Summary- The twins Alfred and Matthew lost their parents in a car accident when they were young, but it seems that they lost their memory of most of their childhood. Years later they and their friend Carlos from the Home are invited to stay a year in the high society school, Hetalia Academy. After meeting their roommates,the famous young author Arthur Kirkland and young chef Francis Bonnefoy, Alfred and Matthew start having flashbacks from what happen and begin to fall in love. Being dragged into the strange habits of the other students along the way.(that's the best summary i can do XD;;)

--CH 1 Plane ride

The russet smell of blood filled his nose as the sound of his name being moaned filled his ears.

"Brother…" a childish voice moaned, "please help me brother…"

He slowly turned his head to the right to see his younger beloved twin's body lying bloody in the seat next to him.

"Alfred…" two familiar voices moan from the front of the young boy, "help us…"

Alfred's gaze turned forward where saw the horrible sight of his two loving parent's mangled bodies pressed closely against the dashboard and windshield that was bashed in during the accident.

"Alfred…" his three family members moaned, seemingly crawling towards the frighten boy, "heelpp…us…"

They grabbed him and everything turned black.


Alfred's eyes sprung open as he nearly fell out of his seat, gasping for air as if he was drowning.

'W-What was that dream?' the young blond thought in dismay, trying to regain his normal breathing pattern and heart rate.

"Brother?" he heard a sweet voice question from his right, "are you okay, Alfred?"

His younger twin Matthew staring at him with cute concern. Past him he could hear their friend and fellow Home mate, Carlos Sherr, snoring from the other side of Matthew. Carlos was a large Cuban fellow who was same age as to two twins. He was a fairly decent person but it was quite obvious that he clearly favored the younger twin much more then Alfred.

"Are you okay?" Matthew lowered his book. Alfred caught a glimpse of the cover before Mattie placed it in his lap. He was reading his favorite book again, The Other Side of the Forest by Arthur Kirkland. The cover of the book had two small blond boys holding hands in a colorful forest with fairies and other magical creatures around them. Alfred never understood why his little brother loved those fantasy books so much, especially by the author.

Alfred coughed and smiled at his younger twin. "Yeah I'm just fine, Mattie! Just sorta had a bad dream", he said shrugging.

"I bad dream? About what?"

"Oh, I can't really remember anymore", Alfred gave his brother a lopsided grin.

Matthew wasn't convinced by the smile at all but let it drop. "O-okay… Well a plane attendant just came by and said that we're going to be landing soon."

"Oh? Okay then! Should've woken me up then! Jeez, are you good for anything?" the golden hair blond said pouting.

Matthew blushed, "I-I was going to! B-but you two were sleeping so peacefully…"

Alfred laughed loudly and patted his brother shoulder, "I was just messin' with you!" Alfred continued to laugh before he got a face full British literature. "H-hey!"

Matthew smirked and picked up his stuffed polar bear Kumajirou. He hugged it tightly and poked Carlos in the arm softly. "Carlos? I think you should wake up now, Carlos…"

The Cuban male snorted and turned his head toward Matthew.

"Mfftwhat?" he mumbled incoherently, rubbing and blinking the sleep from his eyes.

"The plane's landin' you big lug! Wake up!" Alfred threw Mattie's book at the half-asleep man, waking him up instantly.

Carlos growled darkly and glared at Alfred, who only served to piss him off more with his happy-go-lucky grin. "You little..." he stood up and towered over the sitting blond who shoot up and stared him in the eye.

Sensing something bad about to happen, Matt began to stand up when a plane attendant came.

She looked at the two before bowing her head slightly and asking, "please sit down and buckle up. The plane will be descending shortly, Sirs."

The two glowered at each other for a second before complying with the lady's wishes.

Matthew sighed deeply, slumped in his seat and mumbled to his polar bear, "oh how are we going to survive this year, Kumjirou?" The stuffed bear looked up at Matthew with a "who?" expression making him sigh deeply and slump down even more.

Suddenly remembering his brother, Alfred look the brooding boy, "somethin' wrong, Mattie?"

Matt blushed and shook his head. Carlos cocked his head at him in curiosity.

"You sure? What? Jittery about who ya roomin' with? Because I can beat their face in if they do anything!" he cracked his knuckles and threw Alfred a disgusted look. Just keeping the look Alfred growled menacingly. But stopped when Matthew put a hand on his and gave him a small, timid smile.

"D-don't worry. I'll be fine", he nodded to reassure them and then added quickly, "please don't fight… I-I don't want to be kicked out again. And this is a one in a life time chance…"

The Cuban and American looked at each other, sighed, looked at their Canadian friend/brother, and nodded. "Okay. Fine", were the immediate answers.

Matthew's eyes lit up and giggled happily, causing the other two to crack a smile of their own.

"Yay! A real education!" the normally shy boy pumped his fist in the air. Only to be shushed by the passengers and attendants around them. "O-oh sorry…"


WOW! It sure has been a while since I've written a fanficition… This story idea has been stuck in my head for a long while… It's going to be a multi UsxUk, FrancexCanada, one sided CubaxCanada, and others.