KyA~ I wanted to finished before I went back to school, so here it is! The last Chapter of "One Moment with You, Please" Please R&R!!!

(I do not own S.A. Or any of the characters BTW!!)

Chapter 4: Moments & Memories 3

"Tch. Why is it every time I'm on a date with that girl, someone comes along a ruins things" Yahiro sounded pissed.

"Well, Whatever, maybe you weren't meant to be." the blonde guy chuckled.

Yahiro looked up from the ground and gave the man a glare. "What?" He asked through his grinning teeth.

"It seems she loves you but you don't give a care in the world about her. That's how I see things"the guy shrugged and gave an evil smile. "Now, we have MORE important business."

"Heh" Yahiro chuckled. "No, there's something more important." Yahiro started to run to the direction Megumi ran to.

"Wait!" the guy yelled after Yahiro "Leave us again and you'll regret everything!! You'll lose it all!!"

Yahiro stopped running and looked back. He smiled and opened his mouth "The only thing I regret is not realizing she is important to me and the only thing I'll lose is her, if I don't catch up." Yahiro gave a small wave and dashed off to find Megumi.

"What a touching love story!!" One of the men in black started to cry.

* * *

Where the heck did she go? Yahrio thought as he ran down the road hoping he was closing in on Megumi. This girl is just making me run today!

Yahiro suddenly stopped when he finally saw her light brown hair sway in the wind. The gold and red beam of lights from the sunset shimmered against her face.

There she was, He had found her. At that moment, Yahiro had opened his closed heart.

The key to his locked heart was Megumi's love.

He slowly walked up the hill and kept his eye on her back. She was looking out to the sunset, a sad expression on her beautiful face.

Yahiro wrapped his arms around her giving her a slight surprise. The wind blew Megumi's hair and swayed in Yahiro's face. "Remember this place?" He whispered in her ear.

Megumi slowly nodded, her face flushed and her heart throbbing.

"This is the hill where you sang that song....." He paused and looked at the sunset.

"Yahiro...." Megumi turned around and looked at Yahiro's face. She was confused and a puzzled look was on her face.

He was smiling and his face was cherry red. "This is also the hill....where I fell in love with a specific air headed girl."

Megumi looked down "What about the guy and his company?"

"None of that matters" Yahiro gently touched Megumi's cheek and lifted her face. Megumi looked at him. "I don't know when but, I fell in love with you.....Megumi Yamamto"

Megumi's face brightened and a small smile was on her face the moment she heard Yahiro's words.

"Really?" She asked as her smile became bigger."This isn't a joke right!?"

A vein popped on Yahiro's forehead "Way to ruin my moment!" Yahiro yelled.

Megumi laughed and smiled at Yahiro's cute, pissed off face. Yahiro couldn't help but smile as well. He reached for Megumi, holding her face in his hands.

He leaned forward, his forehead on Megumi's forehead. They both smiled and laughed.

"I love you, Megumi" Yahiro said as he slowly leaned forward and kissed Megumi. After the sweet kiss Megumi had always longed for, She smiled and jumped into his arms.

"I love you too Yahiro!" She happily answered back. "So, I guess I won the game?" She grinned as she looked at Yahiro's face.

"I guess you did" Yahiro laughed and kissed Megumi once again.

* * *

So, everyone that's it of the Story! A happy ending for Megumi-chan and Yahiro-kun. Thanks for reading my story and the reviews you have given! Please continue reading my stories~

