Hallo! Well heres the fanfic that I've been wanting to write. But first there's a few warnings: 1) there was never a plane crash (but Tony still has his implant, I'll explain later). 2) Pepper and Tony have never meet, either Rhodey and Pepper. 3) Gene is a normal guy (He'll have a small part). 4) Pepper doesn't go to Tomorrow Academy. 5) Tony's dad is alive, but not captured. 6)Stane gets fired! YAY!! Enjoy!

"Freeze! FBI!" It's been the 23rd murder case Pepper Potts has solved with the help of her father and his men. She was 14 when she first started, that was two years ago. She's 16, and has a badge on reserve when she is old enough. No one outside the FBI knows that she has been helping them for two years. Heck, she had to sneak in one of the meeting to tell them her profile, which happened to be correct. Ever since she was able to help solve crimes, but had no type of authority over anyone because technically she doesn't have a badge. But she could carry a gun, sweet. Now she was walking towards the directors office. When she got close enough, she heard arguing.

"NO! IT'S TO DANGEROUS!" A voice yelled. (Pepper could tell it was her father.)

"Well I think she had enough experience in the cases" Another voice said. (Which was the director)

"No, no, no, and NO!" Mr. Potts yelled.

"Potts, your daughter is perfect for the job, because having one of your men with a gun and badge around him would be hard for the poor kid to fit in his school" The director said.

"He doesn't even go to school!" Mr. Potts exclaimed.

"He starts tomorrow" The director said calmly.

"Where?" Potts asked.

"The Tomorrow Academy." The director said.

"She doesn't even-Pepper!" Mr. Potts said, interrupted by his presence of his daughter.

"Um, what are you guys talking about?" Pepper asked.

"Potts can you please leave? I need to talk to Pepper in private." The director asked him.

"Fine..." Mr. Potts said as he left the office.

"Ah, Pepper you've done a great job in the fields of the BAU, and now I think I need to assign you something different" The director said.

"Like what? You know, I'm actually fine with working in the BAU." Pepper told him.

"Well Pepper this job is perfect for you, because in your years if training in the martial arts and target practice, I think your fine in protecting an Innocent citizen right?" The director asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine in that" Pepper said.

"Good. I need you to protect Tony Stark" The director said.

"What? Why?" Pepper asked.

"Because your excellent for the job, and you seem like no threat to the eyes of the assassin" The director said.

"Assassin? What assassin?" Pepper asked.

"The Ghost" The director said. Pepper clenched her teeth, and balled up her hand into a fist. She had been trying to catch that bastard since she first heard of him, when she was 14. Her dad said it was to dangerous for her to deal with so he got shot instead, but that was two years ago. She needed to catch him, before he took another life. It was her justice, and she followed it.

"I'll do it" Pepper told the director.

"Good choice, meet me in the gadgets room" He said.

The gadget room was where scientists, inventors, engineers, and other people come together and make high-tech things. Pepper had no idea what they did there, because she was more of a field agent. Solved murders, attacks, threats to homeland security etc., etc. It was her first time going in there. There was different tech. stuff all over the room, the tech. that's in-the-works, forgotten tech., and completed projects. She followed the director towards two scientists, when they approached the two started laughing nervously.

"Hello Mr. Lubach" The director said.

"Hello Director" Mr. Lubach said.

"What do you have for Ms. Potts over here?" The director said.

"Well, we have sunglasses and glasses" Mr. Lubach said.

"How is that gonna help?" Pepper asked.

"Well, these aren't ordinary, of course these glasses let you see anything invisible, we studied the piece of his suit when..." Mr. Lubach said, but trailed off at the end.

"When my father got shot." Pepper stated.

"Um, exactly, uh... well also we have different types of GPS trackers, one in a version of a bracelet, a necklace, and a cellphone" Mr. Lubach explained.

"Pepper take the glasses and the cellphone" The director ordered.

"Okay" Pepper said. Mr. Lubach gave the glasses and cellphone to Pepper, then gave her the bracelet and the necklace.

"You meet Stark at noon, no later" The director told her.

"Pepper, I want you to wait outside of Mr. Starks office until I give the go okay?" Mr. Potts told her.

"Okay" Pepper said.

Soon they were entering Stark Tower. Trisha, the lady at the front desk, called Mr. Stark telling him the FBI agents were there. They entered the elevator and went straight up to his office.

"Ah, Hello I'm Howard Stark" Tony's Dad said.

"Agent Potts" Pepper's Dad said.

"Nice to meet you" Mr. Stark said.

"Likewise" Mr. Potts said.

"Well, are you going to protect my son?" Howard asked.

"No, my daughter will" Mr. Potts said.

"Isn't your daughter 16?" Mr. Stark asked, he had a little chuckle in his voice.

"Yes, sir but she solved 23 murder cases, stopped 15 attacks, and caught the leader of five gangs, so I think she deserves a little more respect." Mr. Potts said.

"Where is this wonderful girl?" Howard asked.

"I'm right here" Pepper said as she squeezed through the big security guards that were at his door.

"Well, hello I'm" "I know Howard Stark" Mr. Stark tried to say but interrupted by Pepper.

"I'm Patricia Potts but call me Pepper" She said.

"Okay, Pepper" Howard said.

"Where's your son, we need him to be in sight or the Ghost might get him" Potts said.

"Ghost? Who's that?" Mr. Stark asked.

"An assassin who was hired to kill your son, this man who hired the Ghost is most likely trying to get to you putting a threat to you by putting your son in danger, so do you have any type of enemies that would do that?" Pepper explained to him.

"Not that I know of" Howard answered.

"Okay, how about your son?" Pepper asked.

"Well Tony only hangs out with a boy named James Rhodes, they've been friends as long as I can remember" Howard said.

"Alright, can you call this James Rhodes and your son?" Mr. Potts asked.

"Why?" Mr. Stark asked.

"So we can ask them a few questions" Pepper said looking down at her cell.

"Dad? What's wrong? Why did you need me and Rhodey?" Tony asked his father.

"The correct way of saying that is Rhodey and I, sheesh for a genius you have no sense of grammar" Pepper said behind him.

"Sorry kinda focused on something else I don't have time for grammar" Tony said.

"And respect" Pepper snapped back.

"Who is this?" Tony asked.

"Oh this Agent Potts, and...Agent Potts?" Howard said a little confused.

"Exactly, um where's your friend?" Pepper asked.

"He's coming up, your a FBI agent?" Tony asked her.

"Yeah, I've been helping the FBI since I was 14, the director just gave me my badge this morning" Pepper said.

"And I wasn't in on that" Mr. Potts said harshly.

"Gosh, Dad you don't trust me with a badge, but you do trust me with a gun?" Pepper told him.

"Yeah pretty much" Potts said.

"Seriously Dad, you called the FBI." Tony told him.

"Tony, stop whining this girl will protect you" Mr. Stark said.

"How? she just got her badge this morning!!" Tony exclaimed.

"Listen, I have been through years of martial art training, and target practice, I've profiled some of the sickest murders out there and got them before they took another life, now this assassin has a success rate of 98%, the other 2% had died from shock, so technically he kills most of his hits, so listen to your father and stop whining" Pepper said annoyingly, she hated when people just took her as a stupid kid.

"Sorry I'm late" A voice said from the door.

"Rhodey!" Tony said.

"Hey Tony" Rhodey said.

"Come on in Rhodey, we just have a couple of questions" Mr. Potts said.

"Who are you?" Rhodey asked.

"Agent Potts from the FBI, this is my daughter Pepper, she's also an agent, she'll be protecting Tony and you from the Ghost" Mr. Potts said.

"I thought this assassin was after Tony" Rhodey said

"He is but this assassin might kill the people most closest to the hit, because he likes seeing people angry" Pepper explained.

"Oh..." Rhodey whispered. Pepper and her Dad just started laughing.

"What?" Tony asked.

"He soooo believed us!!!" Pepper exclaimed.

"This assassin only kills his hits" Mr. Potts said.

"Sorry if we scared you Rhodes" Pepper said.

"That wasn't funny" Rhodey said.

"Fine, fine I had my fun" Pepper said as she took out a pad and a pen. "Rhodes, have any new people come up to you and started a conversation?"

"Um, no, not really" Rhodey answered.

"So who is this 'not really'?" Pepper asked.

"What?" Rhodey asked.

"Who is this 'not really'?" Pepper asked again.

"Well, this girl started talking to me suddenly" Rhodey said.

"Okay, whats her name?" Pepper asked.

"Uh...Whitney...Whitney Stane" Rhodey said as he started blushing. Pepper let out a small laugh.

"What now?" Tony asked with some type of attitude in his voice.

"Nothing..." Pepper said.

"Pepper..." Mr. Potts whispered.

"What?!" Pepper asked."I'm just debriefing this guy, gosh. Anyway, did she say anything about Mr. Attitude over here?"

"No, she just asked me if I wanted to get a bite" Rhodey said with the blush still clinging on his face. Pepper started laughing again. Mr. Potts just sighed and then asked Mr. Stark if he minded leaving the kids alone. Then they both left the office leaving Pepper, Rhodey and Tony alone.

"Okay, moving on, Tony has anyone started paying more attention to you?" Pepper asked.

"Yeah, the assassin" Tony responded.

"Anyone else?" Pepper asked.

"Yeah, Stane, Whitney's dad" Tony said with a smirk on his face clearly bringing up the last subject up again.

"Obadiah Stane? He works here?" Pepper asked.

"Yeah, he's been working here since the beginning" Tony said.

"Shit. Excuse me" Pepper said. Pepper took her phone and called the BAU.

"Garcia? Yeah its me Pepper" She said. Then silence. "Can you do me a favor?" Pepper asked. Silence. "Great, look up Obadiah Stane for me" Pepper said. Silence. "He was the one who..." Pepper trailed off. Silence. "Selling off private information of the company?" Pepper asked. Silence. "Awesome, Thanks Garcia, tell Hotch and Rossi to come over to question Stane, Say Hi to the others for me" Silence. "Thanks Garcia!" Pepper said. End of conversation.

"What's going on?" Tony asked.

"Nothing" Pepper said.

"So, anything new happening?" Pepper asked as she put her pad and pen away.

"No, not really oh I just found out that someone trying to kill me!" Tony exclaimed.

"Listen Tony my Dad and his men, my team, and I will try everything to protect you, so no need to worry" Pepper said reassuringly.

"Yeah, I thought this guy was invisible" Tony said.

"He is, but the guys from the K.E.M. made some lenses for me, they can see him, well at least his armor." Pepper said.

"Really? Can I see them?" Tony asked.

"Here we go..." Rhodey whispered.

"What?" Tony asked.

"Once you get your hands on someone Else'stech you start saying whats wrong" Rhodey said.

"Oh, whatever" Tony said.

"It's okay, its not mine anyway" Pepper said as she passed over her 'glasses'.

"Wow. Its awesome..." Tony said. He looked all over room with the glasses on.

"So what school do you guys go to?" Pepper asked while Tony was still playing around with the glasses.

"Tomorrow Academy" Rhodey replied.

"Oh, really? How is it over there?" Pepper asked.

"It's okay I guess i don't really like going to school" Rhodey said.

"What kid does" Pepper stated.

"How is it? Going to school?" Tony asked.

"You've never been to school?" Pepper asked.

"Not really, the only time I ever got close to a school is when I went to go get Rhodey to show him my new invention" Tony said looking down to his shoes with the 'glasses' still on.

"Ooohh you actually make inventions?" Pepper asked.

"Yeah..." Tony said.

"Okay, what your current invention?" Pepper asked excitedly.

"Um...it's kinda a secret" Tony said.

"Aaawww..." Pepper whined.

"Sorry" Tony said.

"Hey, do you guys think this guy, Iron Man is like a robot?" Pepper asked.

"No." Tony responded.

"Why do you ask that?" Rhodey asked.

"Cuz' I totally love that guy!!! Red is like my favorite color!! And, he saved me a couple weeks ago when I was running away from Fix's men, and when I got captured by the Maggia" Pepper said.

"Did you hear that Tony? She got saved from Iron Man" Rhodey said.

"Cool." Tony said. 'So that where I've seen her...' Tony thought.

"What school do you go to?" Rhodey asked.

"I go to Ski Academy down the road from yours" Pepper said.

"Oh, how is over there?" Tony asked.

"Well actually its kinda fun because the principal, Kloud is like a total kid its funny" Pepper said.

"Here you might want that back" Tony said as he passed back her 'glasses'. Right when she put them on, she the Ghost standing on the rooftop of the building across the road. He had his gun pointed towards the billionaire.


And it ends... *Evil grin* CLIFFHANGER!! it sucks when it happens to you but when it your the one writing it, it just brightens your day!!! Hope you guys liked it. And I had another reference to Criminal Minds. Plus for you fans of Criminal minds the team might make an apperance!! Reid totally!! he's like the awesomest of the awesomest!! He he fangirl mode there sorry... Well review please!!! If you don't the Ghost will come get you!! Lol...