Title: Breaking the rules- 100 themes challenge.
Author: Darkening-wings
Rating: T for language, I guess.
Summary: they spend at least a few weeks in the world, travelling. I don't recall a shower in it, no?

A/N: no, it's not what you think. This was rated T, not M. Ah, and the characters are not mine. Please do point out what I have done wrong, if you want to! R&R would be much appreciated.

Terra hid behind Cecil when Light and the rest of the group entered the "Base": nothing more than a big tent with a fire in the middle. They had all been quite beat-up during the day, and were tired from having fought several battles in a row.

Light turned his back to the paladin and the girl to nod to the others: "Tomorrow, we'll settle this."

Nods and grins were exchanged, someone -probably Tidus- shouted a "YES!" and tripped someone over. Soon a bunch of hungry males tried not to jump the two who had prepared the dinner, and during the midst of slurping tomato soup and tearing Chocobo meat from the leg, they were interrupted by a loud cough.

They all fell silent and looked to the Paladin in front of them, red juice dripping off of their faces.

"My dear..." Cecil seemed to think it over for a while, letting go of the frying pan as he did, and then nodded to them. "... Comrades." He ended the sentence.

Light took the opportunity to brush some meat off of his armor.

"You're all... How should I put it? You are very dear to me. Of course you are already aware of this, and especially you, Light." Paladin and leader shot angry glares at each other while the group giggled for no apparent reason. Terra only hid behind Cecil again, as her usually light complexion turned a dark red. "My point is, and please do not try to beat my teeth out of my mouth for my stating this..."

He took a deep breath and made a face. "You all stink."

At first, it was very, very quiet. Then someone snorted with laughter and the others joined in. The paladin's arms were raised from his sides to be placed across his chest, and Terra bit her tongue trying to keep quiet.

The warrior of Light stepped out of the cackling mass of people, quite calm and collected, hands now on his hips.

"You mean that we're dirty, yes?"

"Yes, and I am shocked that you do not realize you are, yourselves."

Light tilted his head slightly to the side. "Did you not have enough time to apply your make-up correctly this morning? Did someone write something on your armor? Oh, is it perhaps that time of the month?"

The few following minutes passed with Cecil beating Light a good one or two times with the mentioned paragon's helmet while calling him names such as "bull-headed asshole" and "Man-Skirt", much to the amusement of the others.

When the paladin towered over the rest of them, blood spatters on his white armor and still with a tight grip on their Leader's helmet, they all fell silent. "Let me say this one more time: you all reek, you stink like pig's shit. I won't tolerate this smell in our camp for one more hour, so go wash yourselves. Ah, and while I'm at it, please learn some manners."

And without another word, he strode out of the tent, leaving eight wide-eyed faces to stare after him as he left.

A few minutes later, Light managed to lift one, quivering hand to wave; encouraging them to follow the other man's orders.