Memories beyond the Wings chapter 16

Author: Sakura Hime TRC and Miharu Tsubaki

Disclaimer: CLAMP and some character that I made

How would Syaoran explain Sakura about their relationship?

Will she remember him again?

Okay, minna-san, for this chapter, I'm not the one who got the idea or type this one. My friend, "Miharu Tsubaki" (she has an account in fanfiction. Check her fict out as well), did this for me. I'm really grateful… m(_ _)m

So, le'ts go for the show!


*The previous chapter*


Right when the song was finished, somebody called him, "Oi, Syaoran! Your girlfriend wants to talk to you!"

"why now?"

Syaoran took off his mp3 and put it in his pocket. He walked towards Sakura with a fake smile and asked what's wrong.

"I want to ask you something, but not here," Sakura took Syaoran by his hand and dragged him to the park behind the school.


"Li-san, we're only acquaintance right? But why do our classmates said that we're couple?"


-End Flashback-

-Syaoran's POV-

What should I say? Should I tell her that she IS my girlfriend? Or tell her that our friends are lying? No, that's impossible. Argh! Why it turns out to be this way?

"Li-san? Do you hear me?"

Gosh, Sakura… she is really close and with that cute face of hers… I…

"U-Uh! Yea, sure!"

"So… why do our classmates say that we're couple?" Her face is so confused.

Fine, I'm also confused! I dunno what should I say!

"W-We are not couple! Silly, we even just met a few days ago. There's no way we're couple!" I tried to hide my sadness by laughing.

Well, I hope that helps…

Which actually NOT!

"But why they say that we're couple?"

Now, I'm running out of ideas… I scratch the back of my neck and twist my mind to think some good reasons.

"Well… It's because… I like you! Yea, I like you and I wanna be your boyfriend so… so I told our classmate that we are-"


What I see next is not her face. My left cheek felt hurt as it's like being stung by bees.


She slapped me…

"H-How dare you?" Tears start to form in her eyes, which I really hate to see her like that.

The last thing I wanna do is hurting her, but… I hurt her just now…

I'm such an idiot…

And then, she ran… she ran far away from me with tears flowing down her cheeks. Well, at least it's better that in this way, she'll hate me and I think I'll… marry that 'Sakura'.


Maybe it's better for me to…

*Ding Dong Ding Dong*

S***! The school bell rang and I don't feel like coming to class. I walked to the upper floor and decided to sleep there.

-Sakura's POV-

L-Li-san is so mean… He shouldn't do that!

Why wouldn't he just confess to me and ask me to be his girlfriend? Why he should do that dirty thing? I… I…

"Sakura-chan? Are you okay?" I heard my friend, Tomoyo, calling from outside.

I gather my voice and replied, "I'm coming out!"

I wiped my tears and tried to smile as I walked outside to meet her. But it seems no use. She could figure out that I'm not okay RIGHT AWAY.

"Sakura-chan? Daijoubu?" her face looks very worried.

Should I tell her?

"Ne, Tomoyo-chan… Is… Is it true that Li… umm… Syaoran and me are couple?"

Her face looks confused and surprised at the same time, "Of course! Why did you ask such a silly thing?"

"B-But… he just told you guys right? That I'm his girlfriend…"

"Sakura-chan? What's wrong with you? Both of you are a super, duper, sweet couple! You often laugh and have dates with him! Don't tell me that you forget about that already!"

"A-Ah… of course not…"

*Ding Dong Ding Dong*

"Ne, Tomoyo-chan, can you do a favor for me?"

-Normal POV-

Sakura climbed the stairs to the upper floor of school and spotted Syaoran who was lying on the floor. His eyes were closed and his breath was steady. It seemed that he was sleeping.

Sakura sat beside him and studied his face. The way his bangs caressed his eyelids and his eyelashes brushed his cheek. She admitted that he IS handsome.

"… Sakura…" Syaoran murmured her name in his sleep, which made Sakura surprised and closed her mouth as she gasped.

"Li-san… he… he called me? In his sleep?"

Sakura felt guilty for slapping him before. He looks very cute and innocent when he's sleeping. And… somehow… she could feel it that he really likes her… Unconsciously, she brushed his bangs away from his forehead, which made him awoke. He slowly sat down and looked at her.

"I-I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay. But why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in class?" Syaoran asked in concern although he didn't dare to look at Sakura in her eyes.

"And how about you? Why are you here?" Sakura smiled.

"It's Math now. You should come in class as you're lack in Math."

Sakura tilted her head and faced Syaoran in a very cute way, "How do you know that I'm bad at Math?"

Syaoran felt his face became very hot and he covered his mouth, "I-It's because I'm…"

"… watashi no kareshi, desho?"

Syaoran's eyes widened in surprised as Sakura said that with a smile on her face, "… Y-You…"

Sakura sat across him and looked down in guilty, "I… I'm really sorry for slapping you earlier… and… I realized that I'm the one who is wrong here…"


Sakura held Syaoran's hand and looked deep in his eyes, "Please… give me a chance to… to try to remember about you again… about us…"

Sakura stood up and said, "I… Forgive me! I shouldn't say those things! Excus-"

Syaoran hugged her from behind and cut her words, "Don't go…"

Sakura slowly began to smile and held Syaoran's hand that circled around her shoulder blade, "You know… I think that… I'll fall in love with you in no time… Zettai…"

Syaoran smiled a bit and whispered in her ears, "Aishiteru…"

Sakura blushed but couldn't help only to smile.

Okay, it's me! Miharu Tsubaki-chama! X3

Since Sakura-chan had typed for the author notes above, it's my turn to type something here…

So, Gomene for this very short chappie cz I also need to finish my fict about "Zettai Kareshi" (Plz check my fict out! Onegai ne! m(_ _)m )

Saaa, these are some translation for the Japanese words above (gomen for mistranslate):

-Daijoubu: Are you okay?

-Kareshi: boyfriend (watashi no Kareshi, desho my boyfriend, right?)

-Zettai: definitely, absolutely

-Aishiteru: I love you

It's back to me, Sakura Hime TRC again!


First, please wait for the next chapter and I'm sorry if I take a long time to update!

Second, please also take a look at Miharu Tsubaki's fanfic. She mostly makes short stories/songfic and they're good! I've read them!

Third, please read my other stories and tell me what you think!

Fourth, if you have any ideas, please tell me so then I can make another story based on your ideas (don't worry, I'll put the information that you're the owner of the ideas)! But I only write Syaoran x Sakura, both for Tsubasa Chronicle and Cardcaptor Sakura.

Fifth, if you think I make some mistakes (whatever the mistakes are) or you have a better idea, just let me know! Or maybe comments about this chapter. I'll read it!

Finally, thank you for reading this chapter and please REVIEW!

See you later!