I do not own Special A or any of the characters....tho I did wish I had Ryuu! XD

LoL Enjoy!!

A moment With You, please.

"What the heck do you want?" Yahiro asked Sakura, who was standing in his office doorway.

"Megumi-chan is sick" Sakura replied with a smirk on her face.

"So?"Yahiro sounded ticked. "Why should I care?"

"Because, Ryuu and Finn are going out on a date; Jun and I are going out as well....that means she's gonna be all by herself...."

Yahiro looked at her and rolled his eyes. He slowly got up from his chair, walked to the door and slammed it in Sakura's face.

"Ganbatane!!" Sakura yelled on the other side of the door.


On the other hand.

"Megumi-chan, are you sure we should leave you alone?" Ryuu asked as he put a cold, wet towel on Megumi's forehead.

Please don't worry about me! Have Fun on your dates! She wrote on her notepad. She gave Ryuu and Jun a thumbs up and smiled. The two boys didn't argue, they said good-bye, and soon left the house.

It was quiet in the house and Megumi felt lonely. She laid back down and looked up to the ceiling. Suddenly, Yahiro's face popped into her mind.

Kya! What was that? She thought to herself. Ever since the day Megumi had a date with Yahiro, all Megumi could think about was Yahiro, Yahiro, Yahiro. She had fallen in love with him but Yahiro had no feelings for her, but he did love to tease her. Megumi wasn't sure what was in Yahiro's mind.


Megumi was awakened by the doorbell.

Are they back already? She asked herself as she looked at the clock "4:30pm" it shined. Megumi slowly got up and walked to the door. She was surprised to see Yahiro standing in front of her. He was holding grocery bags and his face was red .

Megumi had forgotten her notebook at bed and so she had to use her beautiful voice "Yahiro-kun? What are you doing here?"

"Shut up and Let me in" Yahiro commanded.

Megumi did as he said and let Yahiro in, her head was spinning,not from her fever but the thought of Yahiro in her house....for what reason. "Go back to bed While I get you some porridge. " Yahiro commanded.

"That's fine! I'll make tea!" Megumi insisted and blushed slightly.

A vein popped on Yahiro's forehead and grabbed Megumi's arm and pulled her to the couch. "Sit!"

Startled, Megumi did as he said. He put his hand on her forehead and gently pushed her to lie down. Megumi did not resist but just blushed and looked at Yahiro's embarrassed face.

"Yahiro-kun..." Megumi whispered.

"I said shut up. If you treasure your voice and health, you'd shut up and go to bed."

Megumi smiled "I need a pillow"

Yahiro grunted, grabbed a pillow and sat down on the couch. He gently took Megumi's head and laid her on his leg with the pillow he got. "Until you fall asleep, I'm not leaving" He blushed and looked Megumi straight in the eye. Megumi was happy, she wasn't lonely anymore, and more importantly, she was with the person she loved.


When Megumi had awakened, the sunset shined through the glass window. She was still on Yahiro's lap. She looked up to his face and found him sleeping. She closed her eyes and held on tightly to Yahiro's jacket which was draped on her like a blanket. When Yahiro, thought that Megumi was sound asleep, once more, he gently touched her forehead to check her temperature. "Baka" he whispered as he leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.

That Saturday afternoon was spent with new love blossoming, well,that is until Akira came by unexpectedly and found the scene.

Hope you guys like it, It's my first story to be published so if you don't like it...oh well! _