Chapter Seventeen


I'm at home with Chad, Jessica, and Jake. Chad, and I are setting our due date for the wedding. We decided we are going to have it on the beach under a tree for shade. Romantic right? I know.

Jessica, and Jake share a room together, right now they are taking a nap. Their room is mostly the color green but, it's a neon green. So, it looks cool.

"Sonny we haven't had anytime to ourselves since the kids were born." Chad said giving me a seductive look.

"We can't have that." I said flirting. Then we started to kiss. He laid me down on the couch, and got on top of me. When we started to lift my shirt the doorbell rang.

"Oh boo!" I told Chad. He sighed, and got up to answer it. Then, Tawni came in, with a huge grin on her face.

"Where's those adorable children?" Tawni asked. Then, she looked at Chad, and I then, a smirk played on her lips.

"Did I interrupt something?" She asked innocently. Chad was about to answer so, I hurried, and answered.

"No, no, no! The kids are upstairs in the door next to our bedroom, with the two J's on it." I told Tawni.

"Okay! I'm just going to say hello!" She said walking up the stairs.

"Sonshine!" Chad whined.

"Yes?" I asked innocently. He walked over to me, held my waste, and started to kiss down my neck.

"Chad! Not when Tawni's here!" I whisper/yelled.

"Fine." Chad said smirking.

"Fine!" I said copying his face expression.





"Oh come on you guys STILL do that?!" Tawni whined from upstairs. Chad, and I laughed, and went upstairs with Tawni.

"Guys, they are to cute! Who knew Chad could make a beautiful baby!" Tawni said.

"Hey!" Chad said.

"Calm down Chad, she's kidding." I told Chad.

I went over to Jessica to hold her.

"We thought we lost you baby girl." I cooed. Chad looked at her, and smiled.

"I want to hold my boy! Tawni give me my baby!" Chad said walking over to Tawni.

"Hey, this is my boy!" Tawni said.

"Did you give birth to it? No!" Chad said.

"Well, neither did you!" Tawni said.

"Guys, chill! Tawni give Jake to Chad after you hold him for a few more minutes." I told Tawni.

"Okay." Tawni said.

"Look at you already sounding like a mom." Chad said smiling at me.

"Well, someone has to act mature when we have two big kids in the house." I said smirking.

"Chad Dylan Cooper is not a big kid!" Chad whined.

"Really because, that sounded like a spoiled big kid whining. You are gonna pay for that." I said playfully.

"Oh really? I need to be taught a lesson then." Chad said seductively.

"Ew! Can you two not talk all seductive with kids in the room. That's very bad parenting." Tawni said pointing a finger at us.

"Fine, we'll stop." I said.

"Good, now I'm going to make myself pretty so, got to go! Toodles!" Tawni said walking out the door. I put the babies back in their cribs, and went back downstairs with Chad following me.

"So, we are going to get married as soon as possible correct?" I asked.

"Correct." He said.

"So, how about this weekend, on Saturday?" I asked.

"Sounds great but, where do you want to go for our honeymoon?" Chad asked.

"Well, I want to take the kids so, we can have a family thing. But, when we want alone time we need a nanny. How about," I was interrupted by Chad.

"Hawaii!" Chad said.

"Hawaii? Chad, I don't think we can get a nanny there." I said.

"No problem babe, I can hire one." Chad said smiling.

"That could work." I said rubbing my chin.

"Okay so, I'm gonna ask Tawni to be my maid of honor. Who do you want for your best man?" I asked Chad.

"How about, Devon. You know we are best buds, he's always been a good friend to me." Chad said.

"Perfect." I said smiling at him, and gave him a peck.

"Sonny, who do you want to walk you down the aisle?" He asked. I got a hold of Chad's parents, and told them everything that has happened, and they said they wanted to be there for the wedding but, I'm going to make it a surprise for Chad.

"Oh, don't worry about that." I said giving him a smile.

"Okay so, this Saturday?" Chad asked.

"Yes." I said.

"We're going to do this?" Chad asked.

"Yes, don't worry Chad this will tie are knot in a circle so, we can keep going around, and around, and it will last forever." I told him.

"That's a beautiful choice of words Sonny." Chad said smiling.

"What can I say, I have a way with words." I said with my head held high.

"That you do." He said.

Now we just have to count down the days until it's Saturday.

The big day.



Today is the day. The day I marry Sonny. I'm so nervous I feel like I'm going to pass out. And, Chad Dylan Cooper doesn't do nervous either. Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." I called out.

"Well, look at you son." The person said, I turned around to come face-to-face with my dad.

"Dad? How- why- what- huh?" I said speechless.

"Sonny gave me a call." He said sitting down on the leather couch.

"How did she know your number?" I asked.

"I guess our phone book in the house." He said with a chuckle.

"Wow dad, I haven't seen you in forever, and now you come back?" I asked shocked.

"Now is that how your going to talk to your dad or, are you going to give me a hug?" He asked smiling. I walked over, and gave him a hug. Man hug of course.

"You've really grown up Chad Dylan. I'm impressed I never thought I'd see the day you settle down." He said.

"Well, Sonny is the one dad." I said.

"Don't be nervous son. When I married your mother, I was nervous but, look where we stand now. We made a handsome son, which of course got my looks." He said popping his collar. That's my dad!

"And, we are still married after twenty years, and the marriage is still healthy." He said patting my shoulder.

"I know dad, I'm not worried about that it's just what if she decides to not say I do? And, runs out on me." I said.

"Son, I talked to Sonny. She really loves you. The whole time on the phone she mentioned you in every sentence." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes." He said smiling.

"Where's mom?" I asked.

"She's with Sonny, helping her with her dress." He said.

"So, what do you think of her?" I asked hopeful.

"I like her son, so does your mother. Don't lose this one." He said, with a pat on the shoulder.

"I won't dad." I said smiling at him.

"Well, you better get next to your best man. It's almost time." He said, and left the room.

I looked in the mirror.

"You can do this Chad, your the man!" I said with a click of the tongue, and wink. I left the room to stand next to Devon outside on the beach.


I have Mrs. Cooper, Tawni, and my mom helping me with my make-up, hair, nails, and dress. I had my hair down, with curls, and my bangs straight the the side. Make-up was, silver eye-shadow, clear/shinny lip gloss. My dress was beautiful. It was strapless, white, and flowing down. From the top to my knees it was white, and sparkling. And, from my knees to toes it was see through. I had my see through veil on too. I wore clear high-heels.

"You look beautiful Sonny." My mom said.

"I agree sweetie." Mrs. Cooper said. She is surprisingly nice.

"Sonny, you look prettier than I do!" Tawni said.

"Tawni, did you just say I looked prettier then you?" I asked shocked.

"Yes." She said.

"Aw Tawni, that's so sweet! You never said anyone was prettier then you." I said almost crying.

"Well, I just did! So, yeah it feels good." She said smiling.

Mr. Cooper walked in the room. He gasped.

"Wow Sonny, you look beautiful. No wonder my son is head over heels for you." He said smiling.

"Thanks." I said blushing.

"Well, it's time Sonny." He said. I nodded, and linked arms with him.

We waited at the back behind trees so, no one could see us.

Tawni, and Devon walked up the aisle, then the music for the bride came on. That was my cue so, we walked slowly up the beach aisle.

All my family was there, plus some of Chad's. I saw my mom in the front row chairs with Jessica in her arms, and Mrs. Cooper with Jake.

Then, I saw Chad. He looked so good. He wore a white tux with a black tie. He was smiling at me so big. When, I got to him, Mr. Cooper kissed my hand, and Chad took it.

"You look beautiful Sonshine." Chad whispered.

"You look very handsome too Chad." I whispered back. We both smiled, and faced the priest.

He did the whole speech, and asked for us to say our vows.

"Sonny you may say your vows first." He told me. I faced Chad, with a huge smile.

"Chad Dylan Cooper, oh what to say. Well, when I first met you, you took my yogurt so, that showed me you were a jerk. But, then you showed me, and only me your sweet side. I was shocked to know you had one. But, I'm glad I got to see it. I absolutely love you. I know it's love because, I never had this feeling before. And, it's a good feeling. I will always love you. And, always comes with a forever. So, you can expect my love always, and forever. I love you Chaddy." I said with a tear falling down my cheek. I was so happy that's where the tear came from.

Chad's eyes looked glassy like he was going to cry too. Then, he wiped my tear away.

"Chad, you may say your vows now." The priest said.


"Oh Sonny, first, I love you too. Well, I was always known for the bad boy in Hollywood. I never settled for one girl. It was always a one week thing. But, then you came into my life, and everything changed. I never looked at another girl when I met you. My eyes were only for you. Lets just say when I met you, I turned into a total sap. But, it was worth it because, I got two beautiful children, and this marriage from you. You gave me a life to look forward to. I know your my soul mate because, I never, ever, thought to give my grandmothers' ring to anyone but, when I became close to you, I thought, she's the one.I took the chance, and here we are. I love you Sonshine, and if I ever lose you. I guess, I'll have to follow you." I told Sonny.

She started to cry, with a smile on her face. I wiped the tears away, and squeezed her hand.

"Now, do you Alison Sonny Munroe, take Chad Dylan Cooper to be you husband?" The priest asked.

"I do." She said looking a me with those big, beautiful brown eyes.

"Chad Dylan Cooper, do you take Alison Sonny Munroe to be your wife?" The priest asked.

"I do." I said with no hesitation.

"Congratulations Mr, and Mrs. Cooper, you may kiss the bride." The priest said. I gently grabbed Sonny's face, and kissed her tenderly. Everyone clapped, and cheered.

I took Sonny's hand, and led her to the limo we were going to drive in. Before we got in, my mother, and father came over to me. My dad took my hand, opened it up, and put keys into it, then closed my hand. I looked at him confused, then I took a look at the keys, and saw they were the house keys.

"Dad, why are you giving me your keys to the house?" I asked.

"It's yours son. You start your new family in it." He said smiling at me. I smiled, and gave him a hug.

Then, after telling everyone else bye, Sonny, and I got our kids, and sat in the limo. I held Jake, while Sonny held Jessica.

"We did it Chad, we are finally together for good. I love you so much." Sonny said with a kiss.

"We sure did do it, I love you to Sonny." I said with another kiss.

And, it never would have happened if we didn't go to that college. But, it was worth it.



Hello everyone, thank you for reading, and all the reviews, viewers, favoritism, story alerts, and author alerts I received for this story. I would of never continued the story if I didn't get any reviews but, because of you awesome - amazing - spectacular - lovely people I did. So, thank you so much. I'm glad I got all positive reviews as well. Please review, and tell me what you thought of the whole entire story!