What up.

Just thought I'd throw this drabble out there. I came up with on my flight to California, which is where I am vacationing for a bit. So if I don't update super soon, you know why.

Hope you like!

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A Pink Obsession

By: Ryan Evans

My sister is known for many things.

Her wealth. Her constant attitude problem. Her ego. Her talent. And even me, her twin brother. But her true legend, the one that rises above all else, is her fascination with the color pink.

It's bright. It's vivacious. It's annoying. And it hurts my eyes. But that's Sharpay for you. Even so, it has extended to a level no woman should reach: addiction.

She is a complete pink FREAK. It's painted onto every surface she owns. I wouldn't be surprised if we cut her open and her insides were pink. One time, at the peak of her obsession, she even wanted to dye her hair that color (sorry, but I can't keep writing the word pink--I'm starting to feel less like a guy). But Mom would never let Sharpay ruin her best feature. So instead, they settled on a tattoo (located on her lower back) that reads: "Pink Freak," etched in none other than ... pink ink. Yeah, I don't get it either. But, don't ask her about, though--she'll just deny it.

But you see, my friend, there's more to it than just the case of "too much time and too much money". (Although this is COMPLETELY true). No, there's a long history behind it.

To begin with, Shar has always had a fanatical nature. Take Troy-Bolton-and-the-Lava-Springs-affair for example. Can you spell O-B-S-E-S-S-E-D? I know I can. Shar has what we call "Troy-is-hot-ti-situs," or more commonly known as "he-looked-at-me-and-I-freaked-out-beyond-saving"--whichever you feel more comfortable saying.

But more than just her naturally-born obsessive-ness, Shar has deeper issues.

It's hard for her to handle losing.

Well, isn't that the understatement of the year. Nevertheless, it's still very true. You wouldn't believe it at first sight, but when she was a little girl, she lost every competition she entered. And I mean: beauty pageants, Little Miss America, auditions--everything. She was a miserable child. And then came her first pink ribbon.

She finally won something. A 2nd grade award for "perseverance" (cough-cough-obsession-cough). And her ribbon was pink. So came two things. One: If she just kept at it, no matter what, she WOULD win. And secondly: Pink just HAD to be her "lucky" color. Combine them and you get: a pink obsession.

Ten years later, she still has issues.

But now you know she's not just a ditsy, rich priss. Pink is her comfort. When she loses, even after the obsession takes over, she holds onto it dearly. That's how she gets through life. I'd be very concerned if she didn't have that to clutch. She'd probably blow.

So for all those ignorant haters out there, just give her a break.



Ugh, hold on, Shar's calling me.

"What, Shar? I'm a little busy here."

"Bring me some ice-cream!"

I don't know why I do these things.

"What kind?"


"Gross, Albuquerque has the worst strawberry ice-cream!"

"It's not about the taste, silly!"

I smile.

"It's about the color!"