Merry Christmas break!! :)
listen to this!! At my novice swim meet i got 1st, 3rd, and another 3rd!! :O omg!! and at my LOSSA meet i got 2nd, 6th and 1st!!! :O OMG amazing!!!! and i didn't even die doing a flip turn in DUH DUH DUH THE DEATH END!!! -applause- thank you, thank you :)
I'm sorry i haven't written anything for a while :( i've been uber busy with swimming,work,tests and exams. ew exams :( this story is going to have two ,maybe three chapters and stay tuned for ABOUT TIME another story i will write after this one!! which i know know know you will loooove. i swear...maybe.
i cant remember what else i was going to say but i will be writing almosy everyday since its WINTER BREAK! okay WELL READ AND REVIEW!! Christmas is a time for giving :)
-Melvin tuggs on Inky's jeans-
Yes, Melvin?
Bobby says that you dont own the Teen Titans or Super Gulps, is that true?
Why yes, yes it is :)
(aww Melvin's so cute and BOBBY IS A BEAST!!)
P.S I revised this 'cause i noticed some mistakes. Don't worry i didn't change the actual story just grammer :)
The T-ship landed on the Titans roof and the pods opened. Beastboy made a mad dash to the stairs. The others climbed out and smirked as they listen to the changeling running noisily down the steps. It had been a long trip back from Japan, you know and Cyborg had insisted no rest breaks.
"Man, I told him not to drink that Super Gulp." laughed Cyborg.
"And you thought he would listen?" asked Raven deadpanned.
"...Well, no. I guess not." The robotic teen paused looking out at the city and smiled. "You know what, I really missed this place."
Starfire flew into the sky, spinning with joy into the morning sun.
Robin smiled up at her.
"Indeed! I have been having the sickness of the home as well!" Starfire dropped down in front of her boyfriend, slipping her hand in his.
Robin intertwined their figures and the alien giggled.
"Robin, would you like to maybe venture to the park or possibly the movies?"She asked as her free hand shyly touched his bare arm and then cupped his cheek.
Robin smiled his slow-as-butter smile."Sure, Star." He murmured.
"Hey Rob, lend me a hand will yah?" called Cyborg as he unloaded luggage.
"Raven, can you help him?" the Boy Wonder asked absently still not looking away from the alien. He heard the roof door slam and he knew the sorceress had deserted him. Robin sighed.
"Okay Cy, I'll be there in a second," he called. "Maybe later, Star?" Robin asked the girl hopefully.
Starfire nodded and smiled as Robin turned his head to kiss her hand.
The boy ran to catch a bag that had dropped from Cyborg's overflowing arms. He flashed one more breathtaking smile at her before she closed the roof and made her way to her room.
What to do until Robin's done?
Starfire's door swished open and she heard a happy little squeal before Silkie flew into her arms.
"Oh my little bumgorf, I have missed you so!"
thats what the little Silkster is thinking. you know why? cause he used Star's bed for a litter box. uh huh... no not really.
...i think a Super Gulp is from Juno...WHICH IS A AWESOME MOVIE!!
I will put on the next chapter tomorrow, promise :) right now i have a huge head ache and im listening to SWEET CAROLINE!!! HANDS TOUCHING HANDS!!!! REACHING OUT, TOUCHING ME!!! TOUCHING YOU!! (appropriately) SWEET CAROLINE! BAH BAH BAH!!!!
1. There used to be these two stories on here a while ago...maybe years...and it was about Richard Grayson, Slade Wilson was his history teacher and Slade tried to rape Richard but then Bruce saved him. there was also a sequel where Richard and all the Titans got trapped in the school during a snow storm and they started to tell stories about their fears... yeah i cant find it. Does anyone remember it? It was really good. Thanks :)
2. In the U.S.A what are the class placements for highschool? like in Canada we have Applied and Academic in grades 9 and 10. Then, in 11 and 12 there's college and university courses. I know the highest in the U.S is A.P but what are the others?? I have a American friend but she is very very very blonde and has no clue. Thanks :)