A series of random drabbles based on my North universe from the view of the other Glee members. If you would like to know what someone was thinking at a particular time, please feel free to let me know. I'm more than happy to accept requests and suggestions.


When Mike first noticed that Puck liked Rachel, he laughed.

Not because it was totally impossible but just because it was the two of them. When Puck liked a girl, he flexed his totally badass guns (quote, unquote) and they would fall at his feet. Something about worshipping at the altar. Whatever. Puck had a big enough ego that he didn't need anyone else inflating his head. Mike was actually surprised it could still fit through the door – he thought at some point Puck would have had to walk through sideways to even fit through.

But he digresses.

The first sign that Puck was into the Berry shake was his moodiness. Quinn on a hormone rampage had nothing on a PMSy Puckerman. The guy would sit there with a stupid scowl and bite off everyone's head. It was funny until he'd taken a swipe at Brit.

(That's when Mike had had to lay down the law. Because no one messed with his woman. Well, soon-to-be woman but the idea still stood)

There were the subtle glances, the excuses the dude came up with to stalk (sorry, Mike meant hang around unobtrusively while sticking out like a guy with a mohawk) Rachel, how Puck had whined about Mrs Larry over down on Waterhousia trying to get into his Speedo.

Puck probably thought he was being all cloak and dagger about his mahoosive (patent pending) crush on Berry. Whatever. Mike had grown up reading the Famous Five and the Hardy Boys. Not to mention his massive collection of Batman comics stashed in his basement, which his mother sarcastically referred to as "The Cave". Point was Mike Chang should have Private Dick stamped beside his name.

On second thought, maybe he should reconsider that.

But the real, glaring neon sign was the bat Mike had seen Rachel brandish at Jacob. That guy was all kinds of creepy. Mike was pretty sure Puck hadn't heard of Jacob's blog – or daily Playboy fan letter to Rachel Berry – otherwise he was pretty sure Puck would have plucked every single frizzy hair off Jacob's 'fro.

Seeing Rachel with that Louiseville slugger in her small hand had literally stopped him in his tracks. Because Mike knew for a fact that Puck loved that bat almost as much as the stack of skin mags he had buried in the false wall behind his chest of drawers. He stroked, caressed and polished the damn thing so much Mike was surprised he hadn't had any serious injuries to his right hand.

God, Mike killed himself. Sexual innuendo was so the win.

Back to the story.

When Rachel had drew herself up to the tiny, tiny stature that she was and Jacob had turned tail and ran for his life, Mike had ever so casually strolled up to Rachel.

'Hey Rach.'

Rachel turned to him, surprised before giving Mike a smile. He wondered why he had ever thought she was crazy but figured that Rachel was kind of like an onion – you had to peel all the layers off before you realized that it was all those layers you didn't think you liked that made her whole.

Too philosophical man.

'Hello Mike,' she replied formally, tucking the bat under her arm.

'So…' Mike trailed off, fixing his eyes squarely on the object. 'Nice bat.'

'Isn't it?' She answered, looking pleased. 'Puck gave it to me this morning. I mentioned previously that I merely had mace to protect myself with against potential intruders. For some reason Puck took offence to my method and procured this for me as a more substantial line of defence.'

'Really?' Mike had said, after mentally translating Rachel's speech in his head. He really needed to teach the girl some slang. Then again, he mused, Rachel wouldn't quite be Rachel without that layer of formality.

'Yes.' She seemed confused by the amused expression on Mike's face. 'Is there a reason you find this amusing?'

'Oh no. That's Puck, you know? My boy likes watching out for the people he cares about.'

Rachel coloured at his words just like Mike expected.

'I'm sure Puck shows the same level of interest in your welfare as well Mike,' Rachel tried to feign insouciance. Mike didn't buy it. He also didn't think it was necessary to point out that Puck wouldn't have given a second thought to whether Mike could defend himself against anything. In fact, Puck had smirked when one of the guys on the team had broken Mike's arm last year. Clapped him on his back and told him that he hoped his left arm was just as good as giving little Chang the Hand of Glory.


Which was why Mike had reveled in the put upon expression on Puck's face during Glee.

'Seriously man, you gave her a baseball bat?'

Puck had blinked, trying to look confused. Did this guy know who he was messing with?

'Normal guys give girls they like flowers. Not something they can use to bludgeon someone to death,' Mike had saw fit inform his friend.

'Whatever,' Puck had replied.

Mike had mentioned Jacob then, just to see if he could get a rise out of Puck. He succeeded.

James pissed Puck off but Mike thought a little jealousy couldn't hurt. But that bat had been a masterstroke, intentional or not on Puck's part. It had planted the seeds of something in Rachel's brain and given time to grow, Mike knew that sooner or later it would amount to something.

Catching Puck and Rachel behind the curtains in the auditorium, seeing their hands joined together, Mike couldn't help but grin.

Mission Accomplished (and not like that banner Bush had either).