Inspired by the game "Bully", but not based on it. Rated T for "swears". Even though I think that words like "fuck" or "shit" are so used that they shouldn't be considered inproper.
Ah, another day, another shitload. Those were my thoughts as I walked out of Principal McClean's office on my first day at Wawanakwa Academy. One of the most "prestigeous" private schools in all of Canada; what a load.
Call me Duncan, 'cause that's my name. Giving people what they have coming is my game. Well, before I begin the tale of my disastruous, but in the end happy run through Wawanakwa Academy; let me tell you a bit about myself.
Since day one of my life, I have been swimming in river after river of bullshit. My mom and dad are cops, so they've always had high expectations for all their children. I have three older brothers, all of them top in all their classes and all became cops as soon as they could. So my parents always paid more attention to nitwit brothers. They never game much of a fuck about me; so, seeing I could do pretty much all I wanted, I did. Then, my parents started to pay attention to me, to scold me. To scream at me, to tell me how I was going nowhere and how I was a let down. Hell, after years of them ignoring me, that was like paradise, so I kept getting into trouble, just to get them mad; as payback for ignoring me.
Sure getting into trouble was fun, but it all came to too much fucked up situations. But hell, don't have anything better, so you gotta go with what you got.
So, with my little activities, I got expelled from pretty much every decent school in the country. Until there was only one left...Wawanakwa Academy. The only school I ever managed to graduate from. Now I'm gonna tell you the story of my life in the hellish little place.
Well, as I was saying, I walked out of the office, en route to the boys' dorm. I was looking down at myself and felt embarassed. Normally I wore black clothes and cargo pants, along with my perfect little green mohawk on my short black hair and piercings on my face...but now. Damn, I was wearing a stupid white shirt with a blue school vest, beige pants, and I had to remove my piercings, shave of the mowhawk and let the hair grow a lot. It was still short black hair, but damn. I missed the mowhawk.
I was thinking about all the bullshit I was going to have to endure in this place; stern teachers, stuck-up chicks and hell, even dumbass kids. It was gonna be jocks, nerds, preps, bullies and all to the tenth power; since it was private school.
I had already settled in my room at the boys' dorm and was heading over to it once I made it inside the building, when someone came across my way. He had a vest exactly like mine only moss green; other than that, he had the same prisoner uniform as me, with the exception that he had a matching moss green toque hat on his head. Mediumly long brown hair, brown eyes, a tiny beard and an outsider expression of sociopathy like none ever seen.
"You're the new kid, right?" were the first words he ever said to me, with the voice I would quickly grow to hate.
"Yeah." I answered. "What's it to ya?"
"Nothing." He replied. "Just asking, I take interest in the new kids at school."
"Well, fuck off." I said and shoved him aside to keep walking.
Before I could, I felt his hand on my shoulder, pulling me back. He stopped me with his words next.
"Hey relax, psycho kid." He said, sarcasm clear. "I'm just trying to be your friend, and believe me, you're going to need friends here."
I turned around and faced him, convinced.
"Fine." I said. "Name's Duncan Hopkins."
"Ezekiel, Ezekiel Smith."
"Now, tough guy, let me show you around this dump." Ezekiel said.
At least his opinion of the school was just like mine.
"Very well, follow me Duncan, let me teach you what you need to know in order to survive here." Ezekiel said.
He began to walk out fot he boys' dorm and I followed. We made our way from the boys' dorm, which was facing the girls' dorm, all the way to the main school building.
Let me explain, from the south of the schoolm the main building, the girls' dorm and the boys' dorm formed a triangle, the main school building being the furthest north; while from the gym building and football field at the furthest north end of the campus, the main school building, the gym and football field, the prep residence and the shop formed a diamond.
But well, Ezekiel led me all the way back to the main school building and then into the school's cafeteria.
"Ah, feeding time at the zoo." Ezekiel exclaimed as we came in. "It's nice to see how the freaks and beasts eat."
"So why are we here?" I had asked him, and soon I would learn.
"Because here is where you really learn how to survive in this little jungle that is Wawanakwa Academy." Ezekiel explained. "Now look over there."
Ezekiel raised his arm and pointed at a table. The nerd table. Along the long, rectangular table were sitting several nerds. All of them wore brown pants and forest green school sweater vests. One was the nerdiest guy I've ever seen; a redhead with freckles, big bottle-cap glasses and a really scrawny body. The there was a buck-toothed wimp with short brown hair and light blue eyes; a big fat guy with blonde hair and others.
"Those, Duncan-boy are the nerds." Ezekiel stated, pulling my sight away from the nerds to him. "Relatively harmless if you confront them while they're unarmed, but they have their little geek weapons like bottle-rocket launchers and spud guns, which can be troublesome; they hang around the library mostly."
"Fuck their weapons, I could take them down any day." I told him, high and mighty.
"Make friends...not enemies, Duncan-boy." Ezekiel told me, something which I now find quite ironic.
Ezekiel raised his finger and pointed over to a bunch of kids sitting in another table. These ones had light blue sweaters and sweater-vests on and looked really snobbish. There was only one girl among them, she looked a little asian and had long black hair. Other than that there was also a guy with dark hair and looked like what most girls would define as "the hottest guy ever". I thought that they were probably preps.
"Those are the preppies." Ezekiel then stated.
What do you know, I was right.
"Let me guess, massively inbred and with a snobbery level big enough to crush Russia." I wittily remarked.
"Very clever, Duncan-boy." Ezekiel said, in his annoying accent and manner.
My little guide then took a breath and proceeded.
"Over there you can find the Greasers." He said and pointed to a third table.
In this table were many kids which stood out. First was a guy with black hair and green eyes, dressed with a black leather jackets and other less prominent clothes, he was playing guitar to the ears of a redhead with a crazed look on her face, who wore a similar black leather jacket. From the corner of the table, a goth girl in a leather jacket looked dreamily at the guitarist and sighed to herself as a large, black girl with another leather jacket talked to her A blonde guy with a leather jacket and cowboy hat spoke to a blonbde girl with, surprise-surprise, another leather jacket and her hair down in a pony-tail.
"They don't look so tough, but when they gotta put up a fight, they will, and a very tough one." Ezekiel explained.
"They don't scare me." I told him, again with the toughest guy around attitude.
"If you say so." Ezekiel replied mockingly.
He then pointed for me to look at a fourth table. In this one were your stereotypical jocks. I saw two guys arm-wrestling, one of them had brown hair and was wearing a redhead-band that didn't go along with the school's blue jersey and track pants he was wearing. Arm wrestling with him was a really big Jamaican-looking guy with a white beanie and a matching jersey and track suit. On the edge of that table was a blonde cheerleader with a rack so give it almost gave me a boner right there and then. Another girl was also there, she had black hair and she was lifting weights in her blue excercise suit.
"Those are the jocks, the final important cliques." Explained my companion.
My eyes browsed through the clique tables and through the tables where neutral students sat around and ate amongst themselves. However, there was one excpetion.
One girl was sitting in a table alone. She was by far, one of the prettiest girl I had ever seen by then. Brown-shoulder length hair, very tanned mocha-colored skin, freckles between her eyes, beautiful onyx eyes and a rack almost as big as the one on the cheerleader. She was wearing clothes like the one's on the preps but wasn't with them. I tried to hide my instant liking for this girl as I questioned by annoying tour guide about her.
"Who's that broad?" I asked, pointing at the girl, asking as nonchalantly as I could.
"Oh, that's Courtney Rodriguez." Ezekiel explained to me. "She used to be part of the preps, but when she told her boyfriend Justin Taylor that one day she wanted to be a politician; they threw her out of the prep dorm and ran her down to shit."
"Why?" I asked, giving away some emotion.
"Well, appearently the preppies didn't like the fact that she wanted to work at any point in her them, wanting to work is like heresy; so they banned her and Justin broke-up with her." My accented "friend" explained.
"Wow, thsoe preps are douchebags." I commented.
"No doubt, eh." Ezekiel replied. "Now, Duncan-boy, it's customary for all new kids to be shown one of the most important places in all of the school at Midnight, so, come to the school basement at 12 PM tonight, and I'll show you to one of the key places in the academy."
"Alright." I agreed.
Boy if I'd known what I was getting myself into.
At 12:15 that same night, we made it there. I had met with Ezekiel at the basement and he had led me through a maze of cellars and plumbing for quarter of an hour until we at last came to the place he was going to show me.
It was a large arena-like room. It was a hectagonal chamber made entirely out of concrete. In the center of it was a pit, two meters deep, surrounded by a chainlink fence. The place looked like an execution chamber of sorts.
"Come on, we have to get to the center, eh." Ezekiel instructed me as he began to climb down a small ladder in an opening in the fence.
As he reached the bottom of the pit by the ladder, I merely jumped off the wall and into the 2 meter deep ring-like pit.
"So why the fuck are we here?" I asked, my guide.
"This, Duncan-boy is 'The Hole', the place which separates the boys from the men and the place where I have conducted my 'initiation' rituals for quite a long while now." Ezekiel stated, growing more annoying and strange every second.
"What the fuck does that mean, dude?!" I yelled at him, he was really starting to get on my nerves with his fucking accent and the cryptic way in which he talked.
Then, I began to realize what he meant. Out oft he shadows came four people, and all of the climbed into the pit. The hot prep guy, the tough jock girl, the guitarist greaser and the redhead nerd climbed into "The Hole" and began to surround me, while Ezekiel backed away towards the ladder. It was kinda hard to focus on Ezekiel now though, since the four creeps were approaching me threateningly...oh, and did I mention they were wielding wooden baseball bats, yeah I thought I didn't, well they were wielding them.
"You see Duncan, every new kid that enters this school is a threat to my plans for this place, and I don't like threats, so I always gather up top clique members to teach them a lesson from day one, and the teachers don't do shit about it, so there's no worries...consider this a warning abo'ot what happens to those who mess with my plans." The traitor stated. "Show him guys."
"Excuse me?" The tough girl said.
"Oh sorry, guys and Eva." He stated. "If there's a difference."
Eva growled at him but then shrugged it off and the four creepos began to close on me. Before I couold say anything, the first swing hit my back from the redhead nerd. I wailed and then felt the tough girl make connection on my stomach, making me double-over, allowing the guitarist to hit me in the back and the pretty boy to swing at my face. I fell backwards and landed on my ass, I then crumpled on my back and wailed in pain as more swing hit my stomach, legs, chest and arms. The blows weren't so hard, because they were trying to hurt me, not maim me; but it still hurt like a bitch. Soon the pain begun to fade and I realized that my four agressors ahd left, but that Ezekiel still stood outside "The Hole", looking at me groan from atop the ladder.
"Consider this a warning." Ezekiel said, with a cold accent-less voice. "See y'around."
He then turned back and began to walk away as my conciousness began to fade away as well.
"Are you OK?"
My eyes slowly began to open and I found myself staring straight at the most beautiful face I'd ever seen. She was so pretty, with those freckles between her beautiful onyx eyes. Her concerned smile on that adorable tanned face and that pretty brown hair. My blurry vision soon adjusted itself and I looked at her clearly.
"Are you alright?" She asked again.
"Yeah." I answered. "That douchebag Ezekiel got some assholes with bats to beat me up."
"Stop swearing, it is not proper." She scolded me. Man, for the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen she was kinda bossy. But hell, I wasn't gonna tell her that, or at least not the first three fourths of that sentence.
"Man, you're really bossy, aren't you, honey?" I cockily stated.
"Look, I am in no mood for macho stupidity." She said.
Macho stupidity? Whatever.
"I'm here to cut you a deal." She said.
"What kinda of deal?"
"I believe you know who I am?" She asked, rhetorically.
"Yeah, Ezekiel told me about you, Courtney Rodriguez, the girl whom the preps unfairly threw out because she wanted to work some day in her life." I told her.
"Correct." She said. "Well, I want revenge against those asshole preps who ruined me."
"Well, why should I help you, Princess?" I questioned her, I never knew the nickname would stick, but it did.
"Because, you don't have any friends...I don't have any friends and we all need friends." Courtney told me. Pretty, smart and cunningly evill. I was starting to really like her.
"Well, I guess you have yourself a deal, Courtney." I told her, crossing my arms.
"Excellent." She smiled in satisfaction. Boy, was she pretty.
"Now, we're both alone down here, where nobody could her us...wanna make-out?" I asked teasingly.
"In your dreams, Duncan." She said, cocky herself.
"No, in my dreams we'd be doing much more than just making out." I said and looked down at her breasts.
"If I wasn't in desperate need for friends, your balls would pay the price." She told me. Clever. "Now come on, Dunkie."
She took me by the hand and began to drag me away.
"Don't call me Dunkie, Princess."