Author's Note: Sorry about the long delays in everything XD I've been rather busy with stuff and well. XD life seems to throw up wonderful things my way XD *eg lots of rping* XDDDDDDDD Hope you like it XD I AM working on the next chapter of Willing Sacrifice XD ^____^
Disclaimer: XD own nothing.
Please Review^____^
Panting hard, First Aid was arching sharply, his entire body shuddering with the feeling of those fingers stroking around within him, driving him completely insane. They were going so deep that Aid thought it was impossible, that hot mouth sliding over his length just once and leaving even his hips trembling with the wash of feeling that ran through them. "Yes… please… please… AH!" First Aid was shrieking as those fingers opened him wide, rubbing slowly against that sweetspot within him. It wouldn't stop… couldn't stop!
"Are you mine?" Ratchet growled out, rich blue optics darkening for moment as he gazed down at the wiggling squirming mass of Medical Assistant that remained on the berth before him.
"I'm yours… I always was…!"
A whimper escaped him when those fingers withdrew, leaving him feeling terribly empty. He was pleading for the other to touch him again and his pleas were rewarded. A hot length was soon pressing against his entrance, rubbing against it lightly, teasing, strong hands catching underneath First Aid's knees and lifted them upwards, spreading them. It was a long hot slide, stretching him wide and claiming every inch of him at belonging to the Medic. This was what he needed, what he wanted. There was nothing else that could quite compare to this feeling. "You… oh… you… are so…"
Ratchet was letting out a low rumbling laugh, green head dipping in press soft kisses against the warm chassis, touching the exposed Spark casing gingerly. Licking slowly around seams, he was gazing up at the trembling Mech before him, feeling the burning rush of desire flare through him. He wanted that Spark.
"You really are beautiful, Aid." His optics dimmed softly, hands sliding across every inch of the warm thighs, tormenting sensitive wires, and feeling that warm passage tighten sharply about him in response. "So tight." Movements gentle, Ratchet was taking his time to enjoy every aspect of this interface, memorising every sound and movement of his companion. Small hands were tugging at him, barely being able to lift themselves from the medical berth, the little Mech trembling beneath the relentless thrust. Lifting those knees a little higher, abruptly he struck gold, finding that sweetspot within the little Medic and was leaving him screaming with pleasure with each thrust.
"You want it harder, don't you? You want to feel me so deep inside you that we become the same…"
"Yes…" Dazed optics glanced up at Ratchet that pretty mouth parted and gasping for air, trying to cool the little Mech's systems.
Ratchet leaned in to claim them, glossa invading that hot mouth, the sweet taste increasing the addiction that seemed to wash over the Medic's systems. How could he have overlooked this so long? How could he have ignored the wonder… the love this Mech held for him? And he swore to himself he would make every lonely moment First Aid had suffered with a moment of happiness. "I swear, I am yours just as much, Aid. I swear it on my Spark…"
"Then prove it!" The little Mech challenged, heat boiling up through him, everything was so hot! Every part of him was humming with that unbelievable burn…
And Ratchet smirked.
Thrusting hard and sharply into that warm body, he felt those muscle cables clench tightly around his length, the other's passage so slick, so hot and Ratchet was panting softly himself, thrusting firmly into that warmth. It was a little rough, but just seemed to add to the experience, their bodies moving together in motion that left both of them remarking internally just how well they fitted together.
"Aid…" Ratchet's head was leaning forwards against the warm Spark casing, pressing a loving kiss against it, lingered for a long moment. "Please…"
"You…" Aid was wide-opticked, before his casing slowly parted, revealing the beautiful blue Spark within, pulsing and throbbing with need to have Ratchet closer to him. "You… want to merge?"
And Ratchet held his breath at the sight of the other's Spark, unable to help the fact that that beautiful Mech was willing to allow him to merge… after all that trouble… all those horrible words… Aid was still willing to let him in completely. And soon enough their Sparks were touching!
Their casings brushing together, before connectors were hooking up their systems, binding them together, their Sparks brushing for a moment… shying away… then…
It was like flying.
In one Sparkbeat, the universe seemed to get unimaginably larger. Ratchet felt himself be embraced as he leaned over his lover, thrusting steadily into that warm valve, shuddering and burning with the rush of heat that was slowly consuming him. It was a flame, living and breathing within First Aid that was weaving its way slowly through them. Ratchet hadn't ever felt anything quite like it before, he had rarely ever allowed someone else to touch his Spark like this… and never so deep before… he seemed to be slowly sucked in even more within the burning heat of this wonderful love.
"Aid… what… what is that?"
First Aid could barely make a sound, his body scorched by the heat of that length taking him so hard the entire berth was rocking slightly beneath him, his spike was trembling against his belly. "My… love…"
"Oh." Breathless, Ratchet felt like he was floating, drifting on the slow eddies and currents of that emotion that seemed to flow into him, filling every crack and healing every wound. Grateful and so happy… he returned the feeling, his arm wrapped around his lover's back, pulling him as close as possible, still moving within him.
And a finger lightly brushed the head of First Aid's length… and the little Medical Assistant had no strength to resist that pull. Overloading powerfully, his hips arched sharply off the berth, shuddering and trembling as his valve tightened sharply around Ratchet, squeezing him so hard as he slipped in so deeply. Ratchet couldn't escape. The Medic howled out his lover's name as he followed him only moments later, their Sparks pulsing in time as warm threads were slowly weaving around them, binding them together forever.
Ratchet was struggling to stay on his feet as he leaned over his lover, their frames resting together, his optics dimming after a long moment, a quiet sound escaping him. Warm fluids had filled up that warm passage, and were spattered across their lower chassis, but Ratchet didn't mind as he leaned upwards slightly, pressing a warm kiss against his lover's lips, loving the way the other smiled at him.
Fingertips were brushing against burning hot cheekplates softly, rubbing in slow circles and feeling the smaller Mech turn towards him, moaning softly as Ratchet remained within him. "I love you." The older Mech whispered, feathering soft kisses across that warm chassis, letting his mouth linger against the silky metal, feeling the other relax back onto the berth. "I truly do… love you… with all my Spark."
A tired smile touched those beautiful lips. "I love you too, Ratchet. I always will." His hand stroked over the back of the green helm tenderly, smoothing over it and letting out a relieved sigh, his entire world seeming to finally find itself again. This was all he needed, it was right here before him and he had no need for anything else. This was all he wanted. "But… do you think… we could have a day off?"
"A day off?" Ratchet did not have 'days off'…
"I… just… kinda hoped… but…"
"Sounds like a good idea." Ratchet interrupted, his arms wrapping around First Aid, keeping him close and slowly leaning back against the edged of the berth.
"It… it does?" Hopeful pale blue optics gazed up at Ratchet, loving the way the big Mech cradled him and dropped little kisses against his face and throat.
"It does."
Ratchet's alt mode jolted sharply as something thumped playfully into the back of him, a soft little teasing rumble of a powerful engine almost made him growl softly. First Aid was nuzzling him, coming up quickly alongside, sleek frame glinting in the sunlight and giving Ratchet another little nudge before pulling away swiftly, escaping the larger Mech's 'revenge' nudge. 'Remind me not to take you up on another afternoon drive offer… you're a little speed demon.'
Aid flashed his siren lights as Ratchet, easily accelerating, loving the warm desert air washing over his frame. 'So you're telling me you hate the view?'
'I didn't say that!'
'So you do like the view?' The smaller Mech actually pulled a sweeping skid, spinning himself in a full three sixty, giving Ratchet a wonderful view of his sleek silver frame.
With a swift movement, the sleek car transformed before Ratchet, hands resting on his slender hips, giving Ratchet a slight pout. "You're still as grouchy as ever."
The lime green Mech suddenly transformed as well, pouncing his slender lover and lifting him upwards, with an arm behind slender knees and spinning him around once, making the little Mech shriek and cling to the large Mech as his stabiliser fluids spun wildly.
Letting the slender Mech slowly slide down against his warm chassis, strong arms were keeping them pressed together intimately, warm fingers stroking over First Aid's spinal plating, rubbing in slow circles, getting a warm little purr out of the small Mech. Before First Aid could let out another sound, skilled lips were devouring his own, letting the Medical Assistant panting for breath and half dazed when the other pulled away from him. "Now then…" A fingertip was lightly rubbing across warm metal, loving how slender hips squirmed at the sudden rush of desire that jolted through him. "You were saying?"
Another heated kiss silenced him, making Aid's processors spin.
"Grouch!" The smaller Mech giggled softly.
Another kiss.
"Grouch! Grouch! Grouch!"
"Love you too."
one word XD LOL