Ouran High Host Club

Author's Note*

Yay! Another chapter! Firstly, thanks to all those who posted a review on my last chapter (5). I really appreciate your support! Secondly, for those who actually bother reading these notes, a special thank you to Kerica – a fantastic friend, an even better editor, one who always has positive criticism and an endless supply of ingenious and invaluable ideas – please read her stories; Spiralling Changes and Spiralling Book Courses, they're really good!

Hope you enjoy this chapter, people!

P.S *Note: In this chapter, I've added a sort of kitchenette area at the back of Music Room 3, which is where Kyouya goes to get the plates and make tea. I don't think it's ever been mentioned in Ouran, so it's probably doesn't exist in the original story, but I've always wondered where they get all their hosting equipment and store all the food…

Chapter Six – Welcome to the Host Club

"I'll go get some plates and make some tea." Kyouya walked off, hiding a smile as he went. "It seems she has a soft spot for Senior Hani, eh? This may turn out rather interesting after all…"

In the kitchen area, Kyouya put some water on to boil, then reached up and took some plates, teacups and saucers down from the cupboards. While he was waiting for the water to boil, he started stacking the saucers and plates together so it would be easier to carry back to the others. "How am I going to carry all this stuff back by myself?"

"Would you like some help?"

Kyouya started and almost dropped the cup he was holding. Turning around, he saw Kurotsuki standing there, one hand on the doorframe, looking questioningly at him. "Wha-…when did she… I didn't even hear her…!" Silently, he told himself off for not hearing her approach.

He recovered quickly and gave her a smile, putting on his Host Club charm. "Hai, arigatou. If you don't mind helping, it would be good."

Back in Music Room 3:

Kurotsuki and Kyouya had come back with the chinaware and now everyone was sitting around a table, holding a plate and watching as Kurotsuki poured tea for everyone. In front of them on the table there now sat a huge selection of cakes, biscuits and other sweets, as well as a huge strawberry cheesecake.

"Wow…" Tamaki stared at the table, then at Kurotsuki, who was sitting next to him, and then Hani, then back at the table again. "Kurotsuki-san…you bought a lot."

Kurotsuki looked at him and then stared at the table. Her eyes were unfocused, as if she was looking at something the others couldn't see. "I remembered what a big sweet-tooth Mitsukuni onii-chan has and I haven't seen him in so long…I suppose this was to make up for all the years we've been apart, when I wasn't there to buy things for him."

"T-t-tsuki-chaaan!" Bursting into tears, Hani ran over to Kurotsuki and jumped into her lap, hugging her tightly around the neck and sobbing into her shoulder. Tamaki scooted over closer to Kurotsuki and threw his arms around her, tears streaming down his face as well.

"Oh what a sad, sensitive child! My poor heart is breaking with her story! She was separated from everyone for sooo longgg, and yet she still remembers to buy Hani-sempai sweets!" Sniffing, he trails off, dabbing at the tears on his face.

"What? It was such a sweet, heart-breaking moment!" He snaps, glaring at the twins who were holding their stomachs and rolling around on their sofa, laughing like mad. They'd caught sight of Kurotsuki's expression when Tamaki threw himself onto her – one of mixed confusion, amusement, embarrassment and surprise.

"So anyways"… Hikaru raised an eyebrow. "You guys were late 'cos…"

"…Hani –sempai wanted cake?" Kaoru finished the statement, also raising an eyebrow so that they looked like complete mirror images of each other. Kurotsuki nodded and Hani, feeling guilty, buried his face in her shoulder.

Haruhi giggled as she thought, "So much for Senior Mori's scenarios! Cakes would definitely slow Hani –sempai down more than a kidnapping attempt ever will!"

"So now that everyone's here…" Kyouya, who'd been sipping thoughtfully at his tea while writing in his clipboard, put his cup down on the table with subconscious, host-like grace, shut the clipboard with a *snap* and adjusted his glasses.

"First of all, thank you for joining us, Kurotsuki-san. What I'm about to say involves you too, so I thought it would be better if you were here as well."

"And you, Tamaki…" Kyouya pointed at him then directed his finger towards an empty sofa, "Stop clinging on to Kurotsuki-san and sit over there, or else you won't get to hear my "plans"."

Slowly, pouting childishly, Tamaki dragged himself over and flopped into it with a soft "hmph."

"So that's what he was upset about!" thought Haruhi, looking from Tamaki to Kyouya and back again, "He must've been told off again for pestering Kyouya –sempai and trying to find out his plans!"

Turning to Kurotsuki, Kyouya continued, "Kurotsuki-san, I would like to ask you to join the Host Club. I'm sure no one has any objections to that…it seems like they've all taken to you quite well already...and I'm sure your two onii-sans would like to have you back with them, hai, Hani-sempai, Mori-sempai?"

He looked at Hani-sempai then Mori-sempai, who nodded enthusiastically.

"Hai hai! Come and join the Host Club with us, Tsuki-chan! It'll be fun! And the girls will love Tsuki-chan because Tsuki-chan's so pretty." Hani beamed at her expectantly and Mori gave her a hopeful look.

Kurotsuki smiled at Hani and Mori and put her arms around Hani, still sitting on her lap. Then, she looked over the top of Hani's head directly at Kyouya, "It would also be to your benefit, would it not?" she asked quietly.

Everyone turns to look at Kyouya and, to their amazement, notices a faint blush on Kyouya's cheeks. He blinks and averts his eyes, unable to hold that pale gaze any longer. "Yes, it would be…sort of…" he mutters, looking slightly uncomfortable. Tamaki', the Twins' and Haruhi's jaws drop…Kyouya-sempai, looking uncomfortable? Woah!

Kurotsuki stared at Kyouya for one moment longer without answering. Hani, Mori, the Twins, Haruhi and Tamaki were all visibly holding their breaths, waiting for her reply, and Kyouya, to his own surprise, found himself silently willing her to say yes, though he maintained his calm appearance outwardly.

"I accept"

Finally, Kurotsuki gave a small nod of consent.

"WOOH!" A cheer went up from all the members of the Host Club (except Kyouya, who was too composed) as they let out the breath they'd been holding. "Welcome to the Ouran High Host Club, Kurotsuki-san!"

Everyone started talking and laughing again, and dug in to the huge spread of cakes and sweets on the table. Kyouya stood there, watching Kurotsuki as she spoke to the Twins and letting his mind wander. Then suddenly, feeling someone watching her, Kurotsuki glanced up and met Kyouya's eyes, catching him by surprise. He recovered quickly, giving her a small smirk, as if to say "I knew you were going to say yes all along", and bowed slightly towards her. Kurotsuki, however, seemed to understand and gave him a small smile in return before turning back to Hikaru and Kaoru, who were getting her to play the "Guess Who?" game.

"Things should be getting interesting again soon, I think.", thought Kyouya, smiling to himself as he watched the Host Club, with its new member, sitting in front of him.
