I get bored sometimes.
"How could she!?" thought L-block, anguish and confusion clouding his mind. "I thought what we had was something unique, something... special..."
Tears slowly slid down his structure as he lied back on his bed, wishing things could have been different.
Yesterday, L-block was obliviously strolling down to his brother's house to ask for his copy of PONG back. However, when he knocked on the door there was no answer.
"Strange, he should be home..." thought L-block to himself. "His car's still parked in the driveway."
Slowly, L-block turned the knob and entered. He walked into the living room, where his brother kept all his games. Then he saw it. On the couch, making out furiously with his brother was his beloved wife, Square Block.
L-block stood there motionless for a few moments, eyes wide with shock.
"What the hell...?" he muttered quietly as his brother and his wife continued making out, completely unaware of his presence.
"WHAT THE HELL!?" he repeated again, shouting now.
Immediately, Square block and his brother, Inverse L-block, broke apart, surprised by the sudden bout of yelling.
"Oh, hey bro!" commented Inverse L-block. "How're things?"
"OH oh um... honey... this isn't what it looks like!" babbled Square block at the same time.
L-block twitched angrily.
"HOW IS THIS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!?" he bellowed furiously.
"Um... uhh... well.... I got nothing," replied Square block, giggling.
L-block stared her in absolute disbelief, trembling as he witnessed the block he trusted more than anyone else betray him in such a carefree manner.
"Can I at least ask why...?" he croaked.
"Well, Inverse L-block is always so cool and laidback. He's like the exact opposite of you."
"Sorry dude, but you lost the game," grinned his brother obnoxiously.
"I'LL KILL YOU!!" screamed L-block, lunging at him.
Suddenly, there was a flash of movement to his right and L-block was thrown into the wall.
"You can be a sore loser about this, but the simple fact is that Square block prefers my friend more than you," pronounced T-block, seemingly emerging out of nowhere.
"B-b-b-but... she's..." stuttered L-block.
"No buts!" yelled T-block, lifting L-block and throwing him bodily out of the house.
"Problem solved," remarked T-block, striding back into the living room.
"Hey, where did you come from anyway, dude?" asked Inverted L-block.
"Eh, I've been watching the two of you make out the entire time. It turns out that I'm voyeuristic," explained T-block.
"... Disturbing," commented Inverted L-block.
L-block stared up at the ceiling, wallowing in his own misery. All the rage he had felt yesterday had disappeared, leaving behind hollow dismay and sorrow.
"Inverse L-block is always so cool and laidback. He's like the exact opposite of you."
"I trusted her... with all my heart..." thought L-block. "Is this... how all the blocks think of me? I must be pathetic. Useless. I bet they all just laugh at me behind my back...
"No one here cares about me anyway... I may as well be dead..."
L-block slowly turned to his bedside table and grabbed a convenient container of sleeping pills.
"At least when I die, I won't be betrayed anymore..." muttered L-block to himself, slowly swallowing pill after pill until there was no more left.