Okay, so this is my Maximum Ride, House of Night fan fiction. I'm really excited for this story; I have a lot of cool ideas for it. So READ IT!

Max's P.O.V.

I stood outside the gates that would lead me into a marvelous castle and away from my Flock. I paused for one more breath thinking how getting Marked has ruined my life plans. Well, okay, I didn't have many life plans to begin with other than to stay with the Flock forever but now even that's been thrown out the window.

With that happy thought in place I opened the large gate and walked into the court yard.

The place was huge! Straight in front of me was the castle building and dorms; to my right there was a large tree that I was drawn to, next to the main building was a temple or church with a statue standing in front of it. I was guessing it was of the vampyre's goddess, Nyx. Finally to my left, were the horse stables.

When I returned my head straight forward a beautiful woman stood before me. She had intricate tattoos out lining her green eyes and made her auburn hair shine. With a kind smile she seemed nice. I hated her. People who immediately seem too nice straight away aren't always the nice people in the end. Add that with the stab in my gut and my trust issues I had all rights to hate her.

"You must be Maximum Ride, My name is Neferet, I am the High Priestess here. I welcome you to Tulsa's House of Night." She stuck her hand out. I reached forward questioning why people still shake hands when she grasped my fore arm.

"Max," I corrected.

She nodded "Okay. Do you understand what is happening and what we do here at the House of Night?"

You mean steal innocent people's lives? Okay, maybe I'm not exactly innocent but you get my point. As much as I'd love to say I restrained my self. Have to keep on her good side. "Um, I think I've got the brief version, this is where fledglings live here for four years before becoming vampyres. Here they learn vampyre history and what not and hope they don't die, rejecting the change. Am I right?"

Neferet nodded and began to walk towards one of the towers I was guessing were the girl's dorm. "I will introduce you to your room mate and she can help you get into the swing of things." With that we walked in silence until we reached the door.

She opened it revealing a very comfortable looking living area with couches and love seats and a T.V. Off to the right, just before the stair case was a door way into a tiny kitchen area.

Neferet turned her attention to a girl who had long dark hair and hazel eyes. Her face was out lined with Sapphire tattoos as well but when she turned her head they were just viable down her neck.

"Zoey! I have a new room mate for you. You know the one I was telling you about?"

Zoey nodded but I could see hidden in her eyes was sadness and a loathsome that seemed to be directed at Neferet.

"Zoey, this is Max. Max this is Zoey your new room mate."

"Sup," I said.

"I expect you can show Max to your room and make her feel welcome."

"Of course," Zoey said almost automatically. "C'mon Max I can show you to our room."

"'Kay." God, I was turning into Fang with my one word sentences. I followed Zoey upstairs thinking of how I was acting like a lost puppy following its owner and I hated it.

We stopped seven doors down and to the right. Zoey opened the door and walked in with me close behind. Once inside I saw one half of the room was full of stuff and the other half completely empty other than a bed, side table and a wardrobe. The bathroom was near the door.

"That's your half of the room," Zoey mumbled the obvious pointing to the emptiness. "You can decorate it however you want, put your stuff wherever."

I snorted. Like I had any stuff.

I walked over to my bed and fell backwards my head hitting the pillow. We stay in silence. I went over the whole, how I got marked thing in my head.

Flash back:

We were flying over Tulsa Oklahoma with the lack of anything better to do. We just defeated Itex and stopped their stupid by half plan. We were now flying, tired, worn out and proud looking for a way to celebrate.

"Max! I'm hungry! Can we stop by a Mc Donald's or something for dinner? That would be a good we to celebrate defeating Itex, right? Stuffing our selves with Mc Flurries. Can we Max? Please please please please please?" Nudge begged.

I sighed in defeat. "Why not? Guys, search for a Mc Donald's some where, okay?"

"'Kay!" They all chorused. Well, except Fang, he just nodded. Eventually, Angel found us one, and we all headed downwards.

We landed in an alley one at a time so we wouldn't draw attention to ourselves. We then walked to Mc Donald's.

When we got in we all ordered our food. By the time Angel ordered I'm sure the cash lady thought we were insane or something. Maybe we were.

After the whole are-you-insane? Look, the usual happened: I made a snarky response to the cash lady causing her to back down instantly and for Fang to smirk. Gazzy giggled and seconds later then whole fast food place smelt like a garbage bag. Or dog crap or dog crap in a garbage bag. Iggy high fives the Gasman with perfect aim and we get the place to our selves to eat in peace.

"Seriously Gazzy, must you do that in every public place we go to? You're going to knock someone out eventually," I scolded. The Gasman only smiled in return. Dammit, I was losing my edge.

The chatter and happiness continued around the table. Who wouldn't be happy for saving the world?

The world is not yet saved Maximum. Damn, the Voice. Always knows when I'm happy and how to ruin it. I scowled. Go away, I don't feel like talking to you right now.

It doesn't matter whether you feel like it or not. Life will not wait for when you're ready. Screw you Voice. Screw you.

"The Voice?" Fang whispered in my ear. He knew me so well.

I nodded. "More fortune cookie crap."

Fang didn't say anything-he's a man of few words-instead he gently rubbed my shoulder.

That's when I noticed him. The guy with the Sapphire tattoos. He was staring straight at me and I got a ping in my gut warning me something's off.

"Uh, guys why don't you all go out side and search for something to do here or somewhere to sleep. I've just got to go to the bathroom quickly." They stood up and with Iggy leading them and help from Gazzy they left the building.

All but Fang, he stayed behind.

I looked at him expectantly waiting for him to leave, so I could go face the man with serious tattoo problems. I even jerked my chin for him to go, but instead he walked forward took my face in his hands gently and kissed me. It was quick and passionate and I was momentarily shocked at the directness of it.

"You did great today Max. You risked yourself for us. Thank you." He looked at me a moment longer and he followed the Flock. I desperately hoped Iggy hadn't yet blown anything up.

I turned to face the man but he was already in front of me. He pointed at my fore head and muttered, "Maximum Ride! Night has chosen thee; thy death will be thy birth. Night calls to thee; hearken to her sweet voice. Your destiny awaits you at the House of Night!"

Pain seared into my brain strong enough to almost make me think I was having another brain attack. I fought against the pain but I ended up blacking out any way.

When I woke faces clustered around me, none of which were my Flock. All random human strangers.

They were all mumbling about "she's another Marked fledgling," and "how long do you think it'll take before she starts to cough?"

I got annoyed at them for all their talking about me like I wasn't even there. I pushed through them and ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Ha, take that.

When I turned I saw what they were talking about. I had a sapphire out line of a crescent moon on my forehead.

Softly touched it, and I got another wave of searing pain. I closed my eyes and chanted, pain is just a message, I can ignore my messages, in my head. When I opened them I saw another crescent beside it facing the other way but Emerald colour.

What the hell?

So there's my first chapter! Yippee! I'm not sure if I got all the descriptions right for the House of Night, I can't really check because I loaned My books to a friend so just go with the flow or change it in your head, okay?
