If you don't get this, or what kind of joke Kairi's trying to make. Please don't ask.

Kairi glanced around the chemistry room, looking for a partner. Selphie was working with Wakka, Naminé was with Sora, Tidus had paired up with the new girl who had weird eyes, and everyone else had seemed to claim someone. She was waiting for the teacher to tell her to join a group when she felt a hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump and turn around, nearly falling over her chair and seeing Roxas standing in front of her with a smile.

"Partners?" She frowned. "Please?" She sighed and nodded. "Great! Get to it!" He pushed past her and sat in her chair, propping his feet on the table in front of them.

"You're going to help." She pinched his arm to make him stand.

"Ow, ow okay!" He pulled his arm away and sat back down.

"Good. Go get the supplies." She pointed towards the front of the room and Roxas looked up to where the line of students stood, waiting for a chance to grab the materials from the shelves.




Sighing, she grabbed his ear, pulling him out of the chair and to the front of the room. "Now," She demanded using her free hand to motion towards the shelves.

He grumbled as he began to grab materials for their lab, and she only had to put a few things back. Roxas cursed under his breath as he followed her back to their seats. He sat down and watched her set the lab up.

"What's that?" He asked as she carfully poured a bit of red liquid from a graduated cylinder into a test tube, the thick substance coming out slowly.

"Where's your paper?" She asked as she began to add other liquids to the tube.

"..In Namine's bag."

She turned away from the table and looked at him. "Why?"

"I turned it into an airplane and hit Sora but she took it...Can I see yours?"

Kairi decided if he was willing to pay attention it wouldn't hurt, she handed him the paper and went back to work. When she didn't hear an "Oh...it's just hand soap and food colouring..." She turned to him, to see her paper folded into an airplane, getting ready to be launched at Naminé and Sora.

"Roxas!" He flinched and lowered his arm.

"You're such a buzz kill."

"And you're an idiot, hand it over." He slammed the crumpled paper into her outstretched hand and leaned back into the seat. Kairi unfolded the paper and tried to smooth out the creases.

Roxas rolled his eyes and looked at all the stuff she had set up on the table. He stood and tried to lean over the table to look into the tube, but instead bumped into it, causing the tube to fall over spread out over the table and the front of his pants.

He screamed, grabbing the wet area, and began hysterically going on about being on fire. Kairi watched with an amused smile as he turned to her and fell to his knees. "Do something!!"

The entire class watched with grins and smirks as the teacher shook her head at the scene, waiting for someone to explain to the boy what he was going on about.

Kairi knelt down next to him and smiled. "Roxas?"

"Call the frickin' nurse!"

"It's soap and saltwater." He stopped in the middle of an agonizing scream and looked up. She smiled, ruffling his hair and then stood back up.

"He's fine." She announced as everyone muffled laughs.

Roxas' cheeks reddend as Naminé laughed along with Sora. He frowned and shot a glare at Kairi as he rose to his seat.

"What'd you do that for?"

"Go get something to clean this up with." She turned away from him. "Oh and Roxas?"

"What?" He snapped as he rose to go get paper towels.

She turned and looked downwards quickly before returning her gaze to his face with a smile. "I don't like you that way."

Roxas quickly went to get the paper towels.

Like I said, don't ask, I won't explain. And if you get it, Kairi's a little sicko eh ;D