Hey everyone! My Next Generation series is back and ready for more! Before you read, I'd consider doing the following:

1. Reading my profile to get my character's backgrounds.

2. Reading through my other stories to see how this all started.

Disclaimer: I do not own any Kingdom Hearts or Nightmare Before Christmas characters. I don't own Santa or any other holiday figures used. Finally, I don't own Stitch and Pikachu. I do own Matt, my main character.

I hope that you all enjoy!

Matt, Stitch, and Pikachu beamed into the next world on their path. They stood in front of a large cemetery. In the middle of it was long archway with the moon shining down on it.

"Halloween Town…," Matt proclaimed. "Wow…"

"Check us out!" Pikachu said. His fangs had grown longer and he had a cape attached to himself. "I'm a vampire! Cool!"

Stitch's fur was no longer blue, but more brownish. His fur was also more puffed out and his teeth had grown as well. "Stitch...feel..crazy!" He pointed to the sky and let out a long howl.

"Probably because you're a werewolf," Matt said.

Matt looked down at himself. His skin was hard and green. He felt his head. All of the hair there felt like it was nailed to his head. Matt also felt two nails protruding out of his neck, making him shiver.

His clothes had changed as well; he now wore dark clothing that covered him from head to foot.

"A Frankenstein monster? Whoa…" Matt decided he could work with this. Sort of...

"Where wesa go?" Stitch asked.

"Probably should check the town itself," Matt explained. "We know the Heartless and Nobodies are here, so we should make sure it's safe there." They started working their way there.

"So it's Halloween here all the time?" Pikachu asked.

"Yeah. At least the people and things are are based off Halloween. It's kind of interesting really."

"Yay! Stitch want candy!"

"Me too!" Pikachu yelled.

"I don't think this place works like that!" Matt said with a laugh. "In fact, I don't even know if they have candy here. We could ask when we get there…Whoa!"

A weird looking ghost had sped up to the trio and was circling around them madly. It looked like a dog with a red nose.

"Ghost!" Stitch yelled. He swung madly at it.

"Ahhh!" Pikachu added. "Go away!" They tried to make the 'dog' leave, but to no avail.

"Hold on guys! I don't think it wants to hurt us!" Matt tried to calm his friends down.

"Zero! Down boy!" Matt then noticed the 'dog's' owner hurrying after them. He recognized him instantly. "Come on now! What's gotten into you?!"

The owner looked as though he had a complete skeleton with no skin or flesh whatsoever. He was tall and wore dark clothing all the way up and down his body. He had no eyes and was shaking his bony hand at the dog 'Zero'.

"Sorry about that. He always seems to act like that in front of people. Say…I've never seen you guys around here before."

"We're not from around here," Matt said.

"Really now? Where are you from then? Are you here to celebrate this year's Halloween? It's going to be a scary fright!"

"Yay! Candy!" Stitch and Pikachu were very excited.

"Actually…," Matt said. "We're kind of here for another reason."

"Naga! Candy good reason!"

"C'mon Matt!"

"Fascinating," the skeleton said. He rubbed his bony hand to his skull. "Something about this seems familiar."

"Maybe this will shed some light," Matt extended his hand and summoned the Keyblade.

"The Keyblade? You know Sora, Donald, and Goofy? Haven't seen those guys in a while!"

"In a way. You're Jack Skellington right?"

"The Pumpkin King himself! So you're here to fight those Heartless things ?"

Matt, Stitch, and Pikachu jumped. "Yeah! Have there been any around?"

Jack smiled. "No! There hasn't been any Heartless around here in a while! Not since we helped Sandy Claws!"

"What?" Pikachu asked.

"But we sensed the Heartless were here," Matt said. "That's wierd. Are you sure, Jack?"

"Positive. Halloween Town is officially Heartless-free! By the way, what are your guy's names anyway?"

"I'm Matt."

"My…name…is…Stitch. Oh…ha…hiee."

"I'm Pikachu."

"Well Matt, Stitch, and Pikachu, since you're already here anyway, you should join in on the Halloween celebration!"

"Yay!" Stitch and Pikachu were ecstatic.

"Jack!" A odd-looking woman came running up to the group. "Jack!"

"What is it, Sally? Is something wrong?"

"Jack, it's Santa Claus! He's here and wants to talk with you!"

"Sandy Claws!" Jack said excitingly.

"Santa Claus!" Matt, Stitch, and Pikachu yelled in unison.

"Yes, please we have to hurry. Jack, who are these people?"

"We'll explain later Sally," Jack said. "No time to lose!" He and Sally hurried into the town. Matt and his friends were right behind them.

"Mr. Claus? Is there anything I can do for you while we wait?" asked the mayor of Halloween Town. He was short, had two faces, and wore business attire.

"No, no I'm quite alright. It is important I speak with Jack," said the jolly old man.

"Are you sure? As a guest in Halloween Town…"

"I'm sure. I'm sure."

In a matter of seconds, the Pumpkin King arrived with Sally at his side.

"Sandy Claws! It's amazing to see you again!"

"It's good to see you, Jack. You too, Sally."

"Have you come to talk about Christmas some more?" Jack asked excitedly.

"Well you see…" He was cut off.

"Wait up!" Matt, Stitch, and Pikachu had caught up to them.

"Well, well, well…what do we have here?" Santa asked.

"Oh, these are some friends of mine," Jack said. "They just arrived. In fact, Matt here can wield the Keyblade."

"The Keyblade?" Santa asked with interest. "What happened to Sora?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out," Matt replied.

Stitch and Pikachu could only stare at the jolly old man. "S..Santa?"

Santa chuckled. "And who do we have here?"

"Stitch! Stitch!"

"I'm Pikachu! Ash Ketchum is my trainer!"

"Oh yes!" He laughed again. "I think that both of you are definitely on my nice list for next Christmas!"

"Yay!" They both jumped around excitedly. Matt smiled for them.

"As for you, Matt…"

"I know. You don't have to tell me."

"What?" Stitch asked.

"Matt's not on the nice list?" Pikachu yelled. "Why? He's one of the nicest guys we know."

"Why?" Stitch asked.

"Because I stopped believing once I got older…," Matt said sadly. "But it wasn't till I was 11 or 12 or something."

"Well, I understand why Matt," Santa said. "There aren't as many believers in your world. Especially once the children get older..."

"Yeah…but I am starting to believe in a lot more things these days." He looked at Stitch and Pikachu and smiled.

"Anyway, Mr. Claws," Jack interrupted. "Why did you want to see me?"

"Well, Jack," Santa began. "As you know there are several towns that make up this world. I've been in contact with them for quite some time now."

Jack look intrigued. "You mean there are OTHER towns! Other holidays?"

"Yes, Jack. The door to Christmas Town wasn't the only one in the forest if you remember correctly."


Matt interrupted. "Yeah, Jack. Where I come from, we have several holidays. Halloween and Christmas are just a couple of them."

"Precisely, Matt," Santa said. "Lately, though, I've lost contact with a few of those leaders and figures of those towns. I have a bad feeling that something may have happened."

"Heartless?" Stitch asked with a growl.

"That's a very big possibility."

Matt looked at the group. "We came to this world because we sensed there was a Heartless or Nobody threat here."

"Is that why then?" Jack asked. "You want my help, Mr. Claws?"

"Please, Jack," Santa asked. "It's too dangerous for me and my elves to investigate alone."

"Well…" Jack had some brief internal debate. "You know what? Why not? I'm definitely interested Mr. Claws."

"Thank you, Jack."

"We'd be honored to help you as well, Santa," Matt said.

"Eh, eh!"


"Thank you, Matt. The more the merrier I always say."

"Hmm….interesting," she said. "What did you send into Halloween Town?"

"Like I said before, that is not of your concern Maleficent," he said coldly.

"Going for Santa Claus's heart? How original..."

"That world has more than just one useful heart for the taking…"

"What do you mean?"

"If you were paying attention last time, you would have noticed."

"You are testing my patience."

"The hearts of the world are too valuable to miss. That's why I sent one of my more useful allies to get them for me."

"And the Keyblader and his lackies?"

"He's already there…"

Hallloween Town was just too popular a world not to do.

Anyways, i'll update as soon as I can. Peace!