I looked at the lack of new chapter and saw that mine wasn't yet at 6,000 words and you know what, fuck it. You guys probably want to see some more so I'm putting this up to tide you over so I can finish writing the Ophelia fight. I also added the omake chapters and Dante's reaction to the new DMC so I can cut down on my chapters to words ratio. I don't know about you but I tend to look for fics with at least 4,000 words per chapter. This chapter will be the first time you get to meet the overall villain of the story. He is not an OC. I'm not going to reveal who he is for a while so as to make you freak out when you finally do find out. This villain is from one of the two verses here but his minions are not. Each of them will be from across the many facets of fandom but will have new backstories so as not to cause a super uber crossover that no one will read. If you don't know them then it will simple just to look up an amv or a wiki summary to get a grasp of their powers and personalities. Relax, this fic will adhere to the main Claymore plot to around the Rabona incident after the timeskip, or it may go further depending on wether or not I like the direction of the new chapters. Miria is dead, that makes me sad.

"Where am I?" Clarice muttered as she found herself in an open field consisting of motes of yellow, orange and red light. Suddenly, the ground under her shattered and she was thrown into the air. From the rubble emerged dozens of yoma emerged.

"It's a human!" One yelled.

"A human!" The others yelled.

"It's a little girl!" A few yelled.

Clarice screamed and ran with the yoma following her in a rather comic fashion. Clarice ran through the seemingly endless field of light, screaming all the while. Suddenly she almost plowed into a dark figure which was standing in her path.

"Young one, how does it feel to be 'dead' to the world of humans?" The figure asked.

Clarice gasped. Dead, how can I be dead?

"Still, the choice was all yours." The figure continued. Clarice looked down at herself to see that she was bleeding from a wound in her chest.

"To live." The figure finished as just as Clarice managed to make out the figures face, the same of the man that saved her from death.

Clarice felt heat build up in her abdomen and she screamed.

Organization Conversion Center, Location Classified…

Clarice's eyes shot open as pain racked her body. It felt like someone had rammed a red hot iron spike into her abdomen, and then that spike had had babies that where crawling through the rest of her body. She writhed and screamed in pain. Several large straps kept her secured to the table that she was laying on. Through the haze of pain Clarice could discern several figures huddled around her. She caught snatches of the conversation that the figures were having as she was ravaged by the agonizing waves of pain that her body was experiencing.

"Operation… success…"

"Yoma tissue… integrated…"

"Exhibits signs… resistance…"

"Break her…"

"Could be… spasms…"

"Trying… free"

"Fine, have your way with her then."

The last part Clarice heard clearly. Even though she was no more than twelve summers old she knew the meaning of what she had just heard. Her fears where confirmed when she felt rough hands begin to work their way across her body.

The man, one of the organizations chief "converters", had a thing for "breaking" new recruits so they would be more docile. He loved it so. The feel of their frail little bodies under his hands. Both on and off the surgical table. His hands roamed the girls quivering body as he prepared to perform the foul deed. He saw the girl react to his touch. Her eyes opened. They were red.

The man's companions, fellow "converters", looked on as there compatriot prepared to violate the child. Their surprise was quite evident when the man's upper torso disappeared in a massive spray of gore.

Outside the room…

An organization guard casually walked down the hallway. Swathed in black and carrying a small sword the man conveyed a sense of calm. The sense was crushed by the loud crash, the man by the steel door that had just flown across the hall and splatted him against the wall. A crazed Clarice rushed through the door and down the hallway. The devil bringer active once again, Clarice's body was on autopilot. This time though it wasn't just her arm that had changed. Her eyes, which had lost their glow, still had a red color to them. Her hair, instead of being the brown it was normally, had become a faded silver gray.

As she ran a weapon began to manifest in her left hand. A blade about three and a half feet long, single edged, with a bizarre hilt. Directly at the base of the blade was a 6 chambered cylinder. A gun barrel ran down the top of the blade and a trigger and guard were built into the grip. The words "Praemium Angelus" was written in cursive on both sides of the blade.

She encountered several guards in her search to find an exit. Now this would have been a problem, but then again this situation was best compared to an arachnophobe locked in a room full of spiders. Only this arachnophobe had a baseball bat.

Several minutes later…

Clarice finally dashed out into the sun. The light burned her eyes slightly. As soon as she did she felt a fist plant itself into her stomach. As she doubled over the same fist hit her in the jaw, shattering bone. She feel to the ground, once she hit a heavy boot stamped on her sternum. Clarice's head lolled to the side and she fell unconscious, but not before catching the fading shapes of two people. One of them spoke and she caught the words he said as she drifted into the realm of slumber.

"Interesting, it seems that Vergil's bastard daughter is good for something after all."

The person turned to address the other man there. "Go, clean up the survivors, I don't want anyone to know what really happened here."

The other there, a man in a black and yellow outfit with a clear skeleton motif nodded, cracked his neck and flexed his arms. He then walked into the organizations base.

The owner of the voice bent over and touched the back of Clarice's body. The devil bringer receded and Clarice's hair returned to its dull brown color. The gunblade disappeared as well.

"That should help you fit in more. You're powers will return when you need them again."

Screams issued from the inside the base followed by the sounds of blades hitting flesh. A yell of, "Get over here!" was heard. Soon the screams ceased as the skeleton man returned. "Good. Burn the place to the ground. The organization should assume an awakened being was responsible."

The skeleton man nodded again as he raised his right hand. Flames gathered in his palm and formed a sphere. The man hurled the sphere into the depths of the organizations base. The area was immolated instantly and the massive pulses of yoki were released.

"How do you think Dante is doing against Ormagöden?" The skeleton man asked.

"If he lives up to my expectations, he should be doing well. Let's go Scorpion."

The skeleton man, now dubbed as Scorpion, clenched his fist and both of them disappeared in a puff of ash.

With Dante…

Dante wasn't doing very well. And this was just the monkey winding up for the toss. This demon wasn't going down. He'd tried quite a few tactics but none of them worked. Thinking he could freeze the demon he called Cerberus into his hand and proceeded to wail at the giant with the grace and skill of a certain actor and martial artist. It didn't work. The only thing that saved Dante from being pancaked was a well timed Ice Age. The rapidly rotating sphere of ice tore off half of the demons massive fist. Dante watched with annoyance as the limb regenerated.

"You can heal. So what, I'll still kick your ass!" Dante yelled mockingly as he dodged another punch. He slammed Cerberus into the ground and watched as the ice crystals surrounded the monsters fist. The monster ripped its fist from the ground and shattered the ice with a mighty unclenching of its fist.

O.K. This isn't working. Agni & Rudra are out of the question. Getting in to close with this guy is a bad idea so no Beowulf. That leaves Rebellion and Nevan. Dante thought quickly. Dante unslung Rebellion and hurled it at the demons head. Said demon let out another roar and Rebellion got caught up in the wind and was blown back at Dante, who deftly caught it. One reversing of his grip later a drive was headed towards the massive demon. The drive struck one of its forelegs and caused it to drop forwards. Dante wasted no time in dashing forwards and began a sequence of brutally fast strikes that made up the Dance Macabre. However, after the million stab, instead of transitioning into a spinning kick he slashed downwards and used the momentum of the swing to reverse his grip on the sword. He delivered two brutal backhand strokes to the demons face. Then taking a batters stance he swung at the demon, triggering as he did so.

"Get out of here!" Dante growled as the blow connected, launching the demon across the chamber to land heavily on its back. He let his demonic transformation ebb away.

"Had enough?" Dante called mockingly. It was a taunt he almost regretted making a few seconds later.

The demon rose to its feet and let out another powerful roar. It looked angry, really angry.

The monkey let loose the flying blob of defecation that flew straight and true into the blades of the air moving contraption. To put it simply, Dante's fraggle rocks were now about a half inch away from the metaphorical band saw.

The mighty beast of chrome and fire charged, flame shooting from the spikes on its back. It swung at Dante, who barely managed to bring up Rebellion to block. The block did little however as Dante was launched across the chamber and into the side of the massive cavern. Spider web cracks arched around him. Ouch...

Dante pulled himself out of the indentation and launched himself back at the demon. He swung at its head as soon as he came within reach. He scored a few hits but the demons chrome like skin flowed into the cuts and soon enough it was like the wounds had never existed at all. The demon lashed out with one of its hind legs which Dante twisted to avoid. He landed behind the demon and brought his hands up in a defensive gesture. The demon swung around and laced its fingers together. It then brought its hands down on Dante in with a smashing motion. The royal guard styles force field held out for the first blow. The hit was so powerful Dante could feel that he had reached the styles capacity for absorbed energy. De demon brought its hands down again and Dante reached up with his hand held in a closed palm, fingers tight against themselves. The resulting explosion sent Dante about a meter into the floor and the demon across the room, minus an arm.

Dante tried to get up and found that he couldn't. He was crushed to deep into the stone. He could hear the demon getting up. A glow at the top of the chamber caught his eye. He watched as it formed an intricate mandala with a pentagram in the center. He watched as the points of the star struggled to break the containment of the circle that surrounded them. He knew as soon as it did he was finished. If it didn't kill him outright he would be too weak to continue on fighting.

Dante felt heat on his chest. He raised his head to look down and saw that his amulet was glowing. What, mom's necklace? He thought feebly as he felt himself drawn into the ruby depths of the gem.


Dante found himself floating in a nimbus of white. Everything around him was obscured. Am I dead? Dante wondered. If I am heaven is certainly a bad place to have a hangover.

"You're not dead yet silly." Came a voice that Dante had not heard in a twelve years. He turned towards the voice. Across from him was a woman who could have been on the cover of any magazine if she had decided to pursue such a goal. Blonde hair framed a perfectly shaped face that held a look to it that just radiated peace and caring. A simple dress of white adorned her body.

"Mom…" Dante choked out.

Eva smiled. "Yes."

Dante had crossed the distance between them in a second and reached out to touch Eve's face. Hoping beyond hope that what he saw before him was real. Eva intercepted her son's hands with her own. "I'm real Dante."

Dante then did something that no one who knew him would believe he was capable of doing. He wept. Eva's arms circled around his back and hugged him to her; all the while she whispered motherly things into Dante's ears.

"But you died, I saw you." Dante whispered between sobs.

"In body but never in soul. Didn't your father teach you that?" Eva asked. "As long as you wear that amulet I'll always be with you."

She raised a hand to his shoulder. "Let me be your armor Dante. Let's beat this thing together."

Real world, Cavern of the Ancients…

Ormagöden watched in satisfaction as its awesome attack unleashed itself upon the boy. The crater where he lay and everything within a twenty foot radius was engulfed in a massive gout of hellfire.

The grater demons surprise was very clear when the from the fire a figure rose from the molten rock. Spiked armor and a fearsome helmeted head through which glowing air emitted as the figure took a breath.

"Alright ugly, time for round two." Dante called, his voice sounding like it was issuing from a tin can.

Dante beckoned the behemoth with his right hand. With the other he summoned Nevan. Dante could feel the weight of the armor pressing down on him and he knew that his speed a taken a big hit. With no choice but to attack from a distance. Dante got into an attack pose and began to belt out one of the greatest solo's he knew.

A7-G9b-D7-7-9-7-9-7-9-5-7-5-7-5-7-5-7-5-7-4-5-4-5-4-5-4-5-4-5 Dante ticked off in his head. The resulting maelstrom of bats that surrounded him and his foe took up the majority of the cavern. It was epic to say the least. There was probably enough electricity, Dante thought absently, to rival that of which Tony Stark could build in a cave, with a box or scraps.

The cavern shook and stones fell from the ceiling. As the storm cleared Dante looked disdainfully at the demon that was still standing.

"Ha Ha Ha. That will not stop me, half-breed boy." Ormagöden chuckled weakly in a voice that sounded like the scraping of metal on rock. It had weathered the attack but it knew it couldn't take another.

"That's why I have this." Dante replied simply as he raised Kallina Ann to his shoulder and fired. The rocket flew straight and true and into the demons mouth. The resulting explosion turned Ormagöden head into a pile of slag.

"Thank you Lady." Dante said as he patted the missile launcher affectionately. Pity I never got a chance to give this back to her.

The cavern started to shake as the cracks in the floor started to get bigger. That's not good.

Dante began to run, or walk quickly as it were; the armor was heavy, towards the center of the room. Gazing up he looked at the shaft that ascended up.

"You have bested me half-breed." Ormagöden's voice uttered from the chambers walls. "Take this trophy and go." Out of a fissure beside Dante a very elaborate looking gun rose up. It appeared to be made of black metal and had many instruments on the side of it. It sported five unraveling chambers, and had a menacing look that made it resemble a revolver.

"This is the Death Penalty. Wield it well, or give it to someone who will wield it better." Ormagöden's voice instructed. "My… employer requires my report on this."

Dante's fists clenched. "Employer!" He muttered. "Who's employing you, tell me!" The cracks started to grow wider. Dante looked back up the shaft. Guess I've gotta go up.

Dante willed the armor to retract and felt it dissipate around him. Dante triggered again and spread his wings. "Time to fly!" He shouted as he kicked off, the Death Penalty clutched in his hand. He flew up through the shaft and dodged around the chains that protruded from the walls. Soon enough he saw the end of the shaft coming up to meet him. Raising his newfound weapon forwards he pulled the trigger. A black beam of energy fired from the weapons five barrels and blew a hole through the stone. Dante tucked his wings around himself and flew through the hole. Sunlight blinded him momentarily as he reached the surface. He landed heavily. He heard screaming. His vision quickly cleared and he saw that he was in the middle of town. People where staring at him a pointing. All were frozen in fear. To them he surely looked like a demon from the depths of hell. Well to be perfectly honest that's pretty much what he was and were he came from.

Dante felt something pull one of his wings. He glanced down to see a small girl, probably about three, pulling at him. "Excuse me, are you a yoma?" The little girl asked. Another scream issued from the crowd as a woman dashed madly forwards and grabbed her child. Shielding the small girl with her body the woman began pleading.

"Please don't eat my daughter!" the woman cried as she hugged her daughter tightly to her.

Dante stared at the woman. He reached out towards her. The crowd gasped. Dante's hand came to rest on the young girls head. "Cute kid." Dante said calmly. He turned and started to walk away. "Now can someone please tell me where the hell I am?"

No one answered. Dante rolled his eyes and sighed. He reached out with his mind to try to locate Shadow. Succeeding he began to walk in that direction. The crowd parted before him and he walked past them. "Sayonara" he called as he left the town. Once he was safely away he untriggered and began to dash off in the direction he had felt Shadow in. They were pretty far away, but Dante could run for a long time.

With Clare…

Shadow jumped off Raki's shoulders and scampered forwards to Clare. It jumped up and latched onto her shoulder. Clare glanced over at the diminutive creature.

"So Dante got sucked into a demonic portal and had to fight a giant demon made of metal and lava. He beat the demon and escaped the cave he was in. He then appeared in the middle of a town and left promptly due to the fact that he was in Devil Trigger. He is now making all haste towards us and will meet up with us at about the time we get to Gonall." The diminutive creature nodded. Clare wondered at the oddity that no one could hear what Shadow said yet people automatically understood exactly what he meant. Well, at least it was better than him spouting of random words that made no sense but you still understood. That story Dante told Raki one night was so weird. How does one deflect a bullet with their hair.

Did anyone get the reference there. Huh, did ya. Well anyway this is the end of what I've got so far. Also, for those of you who like action I have a suggestion. Go to youtube and look up Dead Fantasy. If you thought FF7 Advent children was epic then you ain't see shit. It's a crossover between Final Fantasy and Dead or Alive. Even if you know next to nothing about the stories of the characters it doesn't matter. There are five episodes so far. Try to find the ones that have HD in the title. Also, there is another animation by the same guy called Haloiod. All you need to know is that Master Chief drop kicks a Pelican. Watch them and tell me what you think.

Omake Series #1

These pay no attention to continuity and take place in both the Canon Claymore verse and the fic verse. These will have no effect on the story as a whole. Two of the omakes, Movie Night and Dimension Demon will be multipart and continued at the end of later published chapters.

(Note: The opinions of the characters are what the authors inferred the characters opinions would be. Please don't take any of this literally and this is just an attempt at humor.)

Omake #1 How The Times Have Changed

Dante, Clare and Raki trudged through the woods as night slowly fell. The entire group scanned the forest for a suitable campsite. Soon enough they found a patch of empty ground in the center of a bunch of closely packed trees.

"Few, time for a break." Dante sighed happily as he sat down heavily.

Clare looked down to her lounging compatriot and rolled her eyes. "Raki, go get a few faggots for the fire."

Dante's eyes went wide.

"How many faggots?" Raki asked.

Dante's eyes grew even wider.

"About three should do it." Clare returned.

Dante looked at her weirdly. "Um, am I hearing this right? You want faggots for the fire."

"Yes. Is there something wrong?" Clare asked.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because you want to burn people on a fire!" Dante half shouted.

"People?" Clare asked.

"Yes, despite what many people may think faggots are still people. Majorly screwed up in the head and in the need of some real love, but people none the less!" Dante yelled.

"Sticks are people? Dante, have you been drinking?" Clare asked with one blond eyebrow raised.

"Sticks…" Dante said in monotone. Clare could almost imagine a little hamster inside a wheel in his head suddenly tripping and falling on its face.

"Faggot. You know, a bundle of sticks." Clare explained.

Dante's left eye twitched. "I thought you meant gay people." He muttered.

"Gay people?" Clare asked. "What does being happy have to do with being burned on a fire."

Dante promptly facefaulted.

Raki chose this exact moment to show up.

"What's wrong with Dante?" He asked as he dropped the sticks he had brought with him.

Clare picked up one of the sticks and started poking Dante with it. "I can't tell."

"I wonder what he meant by gay and faggot meaning something other than bundle of sticks?" Clare muttered as she continued poking Dante.

Omake #2 Love Of My Life

Raki casually sat in a chair as he waited for Isley to find him. He was working on how he was going to ask Isley to help him find Clare.

His musings were shattered as Isley promptly booted down the door with such force that it reduced the door to splinters.

"Raki!" Isley growled. "Have you been having thoughts about Priscilla that are less then dignified?"

Raki went pale. "Maybe…"

Isley started to turn purple. "Rage!" He yelled menacingly.

Raki thought quickly. "If it helps she's the only one for me." He uttered quickly as he shifted in his seat.

"In your dreams!" Isley shot back as he ripped a sword from its bracket on the wall.

At that moment Raki's common sense took a trip on vacation as he thought back on his dreams.

"Try stopping me there…" He muttered as blood began to drip from his nose. "Usually there's two of her.

"RAGE!" Isley yelled as he leapt forwards with the intent to break Raki's kneecaps. "I'm going to get you for this!"

Raki barely managed to roll out of the way as the chair was reduced to splinters. "Look, if having dirty dreams about Priscilla is a crime, why don't you kill your entire army?"

Isley's eyes widened. "RAGE!" he screamed again.

Movie Night Series Part 1

It was Friday night at Dante's office. All of his friends where there. He had an ocean of booze and a crap ton of junk food. This meant only one thing. It was movie night!

He sat Clare, Miria, Helen, Deneve and Raki down onto a large couch. The broken in kind that had been through many a party and was possibly the most comfortable thing Dante owned. He himself plopped down between Clare and Helen. Heck, with enough booze he was hoping for second base or better.

"So, what exactly is a movie?" Clare asked.

"Well, you've seen paintings right?" Dante asked.

"Yes." Clare answered.

"It's a painting that moves and speaks." Dante said.

"Interesting." Clare responded in monotone.

Dante huffed in annoyance and grabbed the remote. "O.K. are you girls ready."

There was a mutual acknowledgement of approval. Dante hit play.

"Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba!" The TV's surround sound speakers roared.

"Saywhatnow." Helen uttered.

"It's Swahili I think." Dante said as the song continued to play.

"Swahili?" Miria asked. "Who speaks it."

"Africans" Dante said.

"What's an African?" Deneve asked.

"A person from Africa." Helen said.

"Shut up, I want to see this." Miria muttered as she watched the animals on the screen start to move towards a large rock.

"Why is that bird bowing to that lion?" Helen asked.

"He's the king." Dante answered.

"Now they're all going apeshit for the baby." Helen continued.

"He's the prince." Dante explained.


The group stared at the tv. The settled back down as the movie cut into a cave.

"Life's not fair, is it? You see I… well, I... shall never be King. And you... shall never see the light of another day."

"Do not like." Helen said as she looked at Scar.

Dante took that moment to leave and go to the kitchen. Gathering Twinkies, popcorn, M&Ms he returned to the group who took their snacks without question.

The group sat and watched the movie. Helen asking the occasional question. The women loved the singing and dancing scenes and Helen shouted out in triumph when it was revealed that Scar was plotting against Mufasa.

Soon enough the stampede scene arrived and Dante bowed out of the room again. This time instead of Candy he grabbed booze, and lots of it. He returned to the group just as the dust had begun to clear in the move.


Helen gulped.


Miria winced.

"Dad? ...Dad, come on. You gotta get up. Dad. We gotta go home. HEEEEELP! Somebody! Anybody... help."

And here come the tears. Dante thought as he broke the seal on the top of a bottle of whisky with a deft twist of his hand.

"I think part of my soul just died." Clare uttered, an upset look on her face. Raki was crying noticeably. Deneve and Miria were fighting back tears and Helen… Helen was alternating between bawling and shifting down the whiskey that Dante had handed her.

"This is going to be a long night." Dante muttered as he opened another bottle.

Dimension Demon Series Part 1

Dante flew out of a portal and unceremoniously slammed into a girl in chair that was sitting in a chair. Unbeknownst to him he knocked the syringe out of her hand and onto the floor. The girl screamed and frantically scooted across the floor against the wall.

"Ugh, where am I?" Dante groaned as he glanced over at the girl who was shaking with fear. "Oh hi."

The girl then actually then noticed that it was in fact a man picking himself up off the floor in front of her instead of the blade armed, screaming, reanimated corpse that she was expecting.

"You're not one of them?" The girl asked fearfully, still seeking some assurance.

"One of who?" Dante said as he stood up. He held out a hand to the girl who tentatively took it. Dante took notice to the room he was in. It was made mostly of metal with what looked like holographic displays.

"The monsters." The girl whispered.

Suddenly, at that moment the doors to the room burst open and one of the aforementioned blade armed, screaming, reanimated corpses came hurtling through. Dante, thinking quickly, used his body to shield the girl from the thing. He felt pain as the blades pierced his back and came through his chest. He felt the blades pull back and he turned around quickly and bifurcated the creature with his sword. When it didn't die he stamped on its chest causing it's head to pop off.

"Oh, them." He muttered. The girl stared at him dumbstruck as the wounds in his back healed. He place Rebellion back on his back.

"You got a name?" He asked the girl.

"Nicole." She answered breathlessly.

"Dante." Dante responded. "O.K. I don't know where the hell I am but I'll help you out. Just stay behind me."

Several hours later…

The USG Kellion crashed into the hanger bay. After a brief check to see if everyone was still standing the crew prepared to disembark. They stopped when they heard a shout of "Sweat Dreams!" and saw a blade armed, screaming, reanimated corpse smash into the front window of the space craft like a giant bug.

Soon enough there was a knocking on a the side bulkhead and a yell to open up. The engineer on the ship, a man by the name of Isaac Clarke, hesitantly popped the hatch. No sooner had he opened it when he saw who awaited him. Dante, calmly tapping his foot… and Nicole. Nicole likewise saw Isaac and they both speechlessly embraced.

"OK, you to lovebirds can stay together. I'm gonna go get rid of that damn rock in the dock." Dante said as he turned to leave. He waved casually over his shoulder.

"Who was that guy?" Isaac asked Nicole as soon as Dante was out of sight.

"His names Dante, he didn't say anything else." Nicole returned.

Elseware in the ship Dante hurried back to where the giant artifact was stowed. He loaded it onto the shuttle and after dispatching several more of the blade armed, screaming, reanimated corpses he prepared to launch.

"I've always wanted to do this!" Dante yelled happily as he powered out of the landing bay. It was time to go put this thing back where it belonged.

Omake #3 Dante's reaction to DMC reboot trailer.

Dante calmly sat in front of the computer screen. He didn't move. Then all of a sudden he flipped the desk, sending it crashing against the wall.

"WHAT THE HELL DID THE FUCKING DO TO ME!" Dante raged as he started to cleave the objects in the room to pieces with rebellion.

"FUCK FUCKING FUCK FUCK!" Dante screamed as he released drives into the walls around him.

After swearing and screaming for a good fifteen minutes Dante stopped suddenly. He calmly walked out of his office. He got onto his bike and drove for a while. Soon enough he arrived at a lovely suburban home. He promptly walked up to the door and knocked.

The door opened and a face looked out through the door. "Dante… It's four in the morning. What the hell do you want?" Nero mumbled sleepily.

Dante pulled the door open further. "Do you have a computer?"

"Why, break yours again?" Nero mumbled, still not awake.

Five minutes later…

"So I'm not even in the new one?" Nero asked, now very much awake.

"No…" Dante growled. He got up to leave.

"Where are you going?" Nero asked.

Dante turned and held up a gas can. "First to Capcom, then ninja theory. It's time we put some fucking chlorine in the executive gene pool."