Um this is just a little preview, please tell me if you think I should write more, I'd like peoples opinion of this first, thank you

Edit: I have updated more! and am thinking of continuing on into more chapters!

The dark gray sky of London seemed as gloom as ever, it rarely changed since that day. The Beadle had entered the barber shop, the beggar had seen him. Silently she too made her way up the stairs to the shop. Memories came back to her as she went, the days of sorrow and grief. Shaking her ragged head she focused on what lie ahead, she had to speak to the Beadle or at least warn the barber of the baker's horrific deeds.

As she slipped inside the wide room the Beadle was nowhere to be found "Beadle, no good hiding, I saw you, are you in there still, Beadle?" she called as she searched the barber shop. There was no response, just the cold wind blowing outside. She had to warn someone of the baker's evil. The faint memories of long ago tried to overshadow her focus once again…

Suddenly a cold voice came from behind her "Who are you? What are you doing here?" quickly she turned around to see the barber standing in the doorway. He stood so stiff, so angrily. His dark eyes gleamed in the faint light. She began to speak, to warn the barber, but her words were cut off as she stared at him.

There was something familiar about his face, though at the moment it was cold and filled with anger the memory of another man tried to overshadow him, and the two images seemed to fit together.

"Hey don't I know you mister?" she said quietly, his brows furrowed as she spoke. Her dirty shaky hands grabbed at her ratted clothes as she waited for the barber's response. She wanted to reach out and touch his face, there was something there...something about this man, she couldn't put her finger on it...It couldn't be...

Sweeney looked at the pitiful beggar woman with a stiff expression. This unexpected appearance might ruin his plans for Judge Turpin. He had to get ride of her. Silently Sweeney reached for his razor, but before he could draw the blade, the beggar woman raised her head, he could now see her eyes. Those eyes... Their gaze made him stop and remove his hand from his blade. There was something in them, he remembered those eyes. He hadn't gazed into those eyes for many years, and he missed them so.

Taking a few slow step towards the woman his voice seemed almost inaudible "..Lucy..?" he whispered. It couldn't be true, Mrs. Lovett told him she poisoned herself, but those eyes.

The beggar woman lifted her head a bit more when he spoke. Was it her? Could it be her? Sweeney's hands shook slightly. As he watched the beggar she leaned her head closer to him, he could see her eyes squint just slightly, as if she was trying to focus on him.

A few seconds passed between them in silence, but finally the beggar woman's eyes widened and her worn lips moved slightly, just barely saying one word "Benjamin..."

Sweeney' crossed the room, closing the few remaining spaces between him and her. Slowly and silently, he brushed her tangled hair from her face. She looked at him, those eyes big, pleading, and oh so beautiful, just like he remembered.

" is you..." he stood there, Lucy's face in his hands. All this time he believed her to be dead, now she stood infront of him, his heart nearly skipped out of his chest.

Lucy looked up at him silently "Benjamin...." she whispered once again "Oh Benjamin!" she threw her arms around him, pulling him into a hug. At first, Sweeney was stiff, he hadn't been held in so long, the embrace scared him a bit, but slowly he relaxed and held her to him in return.

He had dreamed so long for the day he would be with his wife again. His beloved wife that he had believed to be dead. Tears threatened to drip down his face, but he wouldn't let them, he was stronger than that. Opening his eyes, he looked at Lucy's ragged clothing, life hadn't been particularly kind to her either.

Looking at her now, what that retched vulture had done to her, made the rage he had felt for Judge Turpin for fifteen long years came crashing back to him.

As if drawn by his thoughts the voice of the judge came from the steps outside. "Mr, Todd?" he called. The barber's brows furrowed once again, he would still get rid of him, so he wouldn't hurt his family anymore.

Silently, Sweeney urged Lucy to the corner of the room, next to the door. There, if she stayed still, she wouldn't be noticed.

The judge came storming in just as Sweeney returned to the barber chair, quickly he turned.

"Where is she?" the judge demanded.

Sweeney was silent for a moment,"Below, your honor, with my neighbor." his voice was just a bit more than a whisper.

Quickly he glanced at Lucy, she was silent and riggid in the corner, her eyes locked on him. As he lied to the judge, he knew Lucy didn't need to see what he was planning on doing.

"How 'bout a shave? Sit, Sir, sit!" he led Turpin to the chair, and quickly looked back at Lucy gesturing towards the open door with his head. Lucy obeyed and silently slipped from the room and down the stairs, back to the street.

He set the cloth on the judge, and slowly reached for his razor. He held the knife up to the light that came from the windows. It gleamed silver in his hand, but he could easily imagine it stained crimson, as it soon would be.

The judge spoke "How seldom it is one meets a fellow, Sir."

"With fellow tastes, in women at least."

"What's that?" the judge looked confused, and Sweeney smiled.

"The years no doubt have changed me, Sir, but then I suppose the face of a barber, or a prisoner alone in the dark, is not particularly rememerable"

The jugde turned and his eyes grew angry, he knew who it was in front of him. Sweeney simply smiled menacingly.

"Benjamin Barker" the judge spat bitterly.

Sweeney raised his arm, razor in hand "Benjamin Barker!!!" he wailed and thrust the blade into the other man's throat.

Turpin's mouth gapped open as the blade dug into his flesh.

Repeatedly the razor was lifted only to stab him once again. The judge's blood covered Sweeney as it flew from the wound.

As Turpin's head slumped backwards the barber moved to the front of the chair. He gazed upon the man that had ruined his life, destroyed him, and left his family broken. Now it was he who was broken and destroyed.

With a glare that would stop even the bravest of men in their tracks, Sweeney flung the blade across the judge's throat. The wound sprayed crimson blood one last time before Turpin's head finally slumped back, his eyes wide and mouth gaping.

The deed was done, the man that had falsely charged him, assaulted his wife, and kept his daughter captive was no more. Stepping on the pedal, he coldly watched as the body slipped from the chair and descended into the dark depths of the bakehouse.

It was done, it was finally done. He had gotten his revenge. The judge was dead, Antony would come with Johanna and Lucy...LUCY!

Sweeny's gazed drifted to the door. How could he have forgotten about Lucy!

He began to walk from the room when a small movement on the other side of the room caught his attention. The lid to the chest had moved. Sweeney held the razor tightly as he stormed over and raised the lid. He was slightly surprised to find a young boy.

Taking a hold of the boy's arm he pulled him from the chest "What did you see lad?" he demanded coldly.

The young boy just looked at him in fear. If it was from the blood on his face, or the anger in his voice, Sweeney didn't know, nor did he care. This boy may rat him out.

Viciously Sweeney pulled the boy to the chair and threw him down. He had to insure that no one knew. The razor was raised.

"Johanna!" Antony came barging in once again. He stopped as soon as he saw the barber's bloody appearance, and the raised blade.

"No Mr. Todd! No! That's Johanna!" he cried as he raised his hands and moved in between the boy and him.

The razor fell from his hand. "J-Johanna....?" Sweeney's face showed pure horror, it burned in his eyes.

Antony turned towards Johanna and held her shoulders "Mr. Todd didn't hurt you did he?"

Sweeney backed away from the two, he couldn't speak, he couldn't think. He had nearly killed his own daughter! The weight of that sorrow was to much to bare.

Johanna was watching him, silently, stiffly. "Who....who is that man?" she asked Antony softly.

Taking a quick glance at Sweeney, Antony answered "T...That's Mr. Todd"

Sweeney had completely turned from them now, he was cleaning the blood from his face and hands in a bowl of water he had just recently placed in the room. Once that was done he slipped on his jacket and made sure no blood was visible on him.

Silently he headed for the door, but stopped as he rested his hand on the door frame "Antony, you might like to know that the judge won't come looking for you or are safe now" with that said he left them behind and went searching for Lucy.