Making Choices

Summary: Vendetta must decide: kill Charlotte forever or get rid of her fiends. Will she chose happiness over friendship? Rated K+; One-shot.

"Ooh! Vendetta!" Charlotte said in her singsongy voice. Vendetta scowled and answered Charlotte with a menacing glare. Charlotte did not react and kept on speaking. "It's snowing outside! Come make snow angels with me!"

"No! I will not do anything with you, you stupid blue girl! Get off my doorstep!" Vendetta exclaimed, looking at the white snow with disgust. Charlotte grabbed her hand.

"But we must make snow angels! We never get snow here," Charlotte smiled.

"All right, but let me get my coat and gloves. It is too cold to make snow angels without them," Vendetta mumbled, using it as an excuse to go back inside and read a book about torture.

An hour into her reading, Charlotte's singing stopped and the sound of crunching snow ceased. Vendetta made a sigh of relief as her doorbell rang again. Vendetta commanded Buttons to not let whoever it was inside. He nodded and forced Charlotte outside, but she would not listen and came inside anyway.

"What are you doing inside my house, you ignorant blue girl? Ugh! And you have tracked snow onto my floor! How dare you! Get out of my house!" Vendetta bellowed, pointing.

"Catch, Vendetta!" Charlotte smiled, throwing a snowball and hitting Vendetta in the face. "Tee-hee! Tee-hee! Vendetta, you're supposed to catch a snowball with your hands not your face!"

"DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THIS?!?" Vendetta screamed. She and Buttons forced Charlotte outside the door and locked it with three bolts. "I must keep her away from me! I must keep her from existing and breathing up my precious air! I must...make fiends!"

Vendetta locked herself away in her basement and began her experiment. She created a giant fiend, and it was a rather explosive one. When it popped for the first time, Vendetta received a scroll written in formal, bold handwriting.

Dear Creator, I am explosive and can do one deed and one deed only. If you were to use me to harm a person, you would lose the ability to make fiends and any fiends before me would perish. If you do not decide to use me, you can destroy me now by adding any kind of carbon to my mix. It is your choice.

Vendetta read carefully and looked around her. Buttons, who had looked on, gave her sad eyes. Numerous fiends sat around the edge of the room, watching quietly and doing whatever Vendetta had trained them to do. One was cleaning her room and came into the work area. It grabbed a mop and some towels and began cleaning Charlotte's mess.

"I could not do away with my fiends!" Vendetta exclaimed. She threw in a piece of carbon and watched the mixture turn to a black tar. She sighed and heard Charlotte singing another one of her stupid songs. "Buttons, terrorize her!" Vendetta commanded. Buttons and a few other fiends began viciously chasing Charlotte around the yard, taking away the fresh snow. No more fell that year or the next, but at least Vendetta got to enjoy watching her fiends help her through Charlotte's evil reign.