DISCLAIMER: I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia or any of these characters.
WARNING: Umm... violence, mild gore, bad language, Russia...
A/N: Um... I got into this pairing after finding some amazing fanart of these two on DeviantArt, like this one: h t t p://jobey-sama. deviantart. com/art /APH-Prussia- and-Russia- 121166332. (Please take out spaces.)
And plus the fact that I'm still experimenting with lots of different pairings... I decided to write this. Please tell me what you think. Am I good at writing these two together?
EDIT: After researching a little more about Russia and Prussia's relationship, I've revised the story a little and added some historical notes at the end to clear up any questions or confusion.
Perfect Enemy
~I forever stay,
Your perfect enemy. ~
Three days. That's all that had passed. Three days.
And yet it seemed so much longer.
He remembered it all so clearly; the cold voices of the allies, telling him he was to be split from Ludwig, his brother's face, strewn with tears...
And one man with a bloodstained pipe.
That same man was here now, grinning sadistically down at Gilbert, the infamous pipe in one hand, and a bottle of vodka in the other.
"Good morning, Gilbert."
He must have looked a pathetic sight. The famous Prussia, once so strong and powerful, now slumped down against a wall in a basement room of Russia's house.
"Don't you dare wish me a good morning, you cold-hearted son of a bitch. After what you did to me yesterday, I should be dead. Unfortunately for me, our kind doesn't die that easily. How wonderful."
Russia bent down, until his face was inches from Gilbert's.
"But Gilbert, you were naughty yesterday. You didn't do what I told you to do, so you had to be punished. Perhaps you need to take lessons from Toris or Raivis, da? They obey me."
"Lithuania and Latvia and whatever-the-other-one-is -called only obey you cause they're too chicken-shit to fight back! Untie me and let's settle this properly, like the nations we are. Then you'll see the awesomeness that is Prussia!"
"And if you truly are awesome, why did you lose?"
"That was a low blow, Braginski."
"Just learning from you, Gilbert. Don't you remember Barbarossa? I was your ally, Gilbert. I was all ready to help you. But no, you had to betray me didn't you? DIDN'T YOU!?"
The pipe came swinging down. Gilbert instinctively scrunched his eyes shut, but when the blow failed to come, he slowly opened them again. The pipe was there, just centimetres from his left temple. He could see old dried blood, slowly flaking off. Some of that was Lithuania's no doubt, but some of that was also his.
"Have you already forgotten what happened yesterday, Gilbert? How silly you are. Perhaps I should remind you, da?"A leather covered hand gripped the collar of Gilbert's ruined shirt, and dragged him up until they were almost face to face.
"Time to learn your lesson, my pet."
From downstairs came the unmistakable blood-chilling sound of someone screaming. In the kitchen, Latvia automatically threw his hands over his ears, and hummed a tune to try and drown it out. He should have got used to this by now. He had heard his brothers screaming many times before. Sometimes it was even him, begging and pleading Ivan to stop, to please stop this sick torture.
But Russia never listened. Once he had begun a little twisted fantasy, he would not stop until he was satisfied.
Cautiously, Raivis removed the hands from his ears. The screaming had stopped. He glanced around, wondering if suddenly, Russia would burst through the doorway. Instead, Lithuania came in. His face was one of sympathy.
"Raivis, I know it's hard to listen to, but be grateful that it isn't you. With Prussia here, Ivan has a new pet. He's picking on us less and less every day."
"But how can you just sit back and let Ivan do this? Why don't you rebel against Russia?"
Toris sighed deeply.
"...Because those who rebel only end up in more pain. I learnt the hard way, Raivis. I have the scars to show. I never want to be abused in that way again. So if it means submitting to Russia's will, then I will do so. I am broken, Raivis. I don't know what to do anymore. Besides, Prussia's been nothing but a pain to me ever since the day he was born. I say it's good he's finally being knocked off his perch."
Raivis had never been a self-assured person. But after hearing his brother say those words, something inside him snapped.
"I don't understand you anymore, Toris! You were always the confident, rebellious one! Now, listen to you! What happened to the big brother I loved so much? What... happe-"The rest of his sentence was swallowed by sobs.
Suddenly, he felt his brother's strong arms around him, carefully holding him. He felt Estonia come into the room, and join in the hug. He felt the love between them like a soft blanket, slowly draping itself over the three Baltic nations, and he knew that somehow, they would escape one day.
"Ivan... hey Ivan, please... no more. Please man, I'm begging you. I was only joking really, you know I was. I-"
"Shut up, Gilbert. You aren't fooling anyone. The meek, pleading thing doesn't work with your face."
"But, but this is insane! I'll... I'll die!"
Russia could hear the panic in Gilbert's voice. He smiled. This was good. Gilbert panicking was something that very few people ever witnessed. He was usually just too obnoxious and arrogant for his own good. It was excellent to knock him down a few pegs once in a while.
As the heavy pipe came swinging down again, they both heard a slight crack of something breaking. Gilbert gasped heavily; sweat running down his face and stinging in the cuts on his arms and torso. He was chained to a wooden pole in the middle of the room, his shirt torn off his body, and his pants no more than shreds.
Russia lowered one finger into a gash on Gilbert's back. He heard the hiss from between gritted teeth. He pushed harder into the cut, wanting to see more blood pour out, wanting to see Gilbert scrunch his face up in agony.
It worked.
Prussia closed his eyes. The pain filling his body was almost unbearable, yet he did not want to give in and start screaming again. He wouldn't let this bastard have the satisfaction. Instead, he set his jaw firmly, and breathed slowly. One... two. One...two. One... two.
Russia was getting bored with this game. His pet wasn't responding; it was like he wasn't even there. Games were only fun when someone screamed.
He grabbed Prussia's chin and forced his lips onto his. Gilbert opened his eyes in surprise, and tried to wiggle free, but Ivan was too strong.
The kiss was bitter and foul. Gilbert could taste blood and smoke and strong alcohol. It was like being choked by a burning pile of bodies.
When Russia finally pulled away Gilbert was left coughing and spluttering, trying to rid himself of the horrible taste lingering on his mouth. Russia grinned.
"You enjoyed it, hmm?"
Gilbert gave Russia a dirty look, before beckoning him closer with his chin. Russia complied, and bent closer to Gilbert.
...Then he spat straight onto Ivan's face.
Russia pulled away, outraged, the fury rapidly returning to his eyes. They both watched as the bloody glob dripped from Ivan's cheek onto the floor. Gilbert threw his head back and laughed the laugh of a courageous madman who knows that he is going to die anyway.
A fierce punch to his left cheek stopped him short. He remained there for a while, breathing slowly, and then lifted his head. His blood red eyes burned, smug.
"...Fuck you, Braginski. Go burn in hell."
A/N: So! First chapter is done! Whoohoo! Please review, I would like to know whether people enjoyed this.
By the way, this fanfic will not be yaoi, because it is my personal belief that Prussia would never give in and let Russia do something like that to him.
There might be slight molestation though 8D *winkwink*
Oh, and if anyone wants to know a song which I think matches their relationship perfectly, look up 'Perfect Enemy' by t.A.T.u. In fact, the title is a lyric from that song.
Thank you for reading.
Russia and Prussia have never really been allies. In the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) and the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), they were on opposite sides. During the Seven Years' War, they fought against each other in the Battle of Zorndorf, in which over 31,000 troops died. The battle was also inconclusive; both sides claimed victory.
The actual nation of Prussia was dissolved on 25 February 1947, by the Allied Council. After WWII, Germany was split into two parts, West and East. In Hetalia canon, Ludwig (Germany) is referred to as 'West' by his brother, Gilbert (Prussia), so many believe that Gilbert in fact, represents East Germany as well as the former state of Prussia. West Germany was taken over by the UK, US and France, while East Germany (or the GDR) was taken by the Soviet Union (Russia). This now sets the scene for my story, in which Gilbert is a sort of prisoner in Russia's house.
I hope that cleared up any confusion readers might have.