A.N: Hey everyone! I had this idea… And this is the starting point. I'm actually not really sure where I'm going with this, but I'm slowly formulating some kind of story here. I'm PRETTY sure that this will all be in Jim's point of view. I know this is confusing for a starter, but stay with me! The next part will, I hope, make things a bit clearer. Happy reading!

Since the moment he followed me off that shuttle and onto Starfleet Academy grounds, I had this… Idea. This idea that he would follow me to the ends of the universe; be right there, one step behind me.

He pushed me away, he called me 'kid', and he swore and was grumpy all the time. But he was a doctor and he had good whiskey and that was all that really mattered.

No matter how many times I pissed him off, he came back.

No matter how many times I got drunk, he helped me home.

No matter how many times I got myself beat up, he fixed me.

No matter how many times I landed in the hospital, he was there when I woke up.

No matter how many times we fought, he forgave me before I asked.

No matter how many times I walked away, he pulled me back.

No matter how many times I fell, he got me back to my feet.

That was why I had that crazy idea that he would be with me all the time. I thought he would come into space, me as a captain and him as my CMO and we'd be able to sit in each other's room and drink and talk like usual. He would be there to pick me up and help me to Medical Bay. He'd be able to fix me up. He'd save me.

That's why I thought the only time he would leave me was when we had no other choice. He was my best friend; I would do all I could to keep him, my crew, and my ship safe. I would sacrifice myself and only then would he leave my side. I thought he would leave because I would want him to, because I wanted to keep him safe. Him leaving would end in a clash of thunder and a jolt of lighting when there was no hope left. I would go down a hero, sacrificing myself in a rage of fire and blood and screams from my enemy. Then and only then, as my crazy fantasy went, he would only leave me. I was not prepared for reality. In reality, when he left, there was no fire. There was no thunder. There was no lightning. When Leonard McCoy left my side, there was no blood or screaming. No.

All it did was rain.