The Blind Boy

Summary: Sephiroth, on the verge of loosing his mind to his own inner demons, comes across Cloud lost in the snowy mountains of Nibelheim. Thing is, Cloud's blind. Sephiroth/Cloud OOC

Full Summary: Sephiroth is on the verge of loosing his mind to his own inner demons when he comes across Cloud lost in the snowy mountains. The thing is, Cloud's blind. Attachment and attraction run their course until blindly in love, Sephiroth takes the blind boy into his possession. Sephiroth/Cloud

Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy VII or any of its characters. All are property of Square Enix. I make no profit from this fiction, I wrote it because I have writers block and I was bored.

Author: Darksinokaru

Story: The Blind Boy

Pairing: Sephiroth/Cloud

Rating: M

Notes: Okay everybody! I don't think I can change it anymore than I have with this one. I completely changed around the bathroom scene that had everyone in such an uproar and added a much better explanation into Cloud's views.

I admit that I didn't much like how the original version of this story went. In fact, I had written something a bit different once before and deleted it and wrote something else. And I apologize, it took me so long to get a revision out. I think the problem was; I wasn't painting Cloud as I was seeing him in my head (happens to me a lot in my art too). I think this version with this more in depth insight will be more like the Cloud I have in my head.

P.S. The only reason why I even put the bathroom scene in was for smuff. No other reason, it wasn't intended to be important at all in the beginning.

Okay, I changed little things here and there everywhere, but the impact is huge in every little change, at least I think so. Also, I added a bunch of new paragraphs that I've framed with && above and below them. But really, the whole chapter needs to be re-read.


When Cloud was returned home his mother burst out of the house and upon Cloud's wet, shivering state, she quickly saved her angry lecture for later.

"This way!" She called and Sephiroth followed her into a downstairs bathroom where she turned on the hot water.

"We need to warm him up." Sephiroth nodded as he walked into the small bathroom and paused when he felt Cloud curl more into him.

"Cloud?" Cloud moved a little and Sephiroth leaned into Cloud's ear.

"I'm sorry…" Cloud raised his head up to Sephiroth.

"It's okay. You're normal again." Cloud muttered and Sephiroth nodded as he sat Cloud down on the lid of the toilet and turned to leave as Cloud shrugged his duster off.


"Sephiroth?" Sephiroth turned toward Cloud and noticed his duster hanging off of Cloud's outstretched arm. Sephiroth walked over, eyes absently lowering to the slender hand working a button loose, though his finger movements seemed a little slow and the ends of them were a bit blue.

"You're fingers cold?" Cloud nodded.

"Yeah. But I can deal, this is Nibelheim after all." Cloud smiled and Sephiroth stalled again when a button popped loose and then another, revealing a teasing glimpse of Cloud's collarbone.

"May I?" Sephiroth cut in with a sensual purr in his voice.

"Um… Th-that's okay." Sephiroth kneeled in front of Cloud, draping his duster on the counter.

"But I want to." Cloud sighed when Sephiroth shooed his hands away and began to quickly work the buttons loose. It was just too weird, Sephiroth's treatment of him. Cloud didn't know whether to jump for joy or back into a corner. Everything about Sephiroth had been off since Cloud met him, but Cloud supposed that he had said something that made Sephiroth like him when they first met. What could it have been? Cloud couldn't really fathom if anything he's said was particularly special or not.

"Um… Sephiroth? Why do you… Like me?" Sephiroth paused and looked up into Cloud's face.

"Hm… Good question… I'm… Not quite sure myself." Cloud looked down in what almost appeared to be defeat.

"Cloud…" Sephiroth paused when he saw Cloud's collarbone flash again from around the thick flap of the shirt and swallowed. For some reason Sephiroth suddenly felt warmer and his heart was beating a little faster. In fact, this strange feeling was surprisingly familiar. He looked up into Cloud's face; cheeks still a little red from the cold.

"Yes?" Sephiroth suddenly realized where he'd remembered this feeling. The time when Cloud had said he was sixteen, Sephiroth had felt a strange thrill of excitement, but this time, it was making his mind a little hazy and he was starting to arouse.

"You said you were sixteen." Cloud nodded and swallowed. He could hear something strange in Sephiroth's voice, and the entire atmosphere had shifted.

"Yeah." Cloud breathed. It was getting really hot in the bathroom and Cloud could feel the heat of the air he was breathing in from the shower.

"Have you ever… Been intimate with anyone?" Cloud's cheeks stained a deep red and Cloud stuttered, shifting on the toilet lid, part of him wondering about the sudden topic change.


"Um… No." Cloud muttered, gasping when he felt the tips of Sephiroth's finger on his lips.

"I'm… I'll never hurt you again. You know that, right?" Cloud's brows furrowed in confusion from the subject change, though the atmosphere hadn't changed. Clouds heart was beating faster as Sephiroth gently traced along Cloud's lips.

"I know." Cloud breathed softly and something sparked in the back of Sephiroth's head. It was illogical, and almost completely out of his control when he leaned up and kissed Cloud on the mouth. Cloud gasped and froze, his face darkening ten shades before swallowing, his Adams apple bobbing as Sephiroth sensually kissed Cloud's supple lips despite Cloud's mouth being open. Cloud's mind started to race and his adrenaline pumped. He couldn't believe that this was happening. Sephiroth was kissing him!

Sephiroth touched Cloud's shoulder softly and Cloud shyly peaked his tongue into Sephiroth's mouth, wondering if perhaps Sephiroth was waiting for a sign from him. Cloud must have guessed right because as soon as he did that, Sephiroth's tongue roved over top his and Cloud made a soft mewling noise in response. From there Sephiroth explored deeper into Cloud's mouth with the blonde's tongue chasing in after his clumsily. Cloud was in an almost state of delirium. The taste, the pine forest smell clinging to Sephiroth's skin, the feel of his hand on his shoulder and the feel of his breath on his face. Cloud was so incredibly happy there was no way to describe the feelings swelling in his chest. This was the man that he'd admired! Secretly wished to meet! And here he was!

"Smphrth." Cloud tried when he thought he heard footsteps near the door, and instantly, without breaking the kiss, Sephiroth reached across the tiny bathroom and clicked the lock. Cloud heard the click and wondered if Sephiroth had actually just locked the door or if it was something else. Sephiroth's hands went back to work on Cloud's shirt, working the material open slowly. When the shirt was open, Sephiroth finally broke the kiss, leaving a panting Cloud as he wandered his hands down the expanse of Cloud's thin chest almost in awe as he stared down at the creamy skin and the pert, dark pink nubs on his chest.

Sephiroth hadn't even realized what he had been doing until Cloud gasped sharply and sputtered. Sephiroth paused, his hands freezing after undoing the drawstrings of Cloud's loose pants when Cloud's hands rushed down to stop him. Cloud stuttered and grabbed Sephiroth's hands.

"Wait!" Cloud breathed and Sephiroth rested his forehead in Cloud's silky, spiky hair.

"I want to." Sephiroth breathed huskily, his erection straining with need. Cloud's face turned the color of vermilion and it disturbingly thrilled Sephiroth. Sephiroth leaned down into Cloud's ear and whispered in a seductive purr.

"You're too desirable." Sephiroth chuckled and Cloud shifted nervously. His heart was racing so fast he thought it might just explode.

"But-my mom! W-we're in the bathroom! They're waiting on us…" Cloud's voice lowered into a whisper and Sephiroth smiled.

"Fine. Not here." Cloud nodded in relief and angled his face up into Sephiroth's when the silver-haired warrior touched his left cheek. This boy, this… Treasure… Was he really willing to give it up? No… Not at all… He would never do that.

"Come with me." Sephiroth suddenly blurted and Cloud's brows knitted together in a look of confusion.

"I don't understand." Sephiroth chuckled and softly kissed Cloud's lips, pulling only a breath away when he was done.

"To Midgar. To the world. Come with me and I shall conquer the world for you." Cloud's confused expression did not lift as he stared up into Sephiroth's face, lips tingling from the older man's breath upon them.

"You mean, like travel the world with you?" Sephiroth shook his head softly but took Cloud's innocent answer nonetheless.

"Yes. Be by my side." Cloud's mouth fell open in shock as he kept his face angled up toward Sephiroth's. Cloud had no idea what to say.

"Isn't this… You know, kinda sudden?" Sephiroth chuckled again and affectionately began stroking Cloud's left cheek.

"Do you doubt my feelings?" Cloud gasped and floundered into a sputtering mess. Sephiroth shushed him to silence. Cloud was beyond shock and awe. It was completely out of his mind. Meeting Sephiroth, getting saved by him, and somehow earning his attraction to this degree in one day? Cloud supposed it could be love at first sight. Though Cloud didn't think there was really anything particular about him to spark such an intense attraction. Although, Cloud did always think that Sephiroth seemed intense, from his mother's descriptions and from hearing his voice on the news. Perhaps Sephiroth was just always this intense then?

"I know this is strange… But I feel… Connected… To you. I'm not sure I can give a much more detailed answer than that right now." Sephiroth continued to stroke Cloud's cheek.


"I want… Need you by my side." Cloud swallowed, his cheeks still stained a deep blood color. Cloud absolutely couldn't believe this. This whole day was like a story from a fantasy. Cloud pictured himself the luckiest guy in the world right now, or perhaps, the most unlucky. To have the man that he'd admired even before he went blind, dangle the chance to be with him, the freedom and adventure, and then have it ripped away by his over protective mother.

She, along with most everyone in the village thought Cloud was helpless, that he couldn't do anything on his own. Sometimes Cloud cried about it, and sometimes he grew angry to the point he'd find a tree and beat on it with his cane. He'd broken one that way before, and of course, Cloud's mother took it that he was either beaten up or had fallen, even though there was no proof of either, other than just dirt from lying down on the ground to relax and feel the breeze while cooling his anger.

But Cloud sucked it in and dealt with it, for years. Cloud's mother hadn't been so protective before his father disappeared. It was when she realized, he was not coming back, that she became so overly worrying to the point Cloud found most days to be misery. But Cloud didn't want to hurt her by being rebellious and difficult, so he just remained docile. But Cloud really hated it. Everyone thought that he was just some dumb, blind kid, and in anger he'd said to his mother earlier, something he regretted since he knew he'd probably hurt her. Which was kind of strange since that was exactly how she treated him, even if she didn't think of it that way. Somehow Cloud didn't realize how bad she was in her worry over him.

Cloud swallowed thickly. He'd have to try… After all, he was sixteen. It wasn't unusual for boys to strike out on their own, and blind or not, Cloud believed, and wanted the same chance.

"I'll… have to talk to my mom." Cloud finally managed to get out after a long, thick silence and Sephiroth slowly nodded and stood.


"Very well. You should shower before all the hot water's gone." Cloud looked toward the shower and let the shirt slide off of him as Sephiroth stepped back, but paused in nervousness when he held up his loose pants and looked around, not exactly sure where Sephiroth had moved to.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything. You have my word." Cloud smiled nervously as he finally let the pants fall around his ankles and bashfully turned from the direction Cloud had heard Sephiroth's voice before pulling off his boxers and carefully picking his way toward the shower. Cloud bumped his right knee against the side of the tub and cursed, and instantly felt Sephiroth's hands on him. One held his arm, and another was on his hips.

"Um, Sephiroth? I can get in by myself." Cloud felt really strange, and kind of stupid having Sephiroth almost walking him into the bathtub himself. His care was almost too much, just like everyone else. But Cloud supposed it was because he didn't want him to get hurt, just like everyone else.

'But still…' Once Cloud was safely in the shower, Sephiroth retreated and became like a specter as Cloud pulled the curtain shut and started to finally warm up and clean himself off. Sephiroth slipped his duster back on, turned toward the door, unlocked it, and left with a soft click behind him to see Zack staring at the bathroom door from the kitchen table with still ever cautious eyes, a plate in front of him.

"What took you guys so long?" Cloud's mother was regarding Sephiroth with protective, suspicious eyes.

"We talked." Sephiroth stated flatly as he took a seat.

"And he almost fell." Zack quirked a brow and crossed his arms. Cloud's mother stood and walked over in front of Sephiroth and she sighed a little in relaxation.

"I… I should thank you. You saved Cloud twice today." Sephiroth gave Zack a quick, covert glance.

"My son can't swim very well, so if you hadn't saved him, he would have died." Somehow, Sephiroth understood the gist of Zack's fabricated story.

"Even good swimmers would have been helpless if in water that cold long enough. I simply acted on instinct." Sephiroth rested one leg over the other and treaded his fingers through his long silver hair.

"There's no need to thank me." Sephiroth said softly and stopped his fidgeting with a small smile.

"I apologize for causing all of this. My work took me further away from the village than I had intended…" Cloud's mother nodded and smiled softly as she moved over toward the stove.

"Well, now that everyone's here, including a surprise guest, I'll heat up dinner." She turned on all the burners under various pots of food. Despite not being that hot, Sephiroth detected a delicious aroma.

"This will be my first time eating a home cooked meal." Cloud's mother looked over at Sephiroth in surprise as he laced his fingers together in his lap.

"Really?" Sephiroth nodded.

"I've never had the luxury." Sephiroth explained simply with a firm tone that indicated that he did not wish to talk more on the subject. Cloud's mother instantly got it and dropped it, but Zack didn't seem to sense the finality in Sephiroth's tone.

"Why not?" Sephiroth looked toward Zack and smiled. It was a completely supercilious smile.

"I was training from a very young age. That's why I'm The General." Zack scowled and turned toward his plate.

"Why are you the General?" Everyone looked into the hall in front of the bathroom seeing Cloud dressed in fresh clothes he had to have gotten while they were briefly chatting. Sephiroth smirked playfully at Cloud.

"I'm the best because I trained to be the best. Which means I trained even in my childhood. I was a very busy boy." Cloud smiled and laughed a little as he moved over and was about to feel for a chair by Sephiroth but Sephiroth beat him to it. Sephiroth put both feet on the floor, pulled the chair out and waited for Cloud to sit down. Cloud's cheeks red again before he sat down and Sephiroth pushed the chair back in.

"No wonder!" Zack shouted suddenly and Sephiroth narrowed his eyes at his smirking Lieutenant.

"All work and no play makes Sephiroth a dull boy." Cloud giggled softly and Sephiroth scowled, but he supposed it was fine.

'It made Cloud laugh.'

Dinner was relatively pleasant and Cloud was more than happy to answer any of Sephiroth's questions pertaining to what it was like at times such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, and Cloud's birthday, which was basically boring and empty compared to the other holidays since Cloud had never had a birthday party for lack of friends. Sephiroth seemed particularly happy that both he and Cloud had a similar experience with birthdays, with the exception that Cloud got to be loved by his mother. Sephiroth's mother was stuck soaking in a stasis tube. Not much loving to be had there.

When dinner was done, Zack excused himself to get everyone ready to depart the next morning. Cloud's spirits fell when he thought of the conversation he was supposed to have with his mom, and what he was sure would be a no. Sephiroth walked Cloud to his bedroom and once inside, Sephiroth smiled down fondly at Cloud.

"I can have a birthday party for you." Cloud looked up at Sephiroth, his expression becoming one of utter sorrow. Sephiroth's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he kneeled down before Cloud and touched Cloud's left cheek again.


"I've been thinking… And it's depressing to say this, but I don't think I can go with you. I mean, what are the chances my mom will let me go? I'm her son, and she's so protective because of my blindness." Cloud was absolutely miserable. Sephiroth kissed Cloud's lips softly.

"Don't worry. I'm sure she will let you go. If you can join the military at sixteen, then you have the right to decide if you want to strike it out on your own." Cloud frowned deeply.

"But I'm blind, and because of it my mom is really concerned about me all the time. It's just like you said before; in my mom's eyes, I'm helpless. I can't take care of myself." Sephiroth frowned in remembrance of his own words and kissed Cloud's lips again, though a bit more passion and warmth went into the kiss than normal. Their lips stayed connected longer and Sephiroth kissed on Cloud's mouth, finding with delight that Cloud returned the gesture so that they produced light smacking sounds. When Cloud became passionate in his feeling of loosing him, Sephiroth felt his chest swell and his insides heat up.

Pulling Cloud flush against him Sephiroth returned the passion and plundered Cloud's mouth as soon as it was open. Cloud's hands went into Sephiroth's hair as the kiss escalated into something orgasm worthy. Cloud moaned softly into Sephiroth's mouth and Sephiroth growled in an animalistic lust. His body was once again starting to boil with intense desire and his hands started to grip Cloud's lithe body tighter. Sephiroth quickly pulled away and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to regain control of his hot-blooded body… No, not hot-blooded, it was boiling. Cloud stared at Sephiroth in confusion, face flushed, heart racing, and fully aroused. Sephiroth let out the breath he'd been holding slowly. This was not the time nor place to take him, Cloud had been right about that.

"I will speak to your mother myself, Cloud." Sephiroth turned his eyes toward Cloud's, his pupils that had been dilating now returning to the normal slits that they usually were. He caressed Cloud's hair and face with a smile before kissing his lips.


"Don't worry. I will take care of everything." Cloud nodded unsurely as Sephiroth stood up, damning his body for a second time in trying to get the better of him.

"Get ready for bed. I'll come back later." Cloud nodded and swallowed as he listened to Sephiroth leave the room. Standing up, Cloud frowned as he turned away from the door and felt his erection with a groan before crawling into bed, wound tight and disappointed. But in the end, Cloud supposed it was a good thing. It was a bad time and way too soon. Besides, it was literally, the first day. Kind of like a first date. And besides, Cloud was now really anxious. Was this really going to happen? Sephiroth seemed pretty dead-set on it.

Sephiroth entered into the kitchen just as Cloud's mom was finishing getting the dishes into the sink to soak before starting on them. She heard him and looked back at the General.

"Hallo." She smiled and Sephiroth smiled back as he walked toward the table and sat down.

"Hello." Sephiroth greeted.

"I have something to talk to you about." Cloud's mother looked at the man a second before sitting down herself across from Sephiroth at the rectangular table.

"What is it?" Her expression was instantly worried.

"Cloud wants to go to Midgar with me." Her eyes widened.

"He can't!" Sephiroth remained unfazed.

"I offered." Now she looked shocked.

"You're too busy. Please understand; Cloud needs special care..." Sephiroth nodded.

"I will provide him with ample care. Probably more than he needs." Sephiroth swiftly stood and walked over toward her side. Leaning down till he was eye level with her and his hand flat on the table, he stared deeply into her eyes, his pupils dilating.

"He will be fine." She tensed.

"Cloud will be in the best of care. And he will be happy. You understand that, don't you?" Slowly, ever so slowly, Cloud's mother nodded.

"Yes… He'll be very happy with you… You're all he ever talks about." Sephiroth nodded. Standing erect, he smiled in triumph of his new little trick.

"We'll be leaving tomorrow morning. Now, why don't you get started on the dishes and then go to bed?" Cloud's mother nodded and stood up. Walking passed Sephiroth she turned on the hot water and pulled on gloves. Sephiroth turned from the kitchen, his smile satisfied as he walked down the hall to the downstairs bedroom and slowly opened the door. Cloud jumped up in bed, face turned toward the door as Sephiroth closed it behind him. Sephiroth slowly walked across the space of the room and sat down on the edge of Cloud's bed.

"She agreed." Cloud's mouth and eyes opened in shock and Sephiroth was graced with Cloud's dull, though still equally beautiful blue eyes.

"She… Agreed?" Sephiroth nodded and stroked down the right side of Cloud's face.

"As long as I take care of you and make you happy." Cloud couldn't believe it! Could this day get any better! Sephiroth must have some incredible persuasion skills to get her to agree so fast! Cloud was glad he hadn't decided to relieve himself; Sephiroth might have caught him. A blush came to Cloud's cheeks at the thought, and even in the dimness of the room, Sephiroth saw. Moving closer, Sephiroth kissed Cloud's lips.

"Will you accept me?" Cloud closed his eyes again and looked up at Sephiroth in mild confusion.

"Of course." Sephiroth slowly gave Cloud one last peck before reluctantly raising to his feet.

"I'll come get you in the morning." Cloud stared up at Sephiroth in perplexity. So he was leaving? Cloud didn't want him to go… Not after what happened last time. A small twinge of fear became evident on Cloud's features and Sephiroth paused.

"You can stay here you know…" Sephiroth chuckled.

"No… I don't think… That would be a very good idea." As things were going, if Sephiroth stayed anywhere near Cloud he was going to have to work to control himself. It was already difficult to not try and get more than a kiss after his failed attempt in the bathroom.

"Why?" Sephiroth smiled fondly down at Cloud and ran his fingers through spiky blond tresses.

"Let's just say, I might do something we both will regret." Cloud face instantly turned red again in understanding.

"Oh…" Cloud looked down and gripped his blankets tightly in his fists.

"You promise you'll come back?" A worry and fear edged Cloud's voice and Sephiroth frowned as he sat down again no the edge of the bed and pulled Cloud into his chest. Cloud gasped lightly in surprise, but quickly went slack against the General.

"I'm going to go to the inn, go to my room, sleep, and then come get you in the morning. We'll have breakfast together." Sephiroth promised tenderly and Cloud shifted against the warrior.

"You won't leave?" Sephiroth kissed Cloud's forehead.

"I'm not going anywhere without you." Sephiroth refused to leave. If he hadn't hypnotized Cloud's mother into accepting letting her son go, Sephiroth would have been fully prepared to kidnap him.

"So rest." Sephiroth laid Cloud back into bed and pulled the blankets over him. Cloud blushed again in reaction to Sephiroth's overly doting behavior.

"So you promise?" Sephiroth nodded with a light smile.


"Yes. I promise." Cloud nodded and Sephiroth kissed Cloud's lips, Cloud giving back a small peck before Sephiroth stood up again and left the room, leaving Cloud in his room, where he probably wouldn't be able to sleep a wink in excitement.

It was really happening! Finally! For once something was working out! Cloud shifted restlessly. Sephiroth, the hero he'd had since his young childhood, taking him on what Cloud knew would be a great adventure. And it was an added bonus that Sephiroth was so smitten with him.

Cloud had to admit, his adoration for Sephiroth had definitely turned toward a more sexually charged attraction as he grew older and hit puberty. Cloud absolutely loved the man, and he still did, even if the General wasn't quite as he'd imagined, but that was okay. Cloud was happy with it. Sephiroth's affection couldn't be more appreciated by anyone else.

Suddenly, Cloud couldn't wait for tomorrow.


At the inn, Sephiroth walked down the hall with his gaze downward in intense thought. His brows were knitted down together and his lips pressed into a thin line.

"So… What's going on?" Sephiroth lifted his head a little to acknowledge Zack in the doorway to his room, but his expression did not change.

"Nothing. We're taking Cloud." Zack's eyes widened in surprise.

"Wait, what?" Sephiroth's gaze on Zack was steady.

"Seriously?" Sephiroth nodded.

"Wow. I mean, isn't this sudden?" Sephiroth ignored the question. For some reason no seemed to understand but him, but that was okay. Sephiroth didn't need anyone to understand but him. And if Cloud was willing and happy, he give a shit about anyone else.

"Aside from that… I think… Cloud has abandonment issues. He didn't want me to leave." Zack quirked a brow and then grinned and chuckled.

"Uh… Maybe he just didn't want his hero to leave?" Zack smirked.

"No… It was not disappointment in his voice… But fear. A fear that I would leave and not return… I sensed something a little off when I dropped him off earlier too." Sephiroth's tone was one of deep pondering as he opened the door to his room.

"Get some sleep Zack." Zack frowned deeply. He kind of liked Cloud, it wasn't cool that the kid could be traumatized like that.

"I wonder what happened." Zack muttered to himself as he entered into his room and closed the door. But instead of going to bed, Zack picked up his buster sword, strapped it to his back, and opened up his door again for a peak toward Sephiroth's room. There was no light escaping under the door, but Zack still didn't trust the man. Carrying a chair into the hall, Zack carefully set it down and then took a seat to watch Sephiroth's room. Sephiroth wasn't the man he used to be, and Zack was starting to really question his sanity. The only damn thing he cared about was Cloud! Zack didn't want to leave anything to chance, so he was going to be a watchdog for the night.


Nothing had been right ever since Sephiroth locked himself in that mansion. Really, Zack was pretty sure the General was loony. His behavior was erratic; his obsession with Cloud almost disturbing, and the kid was just going along with it! Maybe Cloud was a little crazy too. Zack had no idea. He just knew something was wrong, especially during that fight and how Sephiroth acted when he came out of the reactor with Cloud, magically healed. Something terrible was a miss, and Zack felt a terrible feeling sinking into his gut.


I'm sorry it had to turn out like this.

Okay, I did a lot of revising on this, and hopefully you guys won't be so upset with it. I think the problem is how I was portraying Cloud, as was said. I wasn't expressing him properly because what I wanted was for a weak Cloud to be become strong and fearless. But I was expressing it VERY poorly. I hope that this rendition made what I had envisioned in my mind more clear.