Hope you guys are glad! I am giving up my whole day, and believe me, it will take all day, to write a new chapter for all 5 of my in-progress stories, so be grateful! (Is that how you spell it?) Lolz, ok, so see you if you read any other stories of mine!
Tim opened his eyes slowly, but quickly shut them again because of a harsh bright light.
His head hurt. His head really hurt. He brought his hand up to his head, or at least, tried to bring up his hand. They were tied. He opened his eyes despite the light, and craned his neck to see his hands. He winced when he felt pain in his neck. He looked at his feet and saw they were tied up, too.
"Ah, you're up," The voice made Tim jump. There was a laugh and then a door opened in the room he was in. A woman stepped through the door. "Hello, Tim. I'm Jennette. You're here for one reason and one reason only. Helping usget rid of…unwanted things. Don't worry, we won't hurt you… Unless you don't help us."
"What are unwanted things?" Tim asked. Jennette smirked.
"You'll see." And she walked out the door leaving Tim to his thoughts.
(Shut Down)
Ziva and Tony split up to talk to the two different witnesses. Ziva went to the one who remembered Tim having been there earlier. "Excuse me."
The blonde woman looked up from the back of the ambulance she was sitting on. "Yes?"
"I am from NCIS. I was told you saw someone from NCIS here before the hold up."
"Yeah, I'm a cashier and he came up to me when he ordered."
"Was he there during the robbery?"
"Mmhmm, but only part of it. He left around the time the third woman disappeared. The police said she was another hostage being forced to help them. You know, oddly enough, they ended up ditching the place before they actually got any money."
"Yes, that is odd. Thank you…"
"Katie Jackson."
"Thank you, Katie. May I have your phone number in case we need to call you for anything more?"
"Yeah, here." Katie scribbled her phone number onto a piece of paper and handed it to Ziva.
"Thank you." Ziva turned to find Tony.
(Shut Down)
Tony went over to the teenage boy who remembered three people. "Hey, kid, can I talk to you?"
The boy sighed. "More police? Haven't you heard everything yet?"
"I'm from NCIS and I just need to confirm something, you did see a woman right?"
"Yes. Can I go home now?"
"Wait, did you see her leave?"
"I saw her running to the back of the store with a man in front of her. It kinda looked like she was pushing him. She didn't come back out, neither did the man. So, I'm good now, right? I'm allowed to go?"
"Just ask an officer first. We probably won't need you again, but we still need your number in case we need to ask you more questions."
The boy sighed again. "Sure, okay." He quickly wrote his number down on a piece of paper and shoved it at Tony.
Tony frowned. "Hey, one more thing, what's your name?"
"Joel Baker. Goodbye." Joel got up and went to a police officer as Tony turned around to go get Ziva.
(Shut Down)
"Boss!" Tony shouted as he jogged into the bullpen. "We found out some stuff."
"First of all," Ziva began. "There was a robbery at the restaurant."
"And McGee wasn't there. Also, there were 3 people, but only 2 were caught. The police say the one they didn't catch was a hostage that the men forced to help them. There was another hostage who saw the last robber, who was a woman, run to the back of the store with Tim in front of her. Neither came back to the front."
"He was kidnapped?!?!" Gibbs yelled. Tony cringed.
"Yeah?" Gibbs got up and stormed off and up the stairs.
"Gibbs! Where are you going?" Ziva called after him.
"The director's office!"
This might as well be the short chapter story. D= Sorry guys. Review? Thanks!