SUMMARY: It's been 3 days since Ryou moved to Chiba and who would have thought that Chigusa Kusaka the player behind Atoli was his neighbor!!! Who knew? And to top it all up, Chigusa thinks Ryou is her boyfriend because of what happened 3 days back. What will the Terror Of Death Do if the Mirage Of Deceit had a fight due to a certain conflict? If you want to know then please read and don't forget to review. Flames, insults and critics will be accepted but bad language will not be tolerated.


7:00 a.m.


"Damn it!! Its just 7 can't a guy get some sleep around here" Ryou groaned upon the sudden knock on his door and he quickly hurried there to see who it was, but he already knew who it was.

"Good morning Ryou...here it's for you" A young cheerful blonde haired girl wearing p.j.'s offered her usual morning pie for the boy. 'So it's apple pie today huh?'

"You know, you shouldn't waste your money on giving pie's to me every morning, I feel bad....but thanks, do you want to come in" He offered with a forced smile and she quickly nodded with a smile of her own. She took a step forward to enter his room but she suddenly paused half way. " Are you sure it's okay Ryou...I hope I'm not bothering you or anything "she said with a hint of discomfort in her tone of voice, although Ryou was having a blast while looking at her, blushing her head off.

"Wha-what's so funny!!...stop it!" she commanded in a frustrated manner while blushing a little bit more if it's even possible.

"No-nothing don't mind me come in lets have breakfast together" then Ryou blast in a fit of laughter making Chigusa even redder than before.

"To to to " Chigusa said while blushing still processing the word.

"Together" Ryou said with a malicious tone.

"I-I hate you Ryou!!"Chigusa snaps at him while forcefully handing him the apple pie and then she ran to her apartment room still blushing.

"Chigusa!! Wait a sec!! I'm sorry!!" Ryou called out.

He did it.........again.


"Chigusa!! I'm sorry okay!? Let's talk about this, please Chigusa?" Ryou begged from outside apologizing to her for the 30th time.


The door was unlocked " What is it? " Chigusa asked slightly opening the door that only show half of her face. Examining her Ryou realized that she was still crying while pouting cutely at him for teasing her.

He reached with both hands as he cupped her cheeks with both hands whipping away the tears using his thumbs." I'm sorry okay please forgive me but you looks so cute when you're like that so um you know I couldn't help myself"

" I'll forgive you on one condition" Chigusa said grabbing Ryou's hands and gently pealing them off of her face.

" Name it"

"..Kiss" She said.

"..Huh" Ryou froze.

" B-but"

"But what!? you said name it right?" She said innocently while frowning at him.

"But I didn't know you would.." He was cut off.

" You didn't know what?" She tilted her head to the side pouting at him.

"Come on Chigusa anything but this" Ryou begged.

"Fine!!" She huffed. "But next time you will okay?" she placed a finger on her chin, thinking of another way he could atone for his crime.

"Then tell me I'm cute" She commanded with a sweet voice.

"You're cute" He said hardly meaning it at all, acting like a total jerk.

"You didn't mean it" She pouted.

"Huh...I already said it right" Ryou protested.

"Ryou!!" She said half saying half screaming while crossing her arms.

"Fine okay I get it!! " Ryou sighed and breathed fresh air, he took a step forward placing his hands on her waist and leaning in slightly to make eye contact." Chigusa I think your cute" he then let go and stepped back examining her form, she was blushing while looking down.

Chigusa's faintly inquisitive nature had decided to take over.

"Hey Ryou am I cuter then Shino?" She asked with a laugh, possibly trying to get a rise out of him.

"What the hell kind of question is that?" Ryou barked in return. His cheeks had nearly turned a color that matched his eyes.

"What about Alkaid or Pi?" She asked again, finding a strange joy in his reactions.

True, it was unusual for her, but then again she was changing just as much as Ryou was.

"So am I? Am I?!" She got up in his face this time, dark shadows of power glowing beneath her eyes." Is he implying that Shino and the others are cuter than me? "She thought

"YES! Now shut up! You're annoying me." He grabbed her arm and turned roughly towards his room while dragging her along and now concentrated on only having breakfast.

Chigusa laughed to herself…


It's been a rough morning for Ryou, not only did he had to be forced on telling Chigusa that she's cute although he really does think that she's cute which makes it more embarrassing he had to make up from the fiasco that occurred moments ago by cooking Chigusa her many different favourite dishes. "Who knew she could eat a lot and still have plenty of reserves while maintaining that slim...luscious....nicely done...curves.........WOAH!!! Trailing off their curse these man eating hormones!!!" Ryou thought catching himself staring at Chigusa's body.

"You know…I could get used to this." Chigusa said with a smile.

His face returned to its usual scowl. "Get used to what?"

"You cooking for me everyday......The apron is a really nice touch." Her eyes sparkled as she hid her smile

"There is no way I'm gonna..." Ryou got cut off by her again.

"Hey!! You said you'll make up for it" Chigusa cried out childishly.

Ryou narrowed his eyes at his guest. "Oi, I'm the one that teases you. Not the other way around! What's with this role reversal routine?!"

Chigusa giggled and reached out to glide a finger down his apron-covered torso. "I do believe, dear Ryou, that you're the one that started reversing roles."

He sputtered and muttered and reached back to untie the delicate strings, but Chigusa quickly sat the glass down and stayed his wrists. "No, don't take it off!"

"C'mon you know this doesn't suit the Terror Of Death look" Ryou protested.

"I don't care!!" Chigusa shots back.

"Don't make me PK you" Ryou threatened with murderous glares.

"Hmph. says the man in the frilly apron."

"Okay, that's it. It's coming off."

Chigusa laughed and wrapped her arms around his waist to stop him from untying it. "No, no! I like it!"

Ryou raised an eyebrow and rested his hands on her sides. "You like it, huh? I suppose I'm not surprised…you always have the most…interesting fantasies." He chuckled as she buried her red face into his chest and wrapped his arms around her. The grin stayed on his face as a hand on her back mischievously headed towards her weakness and gave it a good tickle.

"S-Stop it! Ryou! It!..Tickles!" Chigusa commanded through her heartily laughs.

"No way" Ryou continued to tickle her causing Chigusa to laugh out louder. Enjoying the sight of her laughing like an angel.


The Phone was ringing a moment and stoped as the answering machine that tells that the owner isn't home took hold and gave the beep to make the caller give a message.

"Hello Ryou it seems you're not home today I just called you tell you that I'm also moving to Ichikawa, I guess were enrolling in the same school together, I just called to ask you for a favor" she paused for a moment taking in a deep breath."Ca-can I be your roommate please!! I know it's too sudden but can you give me a reply today, I'm moving tomorrow you see so well thank you for listening and well uh well bye!"She hanged up. By now Ryou stopped tickling her and was staring at the phone and so was Chigusa a silent atmosphere began to fall over the two that lasted over 2 minutes. Chigusa glared at Ryou with a disapproving look, Ryou gave her a questioning look to protest to her silent message.

"But she's my friend I can't just leave her like that!! Plus I'll finally have some company here at the apartment " Ryou implied.

"Am I not company to you!?" Chigusa answered angrily quite offended.

"I mean she can help out in cleaning the room and plus I can pay half of the rent and she could pay the other half so I can use the other half to buy that new m2d"

"I could be your room mate if you want me too, I could pay half of the rent too and plus I could clean the room for you with no complaints" Chigusa muttered.

"No way! You have your own room and Chika is my friend who needs help and besides there is an extra bed she can use...it's not like we're gonna sleep at the same bed together" Ryou pointed to the bed across to his own bed.

"I see...SO YOU PREFER HER MORE THAN ME!!"Chigusa cried out and then ran to her room crying.

He did it.....again.

Ryou looked at the door for a moment deciding on whether to go to her and apologize or call Chika to tell her that she could be his roommate "But if I do go to Chigusa then what happened earlier will happen again" Ryou sighed and walked to his phone and dialed a number. Few ringings were heard but it wasn't long until a girl picked up.

"Hello?" The girl asked.

"Hey Chika, it's me Ryou I just got your message so...um.....sure it's okay, we could be roomies"

"Thank you so much Ryou! I promise you won't regret anything it. Well I gotta go now I need to start packing see you tomorrow okay" She hanged up.