Chapter 1: Epiphany

"Riku?!" a voice spoke from the phone. "Riku, are you their?! Someone's in the front of my house, I called the police and their on-," Their was a long pause. Then the phone went dead. My heart raced two times faster, as the dial tone rang in my ears. Slamming the phone shut, I kept on running.

The gravel scraped under my sneakers, sweat matted my silver hair to my face. " If those bastards touch you- I swear to god- I will kill them" I growled under my panting. The sun leaning on my back, as my shirt clung tightly to my skin from the sweat. People walking here and their stared after me as I sprinted to the next corner of the wall. ' I should of bought me a frick'n car!' I thought, as sweat begging to mat my silver hair to my forehead.

One more block…one more block, damn it! Skidding around the corner I fell to the ground. With a huff, I pushed myself up with blood running down my knees from the scrap, I can tend to that later right now Sora needs me! Thinking as a motivation to myself, I pushed myself to run faster and harder. My legs aching from the strain as I go towards the last corner of the road.

Seeing the blue house would have been a relief, the trees still shading the house would have been nice…if their wasn't a certain brunet lying on the grass in his lawn. My eyes widened at the fear, my heart racing with the running and the adrenaline running through my blood. I ran harder if it was possible, my muscles cramping but I kept on pushing myself. "Sora... Sora!!" I yelled, reaching out to him. He was not moving when I called.


I reached the lawn, and threw myself onto him, my eyes blurring from the tears that threaten to brim over. A pool of blood was around him, with eyes that were closed and hid the blue depth I yearned to see. I checked his pulse, he was barely alive, but the whole in his stomach was oozing out blood, the sight got me desperate. I carried him delicately as if he was about to crumble at any time and rushed towards the next door neighbors. Please be home, I thought, please be home… I kicked the door since my hands were full I kicked the door violently. Two kicks later, the door swung opened with, at first, was an angry woman, but with the sight of a blooded covered boy in my hands, and the threatened look I gave her that stated ' if you don't help, I swear to god, I will destroy you'. she nodded with a pale face and ran towards the phone to call the emergency hotline.

"R…ri…ku" a soft whisper spoke. I looked down anxiously. " I…I'm s-so s-s-sorry…" sora chocked, his eyes slowly opened, it looked hazed and shallow.

"Sora, please don't speak, your going to be okay" I promised him. The woman came back with a towel and ordered me to lay him down. Putting him down, but still not letting him go, the lady put pressure onto the wound. "their on his way" she spoke. " don't worry, he'll be okay" I nodded slowly, staring intensely at the depth of those blue eye's that threatened to close again. This has to be a dream, I thought. This cant be real.

"Sora!" Riku yelled sitting up suddenly. The chair he was sitting on titled back away, almost falling towards the ground. Frantically looking side to side, Riku looked disappointed that he was Sora-less. With a frown he sat back down and tensed as Riku noticed the aura around him have gone to quiet. Looking up, the class was staring at him, some giggling while other's raising an eyebrow. One of course, caught his eye. Sensei. To be exact, a person he usually just called Cid. With a spit out of the toothpick, he slammed his hands to the table that caused the class to jump and face front all at once.

"If students decide to take a nap in the class again, Riku, they will go straight to detention!" he yelled slamming his hand to the table again. " Now, lets get back to reading the first part of Romeo, and Juliet."

A girl with spiky raven hair that was known as Yuffie began "Where art thou my Romeo-"

Riku's head fell back onto the table and closed his eyes shut in the next two minutes a pencil was thrown at him. Ignoring it, he couldn't stop thinking of that dream…it seemed to real. Riku already was anxious to see sora, what if that dream was a sign that sora was hurt? he thought, with his leg moving up and down from the wait. Thinking of other excuses that sora was okay, it was useless attempts. ' he is clumsy' the inner voice spoke ' and the luck he has, I don't think a rock will make it in one peace if Sora stood next to it.' Riku growled at the thought. ' Damn, I'm stuck in here, while sora was getting hurt by some unseen force! What if he got trampled by a runaway bull?!' thinking about it, Riku had to grip the table from storming outside to hunt down Sora and to make sure nothing, or nobody comes close to him.

Ever since he met sora, his fan girl club was outraged that something like that was getting to their god and did everything they could to break them apart, but a certain class rep. hated the idea of letting them do that to her closes friends and threatened to close them down if they did anything. 'Will get you back my silver haired god!' one of the girls screamed, that was known as Leiko Miso. 'we wont let that demon get to you'. Riku had the sudden urged to ring her neck that day. Today, his feeling's of pure anger towards her for labeling sora any harsh being was still mutual

"Riku" a voice brought him back to reality. " Why, don't you recite the part of-" Ring. The school bell echoed across the hallway. In a blink of an eye Riku was gone, with the door slamming shut.

The burnet did not know what was on his way, but he could sense it. Walking towards the locker that he was assigned in the begging of the semesters, when he and Riku meet for the first time, put his books in and looked at the bear that was laying at the top of the locker. Sora put his hand onto the bear, thinking about the time he was given it.

"Hey, you're the new kid right?" a husky voice spoke from behind me. " what's your name. turning to give him an answer, my eyes widened at the shock of what was in front of me. Their stood a silver haired god with pale skin that look like satin at the touch, his shirt tight enough to leave little to the imagination, and dark blue baggy pants with a chain linking from the front to the back of him. He noticed my eyes scanning, and cleared his throat. Blushing, I turned from him to close my locker door.

"well?" he asked. I turned back to him confused at his expected look. "are you going to tell me your name or what…" he said amused. " do you even speak Japanese?" he leaned closer to me. " My-name-Riku" he spoke slowly in English.

"Y-yeah, I speak Japanese," I stuttered embarrassed, and angry that I was being treated like a retard. " My n-name is Sora…and I just came from Destiny Island." looking down, and tried not to blush. But my face still heated up from the embarrassment. With a long awkward silence, I slowly looked up to meet his stare.

"Destiny Island?!" he yelled, and looked at me as if I grew ten feet tall. "Well, sora, you look way to cute to be from their." he said and scanned me over. I kind of felt a little self conscious when he did this and started to walk, almost tripping at the process.

"Hey, wait!" he called out, and grabbed my hand. "can we see each other again?" he pulled me closer, and my eyes grew wider, as he breathed " I wont take no for an answer…"

I nodded and with that, I busted into the class, my face flaming red from the encounter. Kairi, a class rep that greeted me with way to much eagerness, raised an eyebrow and smiled as she saw the silver haired boy behind me. Riku seated me, said he would be waiting for me after class outside, and left me with the girl that scooted closer towards me.

"sooo," she said looking at me, curiosity burning in her eyes. "how do you like the school so far transfer student?"

With a quick glance, I stared at Riku exiting the door with cat like grace. "well" a smile escaping onto my lips. "I think I'm going to like this school"

"Sora!" a voice spoke out of nowhere. "Earth to Sooraa, are you reading me?" a red hair girl spoke, waving her hands in front of Sora's dazed looking face. Immediately, Sora shook his head and looked at Kairi with a big goofy grin on his face.

"hey Kairi!" Sora spoke, while walking forward. Big mistake. With a small crack on the floor, sora somehow stumbled onto it and fell face flat onto the floor. "-and…floor…ouch" he mumbled, as he was about to pull himself up, a certain silver hair boy pulled around the corner and gasped at the sight. Still traumatized from his dream, Riku ran towards the burnet "Sora!" Riku yelled.

"Huh?!" the burnet looked up startled "It wasn't me!!" he said, with eyes about to do the puppy look.

"Are you okay, your not hurt are you?!" Riku pulled up the burnet, and his eyes scanning over the boys body. With a sigh of relief, he hugged the boy tightly. Riku rested his chin on the boys head, which kind of made sora a little irked that he could do that, as Sora hugged him back with the same intensity.

"you know," Sora said after some seconds passed " you got to be used to me falling face flat to the floor by now."

Riku chuckled. "uh-huh" he rolled his eyes, even though sora cant see it. "you better knock off that habit of yours or else I'm gonna start carrying you around brible style." he threatened. Sora's face blushed an even darker color, if it was possible for a person to be the color purple.

" A-hem" Kairi coughed, covering her smile with a hand over her mouth. " Sorry Riku, but it's time for Sora's homecoming meeting." she said, dodging the death glare Riku shot at her. Growling, Riku hesitantly loosened his grip around the burnet to replace by holding his hand in a tight grip. Kids from the classes, suddenly started to burst out of their classes, walking out and laughing at each other's gossip. The crowed was thick and Kairi was already lost within the mob. Riku drew the burnet closer, as they both made their way through the halls.

Rolling his eyes, sora could not believe how overprotected Riku was getting now. He didn't mind, but it's just that sora was now forbidden to do some of the things he normally would have done before he met Riku. One time, sora was about to jump into a field of sunflowers, until Riku saw a bee and immediately pulled sora away from the yellow glimmering field he was anxious to jump into. 'I don't want that bee to sting you' he said. Sora gave his famous puppy dog eyes slash pout look, but the silver haired boy never let go of him, and with that he couldn't remember because it was a fast blur…but he did wake up next to Riku, on the fluffy bed in his room.

Suddenly a hand pulled Sora harshly, with the feeling of a warm hand disappeared from him Riku turned around frantically. Sora was gone. Kids moving left to right, giggling and laughing around him, a janitor was moping in the corner 'what if he slips?!' an inner Riku yelled. The other corner, a mechanic was changing the copper wires. ' Electric plus sora, means Fried burnet!'. "Sora!!" Riku called desperately. " Where are you?!". Meanwhile Kairi, was chuckling with a hand full of Sora.

" it's only been two seconds and already his yelling your name out like your going to die in the next second." she laughed aloud, and let go of the burnet, as he gasped for air Sora winced every time his name was called out from the silver haired boy. " Don't worry, you'll go back to him, just let me explain" Sora was already fidgeting, wanting to go back to the silver haired boy, feeling incomplete with every second of the missing warmth that was once holding his hands. Sora whimpered when his name was being yelled out again.

"Their back." Kairi spoke slowly, as Sora's focus was now drawn sharper onto the girl. His eyes narrowing at the red head.

"Who's back…you don't mean…" Sora eyes widened in fear as he gaped at the sudden information. The thing he was hiding from finally reaching his tracks and slowly crawling towards him. The reason why Sora moved here to hide, and never to be remembered again from his past life. Kairi nodded as if the silence answered for her. Sora's leg buckled, and his hands started to tremble. He knew if he stayed in one place for to long, they will come after him and finish the job that his father couldn't do when he was an infant. His mother was killed in the process, trying to protect her son. Or so they told him.

"I…I have to run Kairi, I need to go…" The burnet was about to loose it, so Kairi grabbed the tops of his arms and shook Sora violently. He was stuttering something she couldn't really pick up. The crowed of people were thinning, and Riku was bound to spot him pretty soon.

"Sora, Calm down, well make sure that nothing happens to you" she promised. "Just stay calm until we know who the traitor is to tell where your hide out was." he still was in panic mode and Kairi had to think fast. "you'll make Riku worry, you don't want that, right?" and with that, Sora nodded. Kairi sighed in relief as he turned and ran towards the silver haired boy, who thankfully and eagerly embraced the burnet. On the side lines some people awed their performance, while others just blushed and walked briskly pass the loving couple.

"Well protect you" Kairi whispered, staring at the burnet with fierce determination. " well protect your majesty…"