Disclaimer: Just playing in the sandbox.

Authors Note: Every time I try to write something light I fail. Clearly I need to spend more time out of the house and more time on the beach. I apologise to you all.

Sometimes the others regret the whole Senshi thing; the duty that's been given to us to perform. They feel a little crushed under its weight; disliking the way it interferes with their nice, clear, normal plans.
I never have.

I am the soldier of courage; born and bred for the fires of battle. My soul delights in the lightning, my body in the power and grace of combat. Adrenaline pumps through every vein and capillary.
I was made this way, and I am not ashamed.

But that's the point isn't it? The love of the fight. It's... not done... to enjoy the mêlée so much. People become frightened. It sits uncomfortably on the sheep to know that the wolf hunts because it can, not simply out of need.


If I had never found my Princess and my dear friends, if this burden and joy had never been given to me, I would still be trapped in this body with all the chaos and rage of nature. I would still have to fight… but it would no longer be worthy.
Violence uncoupled from reason. Aggression devoid of love.
Mindless brutality instead of loyal protection.


If everything about me has conspired to make me a wolf, then Duty turns my fangs aside and lets me be the sheepdog.
This heavy weight, it frees me; to enjoy cooking and planting and cleaning; and then to also enjoy rending a nameless monster into so much raw meat. It gives me leave to be wholly myself, whom I was meant to be.

The other senshi girls sigh and look wistful, but me?

I regret nothing.