AUTHOR'S NOTE: So I decided to write a little Epilogue for all you die-hard fans out there. I really hope you love it as much as I do :) Thank you so much to all my readers and for all the AMAZING reviews, I can't express how much I love all you guys! Btw, I seriously can NOT wait till next Tuesday!!!! TILVER FOREVER!! lol :D
"Teddy! Teddy, hurry up!" he heard Silver call from the other room.
"Ok, Vicky." he called back, teasingly. Even after all these years Teddy still got a kick out of calling Silver that. It was so easy to get her upset it was almost fun. He couldn't help the fact he found it incredibly sexy when she got angry.
"You know, I really hate you!" She yelled to him.
Teddy popped his head out from behind the bedroom door. He locked his eyes on Silver who was standing down the hall. At the sight of her, Teddy smiled. She was so beautiful and it seemed like he had to pinch himself daily to remind himself that it wasn't his imagination. They had been going strong for 4 years now. The couple that no one thought would last had suffered through the storms and made it out the other side, better and more in love than ever. Watching her attempt to juggle his extremely heavy tennis bag while simultaneously grasping to her morning coffee like it was her life source, made him chuckle. He watched as the bag straps slowly slipped from her petite fingers and landed on the floor with a bang. At the sound of his laugh, Silver spotted him and smiled playfully.
"You think this is funny?" she placed her open hand on her hip "We're going to be late." she said, taking a sip of her coffee.
"I love you too pumpkin." Teddy said sarcastically, moving back into the bedroom of the beach house. He opened up his sock drawer and began digging towards the back corner.
"What are you doing in there? You have to hurry up, we have to get going. I can't be late dropping you off at the airport. If you miss your flight again you agent evil Gina will kill you and then fly all the way here from New York to kill me."
"Ok, ok. I'm coming. Give me a second." he said, "I'm just trying to find my iPod." He lied, as he pulled out the little velvet box from beneath the socks. He flipped open the box lid to reveal the diamond ring inside.
"I put it in your bag last night." Silver shouted, disrupting his thoughts.
"You did?" he said snapping the box shut and shoving it back in the drawer.
"Yeah, I told you that 5 minutes ago and I know you heard me, so get your cute ass out here. Stop stalling. I know you don't want to leave me, and who could blame you? But I will still be here when you get back from New York. 2 months isn't that long. And just think, I've heard there's a bunch of hot girls there you can hit on. You've been off the market so long though; I bet you don't have any game left in you." He heard the teasing nature in her voice as he made his way into the living room to meet her, his suitcase in tow.
"Well, you're right about one thing. I am completely and happily off the market. No other woman could ever compare to you and your sparkling personality." Teddy said with the cheesiest grin he could muster.
"Bullshit, you're just trying to get laid." Teddy laughed at her bluntness "Well, guess what? It's not working. You missed your last flight and I will not let that happen again. I'll be damned if I get an earful from Gina again."
"Not even if I beg?" he asked, moving his arms around her waist trying to tempt her.
"Not even. Plus, your dad is stopping by the airport to wish you luck and say goodbye." She said pecking him on the lips and turning her back towards him as she took another sip of coffee.
"And how did he find out about that?" Teddy backed away a bit as he asked her suspiciously, raising his eyebrow; already knowing Silver had something to do with it. Teddy had been nervous about introducing Silver to his father but when they met 3 years ago, his father greatly approved. Unfortunately though, Teddy and his father still couldn't get over their past. Silver had been trying to mend their relationship unsuccessfully ever since junior year.
"Well, it's been on the news and he doesn't live in a cave first of all. And second, I called him." She said while turning back to face him.
"Silver–" Teddy stopped when Silver cut him off with a wave of her hand.
"Before you spank me, you should listen. You two need to stop bickering all the time. I know you don't have the best relationship but at least he's here. He's been trying and he loves you. And, hey, wife number 81 isn't so bad. She's over the age of 12, not a former 'massage therapist' and they've been married for a year now which, if my memory is right, is a record. So I want you to promise me you'll try."
"Promise me."
"Fine. I promise." Teddy grudgingly stated.
"Thank you. And yes, I know you don't like me for that very much right now but you'll get over it once you realize I'm right."
"Cause you're always right?"
"You say that like it's not a fact" she said lightheartedly as Teddy bent down to kiss her. "Oh my god! It's noon! We should have left already!" Silver panicked as she looked over at the clock.
"Hey, don't freak out. It's fine. The press will wait for me."
"Your pro career is just now taking off. I want your first day at this tennis conference thing to be perfect."
"Well that's impossible."
"Why's that?"
"Because" he kissed her once again "you won't be there." Teddy said with a small smile knowing his remark would elicit a response.
"Oh my god, shut up already! I'm not having sex with you!" she said, slapping him on the chest. She pulled out of his grasp and headed out the door towards the car.
"It was worth a try." He laughed, as he picked up his bags to follow her.
"Hey, maybe I'll bring you back something special for your half birthday."
"If it's half bikini you can forget it. You've been trying that one since forever; pervert." Teddy chuckled to himself, remembering the first time he suggested that.
"Trust me. It's not a half bikini."