What If Identity Crisis Would've Occurred Differently?

Author: Indiana Joanna

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I don't and I will NEVER own The Spectacular Spider-Man

Spoilers: Identity Crisis

Synopsis: The title says it all.

AN:The story won't start with the Watcher's babbling, It will just start from the scene where Venom is fighting Spider-Man in front of Midtown High. Instead of the fight. (which is in the episode) this will occur. The story was inspired by Spider-Man's unmasking in Civil War 2


Chapter 1: The Turning Point


Venom webbed up Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man on the wall. Spider-Man struggled escaping the sticky black web, but it was useless, the webs were too strong.

''What's the matter, Parker? Caught in the webs?'' Eddie Brock AKA Venom taunted. ''Let's show the public the REAL you,'' Venom maniacally laughed reaching Spidey's mask.

The reporters were everywhere, trying to get every detail of the fight, especially now with the recent information that Peter Parker might be Spider-Man.

''Eddie, don't do it! You'll put innocent lives in danger!'' Spider-Man tried explaining to Eddie.

''Oooh, but what fun would that be?'' Venom laughed again trying to reach the mask. Spider-Man was desperate. He struggled trying to avoid Venom's hand but Venom was too quick, and with a stroke he lifted Spider-Man's mask revealing us the one and only PETER PARKER.

''Ladies and gentlemen, it appears that Peter Parker is indeed Spider-Man!'' the reporter announced.

Peter felt like a helpless puppy. What will it happen now, with his identity being revealed to the world?

'What will happen to Aunt May, and my friends? They will be targeted by every villain I fought!' Peter thought.

''Have fun, Spider-Man!'' Venom evilly said, leaving the unmasking scene.

''I swear, Venom, you're gonna pay for this!'' Peter furiously shouted. 'He did it. He destroyed my life.' Peter stated in his mind.

''Mr. Parker, is it true you had an affair with the Black Cat?'' A reporter asked. Peter hasn't realized, that while he was trying to wake up from this nightmare, reporters have surrounded him.

Somehow, Peter broke the webs. 'Irony,' he thought darkly. And swung away from the reporters....

What will happen next?

Small Preview from Chapter 2: Reactions

''Not in a million years! Puny Parker can't be Spider-Man!''

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