A/N I'm back! Did you miss me? Sorry about the long wait but I went on holiday to Paris for a bit and didn't have time to update and then school started and I had a massive case of writers block which I am still suffering from but I thought I'd just suck it up and give you guys a chapter. Anyhooooooo here is chapter 3!

"Bells? Baby are you ready to go?" I heard James' voice calling to me from downstairs. He had arrived a couple minutes beforehand for a night out with our friends and had been waiting for me to get dressed for quite a while.

"I'll be down in a second!" I yelled, "Just need to get my shoes on"

One minute later, I perched myself at the top of the stairs where a disgruntled looking James was waiting. As soon as he noticed me come into view, bright white teeth glistened under the lights as he showed his joy at finally seeing me.

As I approached him, his eyes ran lecherously up my body and I giggled quietly. The red knee length dress I had donned seemed innocent, but when paired with sky-high stilettos and a slit almost to my waist, it seemed James' mind went straight into the gutter. And he hadn't even seen the back of it yet, where the whole of my back was exposed up to just above my butt.

I finally reached him and he grinned cheekily at me.

"I don't think I want to go out anymore, Isabella. That dress is sinful" he said lowly, his eyes smouldering and I gulped, my knees almost turning to jelly.

Leaning in, I tilted my head and placed a lingering kiss on the side of his neck, feeling his breath falter.

"That is a little taster. Be good and maybe you can have the whole thing" I whispered into his ear and he shivered.

"Come on then, Alice, Rose and Emmett are waiting for us" I said abruptly, turning and walking towards the door. I grinned in satisfaction as I heard the low groan that escaped him as he took in the sight of my bare back.

"Dear God, she is trying to kill me" I heard him mutter and I laughed as I headed for his car.

We arrived at the club at exactly 8 o'clock and Rose, Emmett and Alice were waiting for us.

"Hey lil' sis!" Emmett's booming voice penetrated my ears, "How's Hollywood treating you?"

"Hollywood is treating me just as well as it was when you saw me yesterday" I replied with a smirk and he chuckled.

"So not good then?" he asked before turning to James and doing the weird guy hug thing. It had taken a while for Emmett to warm up to James but I think he was basically there now.

"How's it going bro? You treating my baby sis good?" he asked mid hug.

"You know it!" James replied, releasing Emmet and pulling me into his side.

"Well what are we waiting for? Lets get our party on!" Alice whooped, pulling us all onto the dance floor.

We began to dance; thankfully as I had gotten older, my co-ordination had significantly improved. James' hands were everywhere on me; my hips, waist, legs, arms and I was coiled around him like some deadly snake. The song changed to a fast, lively one and I released James to dance provocatively in front of him, swaying my hips and running my hands through my hair. He licked his lips lecherously and I grinned.

"You want some of this?" I purred and he nodded enthusiastically. I leaned in close, inhaling his musky scent before backing away.

"Well you're gonna have to wait cos I'm thirsty now." I said, making my way to the bar and leaving a very disgruntled James in my wake.

"A Sex on the Beach please" I told the friendly looking bartender. He looked to be about 20 and refreshingly enough, he wasn't leering at me like I was a piece of meat so when he handed my drink, I hopped up on a bar stool and struck up a conversation."

"So… slow night eh?" I said sarcastically, gesturing to the mass of writhing bodies behind me. He chuckled deeply, "Yeah you could say that… if you felt like lying". I smiled.

"So what's the story? Usually I've got some drunk up on my barstool whining about his/her life while drinking their own body weight in beer. You gonna tell me your boyfriend dumped you?" he asked and I shook my head, chuckling quietly while pointing to the drunken mess sitting a couple of stools down and wailing at the other bartender who had a fake concerned smile on his face.

"Nah, my boyfriend's over there. I'm just getting a drink. How about you?"

"My boyfriend? What, do I look gay to you?" he asked indignantly and I smirked at him, staying silent.

"Fine. My girlfriend is at home, chilling out while I'm here talking to some chick who is questioning my sexuality."

"Shouldn't you be worried that your sexuality is questionable at all?" I asked and he shrugged

"Meh. I'm straight as an arrow and I know I am. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" he recited

"That's what you think. I've been told I have a pretty skilful tongue." I said, wagging my eyebrows at him

"Oh do you now? I'm sorry hun, but I told you before; I'm straight and I wont go gay even for you, as handsome as you are" he said, pokerfaced and I let out an indignant gasp.

"Okay, you win! And I'll have you know, I have extremely feminine features." I said, smacking him on the arm.

Chuckling, he extended an arm out to me "I'm Alec by the way."

"Bella" I said, taking his outstretched arm. Just then, I felt someone come up behind me and I tensed for a moment before familiar arms wrapped themselves around my waist.

"Hey baby" James deep voiced purred, "I've been waiting for you. Who's your friend?"

"James, Alec. Alec, my boyfriend James" I said introducing them and James pried an arm away from my body and held it out for Alec to shake.

"Come on baby, I wanna dance with you" James said quietly into my ear and I nodded, quickly downing the rest of my drink and saying goodbye to Alec who gave me a friendly smile and wave.

I turned to face James as I was getting up from the barstool and was surprised to see his face contorted into an expression of anger, his normally ocean-blue eyes narrowed into a cold black as he glared at Alec.

"James?" I said tentatively tugging at his sleeve and immediately his expression made a smooth transition to its normal friendly one. I almost thought I had imagined the whole thing.

"Lets go dance" he said tugging me towards the dance floor and I willingly followed.

We danced for a few hours until I was so tired I thought I was going to pass out. I contemplated getting a drink but when I looked towards the bar, I saw that Alec's shift was obviously over as in his place, stood a fat, balding man who was staring lecherously at every woman his eyes came into contact with.

"Let's leave, James. I'm tired" I said and he nodded acquiescently. We gathered al our friends together and bundled into a taxi which dropped everyone off at their respective homes excluding myself who was spending the night with James.

When we arrived at his apartment, I went straight to the bathroom to start getting ready for bed and I was halfway through brushing my teeth when I heard James call out.

"I'm going out for a little bit babe, don't wait up!" he yelled and then I heard the door slam shut.

Spitting quickly, I ran to the door. "Where are you going James? You're tanked!" I yelled but there was no reply.

Shaking my head, I returned to the bathroom to finish cleaning up before making my way to the bedroom where I snuggled in the big warm bed and was out like a light. I was vaguely aware of James coming in and laying in the bed with me but I wasn't conscious enough to react to it.

In the morning, I was up first. I stared at James as the sunlight streamed in through the window and across his peaceful face. He was beautiful.

Suddenly, his eyes shot open and the sleepiness in his pupils faded away as he became more and more conscious.

"Good morning beautiful" he said, brushing my hair away from my face.

"You're saying good morning to yourself these days?" I whispered and he chuckled, "Silly Bella"

I crawled on top of him and he brought his arms round to cuddle me. As I wiggled around to get into a comfortable position, my legs came into contact with something stiff, like hardened fabric.

"What happened to your pants?" I asked him curiously, throwing the covers off us both to have a better look. The knees of his dark blue jeans were stained with a thick, dark substance which had dried and caused the fabric to stiffen.

"What's that?" I asked, trying to get a closer look.

"It's nothing" James said, sitting up suddenly and throwing me off balance. "Its nothing". He then jumped out of the bed and headed for the bathroom, claming he needed to pee. He returned to the bed without the pants on.

That night, I was at James' again and we were snuggled up, watching TV when I grabbed the remote.

"I wanna watch the news" I said, changing the channel and James' eyes widened slightly.

"Well I want to watch a movie" he said quickly, trying to wrestle the remote away from me.

"No! No! James, what are you doing?" I yelled, hanging onto the remote for dear life.

"The body of 21 year old Alec Krem has been discovered in a burning garbage can. The corpse was so badly burned that dental records were used to identify the bosy. The 21 year old worked as a bartender in the Hollywood Club, "PH" and it is assumed that he was making his way home from work when the attack took place." The news reporter's clearly enunciated words rang out through the living room as I turned to face the television. A picture of Alec was being displayed on the screen. He was alive… but now dead.

"That's the bartender from last night!" I yelled, "James! Its him! It's Alec!" I screamed, beginning to sob as James sat stony-faced and rubbed my back comfortingly.

A/N Well I hope you enjoyed it. Writers block is not fun and I cant make any promises on when the next update will be so just be on the lookout. Please review, they make writer's block go away faster.