A/N: Dedicated to the Cloud in my life. Standard disclaimers apply. Background noise "Out From Under" by Britney Spears.

"Moments Cherished"

By MakoRain

It's moments like these that I cherish most. Just laying beside him, our bodies pressed so close together it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. It's beyond physical intimacy as I breathe in and he breaths out, our hearts pounding together and pulsing with the blood under my skin so sensitive to his touch.

It's times like these that I get to hold him without any barriers, no walls to deflect me and no shame as my fingers gently trace his scars. This may sound morbid but I kiss the one on his shoulder every day, forever grateful that it was his right shoulder and not the left side of his chest that was pierced through.

As I do this now he sighs and I snuggle into his chest, letting my hands caress their way up and down his spine, making him shiver into me until I giggle. I know just what he likes and I'll always be proud of that.

"Teef." My name flows from his lips over my skin with his voice reaching to my soul, touching me farther than physically possible.

I move my lips to his cheek and kiss it softly as his fingers brush their way through my hair, making me purr in content. He always knows just what I like and I'll always cherish that.

One hand at the back of my neck guides my lips to his in a kiss so searing and so passionate it brushes sleep out of my mind like a gust of wind. He takes my breath away time and time again until it feels like he has every single part of me taken up in him, pulling away when he knows I can't take anymore no matter how much I want. Everything is hazy when his lips leave mine, sleep threatening to claim my completely content and relaxed body in his arms. He tops it off with the words I'll never grow tired of hearing.

"I love you."

I smile and open my eyes enough to see his cerulean ones looking at me with something so pure, so sweet, so unbelievably amazing that it can only be love. A love I've only dreamed about and could never imagine blessing my life in flesh and blood in front of me, holding me, a part of me.

"I love you with all of my heart, Cloud. Always." My words wisp everything I feel between us and through us, filling us up to the brim until I feel I am drowning in him and cling to him as my savior. He'll always save me, a promise is a promise.

I'll always cherish my lover, my best friend, my life and these never ending moments in his arms, forever a part of him...as it was meant to be.

The End

A/N: This is my first attempt that I can recall ever writing in the first person for FFVII. Please let me know what you think in a review.