of Ducks. Neji; prodigy, long brown hair, pearl eyes, and Ducks rival/friend. Then there were others who I didn't know.

"What?!" I demanded. "You eat like a proper lady...even Ino doesn't use a spoon like that." Ducks' voice sounded. I looked at him shrugged and kept eating to hungry to argue or insult him. The table started to get louder and I munched on my bread I grabbed my napkin (I didn't mention she grabbed this stuff but you'll live..unless you die) and wiped my mouth a sipped my pop. I frowned when it got silent again.

"What now!" I said irritated. "You could become a high class woman." Neji's voice sounded. I rolled my eyes and stabbed a strawberry. I nearly choked when I took a bit out of it. My face contorted with the sour taste. I quickly swallowed and downed my can of pop. "I'm leaving." I announced. I stood and turned to leave when HIS voice stopped me.

"You have to watch Akito, forehead. Can't you even do that? Oh that's right you can't."-snickers were evident around the table encouraging him- "because your to dumb to remember and you're a weakling." his voice mocked. I stood there with my back facing them. My hair covering my face. No matter how many insults he threw at did that ever come up.

His words bounced around my head and slithered down my throat and spine making their way to the soles of my feat then wrapping around my heart like a cobra and restricted. It squeezed and squeezed. "Oh you gonna cry? That'll only prove my point even more." his voice was accompanied by laughter.

My heart burst in a bloody explosion.

My arms flexed and I grabbed my empty (unfortunately) can of pop and chucked it at his pretty boy face as hard as I could. It hit his head with a hard and evident clunk. His head fell back and I smirked. When he brought his face back up I was ready with the rest of my spaghetti in hand.

I launched it at him and it hit and slid off his face. I took a good look at his face, I'm not sure if that was a good idea though. He had noodles and sauce stuck to his face.

And as fast as my heart burst it reassembled it self.

I let loose a bubble of giggles and then burst out laughing. My head was craned back and my arms wrapped around my stomach. My laughter bounced off the now silent lunch room. I grabbed a strawberry with a huge grin on my face and set in on top of Ducks' head. "It's a good look." I muffled my laughter.

I looked to meet his eyes to see how angry he was but he looked at me blankly. "Oi. Duck!" I waved my hand in front of his face. He snapped out of it. I smirked at his face, he was ticked...but I nearly took a step back when it seemed he was blushing. But then I realized he had red sauce on his face and screwed the idea.

I turned and walked away. I felt many eyes boring into me but simply ignored them. I glanced to the right to see a steaming Ino. I stuck my tongue out at her and continued on my way. I made it outside when I looked over at a group of goth kids who gave me looks of praise which I just rolled my eyes at. Goth kids here weren't even that scary. Pathetic, seriously.

I continued on my way but stopped when I felt a tap on shoulder. I turned and glared at a pale faced, dark haired boy named sai and mentally cringed. "Hey we say what happened and I must say I'm impressed. You should really join our group. Our type have to stick together." he said.

"Tsk. As if I join your lame excuse for a group." I walked away. I didn't glance at them uncaring what they thought of me. I didn't need anybody I was a lone wolf (sure you are). I stopped when I felt a cold pair of eyes bore into my head. "HARUNOOOO!!!!" I slowly and cooly turned around. I took in his face, there in front of me stood a completely pissed of Uchiha with spaghetti covering him.

He stalked passed the "goths" who shivered at his deadly aura. He stopped directly in front of me, about 2 or so millimeters away. My nose brushed his shirt and I stared directly into his shirt. He was a head and neck taller than me. I didn't step back but instead craned my neck back to look directly at him.

He had his head down to glare at my face. Our noses touched but neither of us moved. I could tell other people gather around us waiting to see what would happen. Several 'look how close they are!' and 'are they gonna kiss!!' were heard along with the rightful 'FIGHT!!' which was far better than the other two.

I stared expectedly up at him while he glared with a deadly intent down at me. "What?" I asked. His glare only intensified. I brought my thumb to my lips licked it then rubbed it against his face. He kept glaring while I continued the process. I grabbed noodles off his face and placed them in my mouth.

When I finished I shot him a glare and spat in his face. He stood there stunned for awhile. I intensified my glare, turned and walked away. Planning on leaving the stupid day with the stupid visiting kids and that Oh-so-stupid Uchiha behind. In the past where it belongs.