TRAILER LINK: watch?v=ZGxzpOAJpxc

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1) go to the site 'wattpad' (its a site similaur to this one, its awesome!)


3) look for 'Blue Eyed Vampire' (Should be at the very top)

4) Click 'start reading'

5) If you click onto any of the chapters, you should be able to see my trailer at the side of the screen


(Present) Alice pov

Ever since Edward left Bella in the woods, in forks we were all forced to move against our will to move to Alaska. It has been hell theses past fifty years and I for one know this could have all been avoided if Edward had listened to me. Edward left Bella broken hearted saying he no longer loved her in order to protect her. He was afraid he would hurt her, physically.

With him being an 'unruly blood thirsty' vampire and her being a fragile human he consciously made a decision for them both. The wrong decisions I should add. But even though I told him he would never hurt Bella he refused to listen. I mean like what idiot doesn't listen to a freakin' physic! I never even got to say good-bye to my best friend.

Jasper had always told me never to befriend a human, it would never last and I would only end up getting hurt. I never listened to him when it came to Bella. Bella was different, Bella was Edwards mate, I saw it. Now everything has changed, not only is Edwards's future dark and unforeseeing but all of ours are now.

I sighed and looked at the beautiful patterned snowflakes fall. I should probably get home now but it was so peaceful here... calming...almost tranquilizing, it's not like they can't find me up in this tree it's not too far from the house.

Right then a vision hit me so hard I almost fell out of the tree.

It was of a girl. She was around my age and was trying to pull herself out of the ice water. She was obviously here in Alaska. She had long wavy brown hair that kind of reminded me of Bella... Wait Bella? I tried to look closer into the vision but she wouldn't look up. Come on. come on. come on! Then all the sudden her head snapped up.


But she looked terrified. I peered in closer trying to see her face than I realized she was covered in both fresh and old scars. I frowned as I looked into her eyes, blue. Her eyes were blue. Bella's eyes weren't blue before...maybe contacts but how does she look eighteen still and she looks inhumanly beautiful. She looks different but the same.

Then I saw all of us approaching. Edward Emmett, Jasper, Rose, Esme, Carlilse and me. We had our hands up like we were trying to show her that we wouldn't hurt her. Bella just looked like a helpless injured animal trapped in a corner. Oh poor Bella. I felt like I was going to cry, if I could.

Her body was curled into itself and her eyes were wide and vulnerable. She was very skinny; her bones showed through what little clothes she had on, they protruded through her weak skin almost tearing through. I felt sick, I swallowed and kept watching. She hid behind her hair and quivered but I don't think it was from the cold.

Than the vision was gone.

I gasped when it was over. Oh My Gosh. I jumped out of the tree and sprinted as fast as my tiny legs could move. When I reached the house I flew up the stairs to reach the cabin doors. I pulled the cabin doors open pulling them off the hinges.

I looked around the room frantically; everyone was here in the living room for Friday movie night, Esme's attempt at making us a 'family' again.

Although Edward was not here...

I yelled mentally.

Edward! Get your butt down here!

No response.


I stomped my foot, growling at the arrogance of that boy. I swear sometimes he was so clueless for a mind reader.


Jasper was at my side putting a hand on my shoulder to calm me down and to comfort me. Everyone was here now standing in front of me with worried expressions. I was breathing hard still in shock of what I saw.

"What did you see?" Edward mumbled coming down the stairs, he had this insensible, drained atmosphere about him, like he cared for nothing. Just being near him made you feel stifled with pain. He looked a mess. His eyes were as dark as night and below them lingered dark shadows. He hasn't hunted in I don't know how long. He actually looked kind of scary.

"Alice you can stop with the critiquing now." He snapped.

I have to keep Edward out of my head. I started to sing the first song that came to my head. 'Shakira- Hips don't lie'. He'll be pissed but it's the song that first came to mind. I saw him narrow his eyes at me.

I took a deep breath but my voice came out as a squeak. I was so scared for Bella and I was praying Edward wouldn't over react.

"I had a v-vision" Everyone was waiting for me to continue. Carlisle prompted me "Of what Alice?" I swallowed and looked up to everyone's faces.

I whispered. "More like who, Carlisle...I saw...Bella."
